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Does you dog or pet understand you?



You have to spell it, B-A-T-H. Hazel won't come, either. I can bathe her outside, no leash, but hell if I can get her into our shower for a nice warm one. Which would be a LOT easier for *me* (warmer, too). I train all my dogs to stand for bathing, no if's, and's or but's about it.

Does anyone else's dog just stare at them? Like you owe them money or something? Hazel's a starer. Stop looking at me!

Do not fuck with this dog's cat, by the way. He is her leader.


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Active member
my 5 cats are actually damn telepathic. (and bloody super over sensitive.)

do understand speech too.

but only when they damn want it...

masters of ignoring me when they dont wanna.


Professor Organic Psychology
I got a new doggy a couple weeks ago, the son of my original dog. He is so far as smart as a bag of hammers, a total pain in the ass and on the verge of getting a whooping at any minute. I wish I could fast-forward his training.


Here is the pups daddy. The most beautiful and well mannered dog in the universe.



Do you use your fingers like a dog's mouth and 'bite' him when he's getting out of hand?

Sorry, but my dog's the most beautiful dog in the universe. :D


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
yes Dozer stares at me like he is waiting for something to happen. He does this for a long time It's wierd. I tell him to go away..


Professor Organic Psychology
Lately I have been tossing him. He cries at the bottom of the bed all hours of the night to get in bed with me. I bring him in and he starts biting me. I cover up with a blanket and he pulls the blanket off and starts biting me again. Only thing I can do is flip him backwards the length of the bed. He is a little pit bull. He has sharp needle teeth and jaws. He likes to bite things and shake them. I do not play with him that way at all, and always punish him when he tries. My biggest fear is his biting a child when he is like 6 months old and sending me to court or worse. He is a cute little bruiser, he just needs massive training. I had no idea this would be such an emergency.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
he is teething get lots of toys for him.. soft ruber and hard plastic.. Traing is very important.. You need to make the time to get this part done. The younger they are the better..


Professor Organic Psychology
I got him some bones from he butcher, rawhide bones, pig ears and toys. Toys made of rope, toys that squeak (I guess as in pain), and one of his favorites is to play tug of war with a wash cloth. He is teething and cries about it, but he also wants that living interaction. He sleeps a lot in the day and gets into trouble at night.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
As in speech. Does your dog or cat know what you are saying to them?

My dog understands a lot of things, especially the things he likes. If i say walk or leash he gets crazy excited. If I am having trouble finding his leash i ask him where is your leash and he helps me find it. He bounces and wags his whole ass while he looks. If I tell him he is in trouble he expresses a shameful look and gets all pouty. If I ask if he wants to visit his friends or girl friend he goes apeshit and jumps on all the furniture. He is a tough guy pit bull. If he has a toy I tell him to kill it and tears it up, growls and flips it in the air.

He talks to me too, and I usually understand what he wants. My gf thinks she taught him to say momma.

i feel like my pit wants me to think she doesnt hear me somtimes. but i know she does.. i try not to repeat myself when i give a command.. so if she doesnt listen, i always say " what did i say?' and then she does it. as if she was fucking with me.


natural mystic
ICMag Donor
@ huligun
bite inhibition, that's what you'll have to train with your lil dawg..whenever you do something with him and he bites you, then you should make him
clear that you don't like it by shouting out an aouaaah or something like that :D stop the game or anything you do and show him your back or go away!
You'll have to teach him that you're a human and you don't play like a dawg ;)


You let your dog sleep in your bed with you...?

I'm not sure how to say this other than just say it how it is in my head, but do you understand dog dominance, the signals, etcetera, and how to put yourself into the dominant position? My girl's 7yo and I still have to remind her, and she takes what are to me huge liberties with others because they misread stuff like her leaning on them as just being friendly. No, she's 'owning' you and that has to quit, she's too big and too strong for that and could hurt someone.

Because of her size, because of the potential, I have some very rigid rules for her. NEVER teeth on human flesh, EVER. You may not put your feet on humans, not even on our feet. You may not lean on us. You *must* respect all humans' physical space and may never precede a human, especially when entering or leaving buildings, etc. Furniture is for humans, not animals.

There have been those people who say I'm too hard on my dog, but I don't yell at her, I don't hit her, she's not afraid of me, but you'd better believe that she respects me and does what she's told. It took years of hard work to get to that point, but I trust this dog rather completely with all people, unless she's outside and very excited. She can whip you with her tail, so that's also got to be watched out for if she's very happy and wiggly. Much of my time with her is spent reinforcing calmness as much as my dominance.

