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Dog farts stink!


This is some funny stuff.
Now my dog was to much a LADY to fart in front of me. She'd get this funny look on her face slink off to the other room with her tail between her legs then come running back in a wagging her tail with a shit eating smile on here face.

Now my 75 year old MOTHER on the other hand, she can't get up out of a sitting position without cutting the Cheese or sounding like a Mouse on a Motorcycle never fails Hell she'll even warn people like at a Doctors office. she says "I'm old I fart. :fartyparty:


All I can picture in my mind is all of you following your dogs around "sniffing to smell their farts"
JFC there are better things to do than listen and follow your dogs ass around.


I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with th
From my observation,, no fart smells as wonderful as my own.

My dog,, dosen't mind, but the woman - she leaves the room. Which takes most the fun out of sex.

If ya feed your doggy (or yourself) some charcoal this helps soak up the gas or something in their gut and keeps the farts down...

Char is awesome!

Is THAT why she feeds me burnt offerings???


All I can picture in my mind is all of you following your dogs around "sniffing to smell their farts"
JFC there are better things to do than listen and follow your dogs ass around.

This is off Topic Butt my cat walked across my chest once his BUTT was inches from my face I went in and took a sniff

it STUNK:puke:


I hold El Roacho's
I watch my dogs fart and some sound like mines but what I get really jelous about is after my dog farts he can turn and lick his ass clean when I fart I have to bath and dry off, now if only I could lick my own ass I would save on soap and washing towels.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
RoachClip.....use a wet-wipe...

...My dogs live outside so I rarely if ever catch a whiff..

...It's only when I have to drive them to the vet in the truck to get their yearly rabies shot that they get me......When my big Rott farts in the truck I have to stop (gagging as I hold my breath with my hands over my mouth and nose) and bail out, open all doors, turn the aircon on full and be armed with a can of perfumed Lysol to fumigate the cab before I can get back in there to drive off.....


I watch my dogs fart and some sound like mines but what I get really jelous about is after my dog farts he can turn and lick his ass clean when I fart I have to bath and dry off, now if only I could lick my own ass I would save on soap and washing towels.

lol wtf roachclip, there is a difference between farting and shitting your pants m8. If you need to wipe your ass after farting, then technically its not a fart!! :)

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
lol wtf roachclip, there is a difference between farting and shitting your pants m8. If you need to wipe your ass after farting, then technically its not a fart!! :)

...yeah technically it's called 'FOLLOWING-THRU'


Active member
I am sitting here with my pitbull pup and she is puttering full on "marie calendar chicken dinner farts". I don't know what she got into to make those. Whatever it was it was probably more appetizing than an actual marie calendar microwave dinner.


Hey lets try n keep it on topic here folks...I didnt start this thread so people can come in here and get shitty! Sharts are to dogfarts what peas are to carrots non the less lets be real here. this is a dogfart thread!

For real though its a sad thing when your dog farts and it reminds you of something you ate..lmfao!! But those marie whatever mc gees are prolly made from reprocessed dog farts. I actually think i saw a special on that once where they said the trick to there great taste was using pure breed labradoodles and puggs.


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
when your dogs fart, does it sound just like a human fart?...my dogs do and it scares me!

This is by far the worst part. She stands up there and just "FFFWWWEEEEEEPPPPP" and then runs out of the room like she can't stand to smell it either. So you get that extra 2 seconds of warning before it hits you. . .


May your race always be in your favor
My Great Danes farts will melt your eyeballs. So I feed her a probiotic powder, and she doesn't fart near as much or as bad. I mean it's like you have to leave the room or gag, and at night it'd wake you up choking. Now thats dog farts.
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