Over the course of 35 years, the U.S. government has spent an estimated $500 billion dollars fighting the drug trade, yet critics argue that there has been very little to show for it. In an article published in November, Rolling Stone reporter Ben Wallace-Wells explains why he thinks America has lost the war.
I will give you the definition for insanity, insanity is spending $500 billion on a war you can't win. And no it is not the war on terrorism, that war can't be won either,but it won't stop the politicos from spending more than $1 trillion dollars and countless innocent lives.The link above is a great interview aired on NPR. The link below is a reminder about moderation, because everything in nature operates in balance.This includes what we put in our bodies as well.
Chem Lab: Scientists Are Learning How Weed Causes Paranoia
"I was visiting my connect last weekend, he showed me a bulb THIS BIG, I was astonished and dumbfounded.. I'm assuming the look on my face said it all, that's when he told me, it's a 10,000 watt HPS bulb."
Insanity is making kids go to school for 16 years to make them into mindless drones. Insanity is working 9 to 5 and believing your next raise is going to solve your problems. Insanity is watching the latest greatest sensational news and not helping your kids do homework. Insanity is believing the next president is going to change our lives if we don't stand up for ourselves. Insanity is pouring gallons of gas into your car every few days. Insanity is thinking you are free when in truth you are oppressed and voiceless. Insanity is $360,000 a minute in Iraq. Insanity is drawing "happiness" from metal, plastic, and other disposable junk.
But those things are sane... aren't they? I think I'd rather be insane.