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Does you dog or pet understand you?

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Thanks for the good vibes guys!

I am currently on the hunt for another Saint. It is hard to say goodbye, but the trip is worth the price you pay.

I am a dog owner.


Bobby, I have a Saint Francis in my garden to look over all our animal friends who have passed. I loved them, and I love Saint Francis, but I think he was wrong, I know they have souls. May she rest in peace.

He's looking over my old girl, too, Missy Dawg. Best, but stupidest, dog I ever had.
Yeah all my dogs understand a number of words.

My old, old Queensland Heeler is blind. He does pretty well though because he knows where everything in our house and on our land is. When we go someplace strange though, I can guide him verbally. He knows 'look out' means he's going to run into something and he stops. He knows 'back up', 'go left', 'go right', 'hole', 'bump', 'cactus'.

My dog understands certain words and phrases, but she, and no other dog I've known, has ever, EVER been as smart as a heeler I knew when I was young, named Farrier. The dog got the farrier's tools for him. Seriously.

Hazel knows the following: Go for a ride, come in, LIE DOWN! OUT! Ah ah! sit, and stay. Maybe some other stuff, too, hell if I can remember right now. She ain't as smart as a heeler, and that's the truth.

I've actually worked to teach the dog as many hand signals as I can think of, so pretty much every voice command has a corresponding physical signal. So I can call her to me, have her sit, lie down, move, get out, and get in the car all with hand signals. I cannot get her to stop the bad thing she's doing with a hand signal unless she sees me, and then I wave my finger at her and scowl like she's a child. Otherwise, it's the AH AH!

Dog. I sing a song of dog. Yes, I sing to my dogs. And cats. And kids. And sometimes I just sing. It ain't pretty and it ain't fine, but at least I'm happy and when I sing to the dog it makes her happy.


Active member
i think it's more of a tone /& phrase sorta thing along with body~language that dogs pick up on....
exactly. they pick up on the smallest things. most times when i feel sick and getting ready to puke my bitch comes up and wants a pat and hug. then she watches me barf. dogs pick up on your mood and the tone of your voice. i can lower my eyebrow at her and she lays down automatically.


Cautiously Optimistic
As you can tell from my avatar, I have a pug and a cat. Does anyone else notice that they always decide to do the most OFF-THE-WALL things once you get stoned? An example is, I had just settled in and was editing some video when I look over and my cat is eating at her bowl, except that instead of the normal head-in-the-bowl way she normally does it, she's picking it up in her paw and feeding herself. At the same time, my dog Max is doing the butt-scoot thing (which never fails to make me HOWL!) when he stops he sees me laughing and he just starts to do this howl/yodel type of noise that he NEVER did before. It was almost as if he was either laughing with me or mocking me. It was the oddest thing and I never noticed this behavior from them before or after.


Professor Organic Psychology
The night before last my boy needed to go out. It was like 3 am. Not the first time he has done this. So l put my slippers on and take him outside. Because it was dark he got a little crazy. He loves it at night. He ran across a four lane road without even looking. I nearly freaked to fuck out. There is a park over there that I take him to, but we always use the crosswalk and wait our turn. We have been doing it this way four 5 years. I think because it was dark and traffic was light he either got too crazy or just felt it was okay. I yelled at him but didn't want him to come back until I got there so I could grab his collar and control when he crossed. So as i got there the little fucker darted back across the street and ran back into the house. He jumped on the sofa and acted all guilty. He is lucky I didnt punch him. My biggest fear is losing him on that busy road. He never crosses the street without my express permission. I really should have hit him for his own good but I don't work that way. The look on his face expressed deep guilt. If he does it ever again I am popping him.


my dogs understand SOOOOOOO much ! ...... but it is not anything written in a dictionary


I feel bad for people that have dogs that DON'T understand them. One of the reasons why my family has kept APBT ( American Pit Bull Terrier ) around for over a 100 years is there intelligence and there ability to comprehend. With Bella i can tell that bitch " Go to your room your in time out" she will go lay down for 20 minutes then start to army crawl back down the hall to see if its alright. i also have multiple names for all my dogs and when i train them i dont use set commands, i feel it helps to keep their brain active when they have to learn multiple phrases. just to leave the house i use probably ten different things. if i leave the house i tell the boys to go watch the plants and they lay around the perimeter. If my dogs didnt understand me i definitely wouldnt have six 80lbs+ dogs lol


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
absolutely they understand us.. They are just being stubborn when we say something and they dont listen to you. They know what you want just dont want to do it.

I have been pondering a kitty lately but Dozer might have an issue with that. He is not aggressive but a big bruiser he does not know his own strength


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

my 1st springer spaniel Trixie had about 20-25 toys at any given time, plush toys, squeek toys etc... I gave each toy a distinctly different sounding name and she knew them all. Trixie knew it pleased me that she remembered those names and I believe she found it easy to do. some dogs are instinctively bright or clever and others need guidance, the fact is that you usually get out exactly what you put into your pets.



I swear, all my dog tries to do is real my body language, tone and what I say. He knows a number of key words. All he wants to do is follow me around. By far the smartest I've had in my lifetime, with a couple treats I can teach him a trick in an afternoon. Love german shepherds!!!
dogs know a hell of a lot more than people give them credit for

sometimes they amaze me how smart they are

now if i could just get stray ones to stop showing up at the house lol
My Jack Russell understands all kinds of shit. We started spelling around him to throw him off, but now he knows that spelling means we're probably talking about something he would be interested in. My chihuahua on the other hand barely knows her name.


Active member
i dont have a doggie door. i got a doggie window. she is free to jump the 5 foot jump any time she wants.24/7. and does.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
A new adventure in dog ownership.



The Mad Monk
Nice looking pup, Bobby. That paw is almost bigger than his head! I hope it's a long and fun adventure for both of ya.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I got very lucky with my Dozer. He does what I want most of the time. He sometimes wont come inside when I call. He wont come when I call to take a bath 100% of the time lol..its weird sometimes its like he knows exactly what i'm saying when he looks at me and does what I ask.

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