You need GUNS, and lots of them. With guns, I can take your supplies, or easily barter for more. You have freeze dried food, I have lots of guns.....who is going to be eating good that night?
are we brothers from a different mother? i think so
You need GUNS, and lots of them. With guns, I can take your supplies, or easily barter for more. You have freeze dried food, I have lots of guns.....who is going to be eating good that night?
if history has shown us anything its the success of group of humans banding together for their mutual aid. That is how we evolved from the i'll just take yours because i'm bigger, stronger, better armed or whatever. The Americas were settled by people banding together to farm and raise families. Never underestimate the strength of a peaceful family man defending what he would die for. Most takers are to selfish to form a cohesive group.
Money is the root of all evil.
Perhaps this is all the normal flow of progress and evolution and it's a wild ride that never stops but we do keep changing and the kids are always new.