It doesn't matter what breed the dog is, it's a dog first. That's my POV.


Professor Organic Psychology
i feel like my pit wants me to think she doesnt hear me somtimes. but i know she does.. i try not to repeat myself when i give a command.. so if she doesnt listen, i always say " what did i say?' and then she does it. as if she was fucking with me.

I am no expert, these are the first two pit bulls I have ever owned. However, people say that pits are the most Un-Dog like of all dogs. They do not always respond to your every word or feeling like most dogs.

My dog is always glad to see me when I am away. He runs to me all excited, but most of his time he is content to just lay near me and chill. I talk to him and unless I say certain key words I think he ignores me.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I did let my Bully sleep with me wen he was a pup. This was a better solution then crate training I dont like that at all.. He did not bite me. He slept and when he needed to go pee he would let me know and woke me up. If he was down on the floor he would pee. So this worked out for me. He now does not sleep with me in fact he hates it. I think I move to much for him lol. Summertime's he wants to visit me on the bed but 30 min later he jumping down.


Professor Organic Psychology
I did let my Bully sleep with me wen he was a pup. This was a better solution then crate training I dont like that at all.. He did not bite me. He slept and when he needed to go pee he would let me know and woke me up. If he was down on the floor he would pee. So this worked out for me. He now does not sleep with me in fact he hates it. I think I move to much for him lol. Summertime's he wants to visit me on the bed but 30 min later he jumping down.

That is kind of what I am doing. He is getting better, biting less and snuggling more, but still a pain.

And pee-ing... that dog pees 6 times in the night. During the day I will see him start to pee, take him outside and he does pee, we go for a walk and ten minutes later he is peeing again. Then we go in and I hear him at the water bowl drinking like there is no tomorrow. All I can think of is the pee when I hear that.

Maybe there should be a stoner dog training sticky thread here and let me moderate. Not that I am an expert... just a cool kind of guy that knows how to keep the peace.


Does anyone else's dog just stare at them? Like you owe them money or something? Hazel's a starer. Stop looking at me!

I hear you SeaMaiden. My dog jumps in my lounge chair when I get up and go to my desk. He gets really comfortable and then just stares at me. And stares...and stares. It's really unnerving but I don't get angry. I reckon he thinks "what a dumbass he is for getting out of the chair--he must know I'd jump in it" and he's gloating at how smart he (thinks) he is. He won't go near the sofa 'cause he knows that's my wife's territory :laughing:

I give him a friendly growl and he's out of the chair in a heartbeat. An hour later and he's back in my chair again :nanana:

So I ordered a salami online a while back and now my dogs love the mailman. They know when he's approaching--- instead of going into their wannabe attack dog routine they get all wiggly.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
The smartest dog I ever met did not belong to me but I swear this dog was the closest thing to a human that I have ever seen. This dog understood everything you said it really was the most incredible thing I have even seen . Now I know that some dogs inteligents are way beyond what we understand. Not all dogs I have never met another dog like this one sinceThe "Nature of Things" did a show about how certain animals become friends with other speices and they stay friends for life it was an amazing show that makes you think. headband 707

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The smartest dog I ever met was a Queensland Heeler named Farrier (he was my horse farrier's dog). That dog knew EVERY tool and what it was called, and he was the farrier's helper. And lemme tell you, farrier tools are big, heavy, and metal. That dog wasn't even 2' at the shoulder, but he could get up to the back of the truck, he'd jump in, and went right for the correct tool EVERY TIME. I wish I could have videotaped it.
I hear you SeaMaiden. My dog jumps in my lounge chair when I get up and go to my desk. He gets really comfortable and then just stares at me. And stares...and stares. It's really unnerving but I don't get angry. I reckon he thinks "what a dumbass he is for getting out of the chair--he must know I'd jump in it" and he's gloating at how smart he (thinks) he is. He won't go near the sofa 'cause he knows that's my wife's territory :laughing:

I give him a friendly growl and he's out of the chair in a heartbeat. An hour later and he's back in my chair again :nanana:

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=15972&pictureid=969286&thumb=1]View Image[/URL]
I can't see your pix! Album set to private, mayhaps?

I don't get mad, but you're right, it's a little unnerving. What??? What is it?? I know you feel me on that.
So I ordered a salami online a while back and now my dogs love the mailman. They know when he's approaching--- instead of going into their wannabe attack dog routine they get all wiggly.
LMAO! Good to know for future reference--no online salamis!