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Does anyone know the Carolinas?


redbone said:
I was thinking of the South because Real Estate is still cheap there...

You have got that right! We bought a home, 2100 square feet finished space, for only $22,500! Of course, it did/does need some TLC, but that was a fantastic price.

Take care...


Holy Shit!

Holy Shit!

They can call me names if I could get that kind of deal! Those drug laws are a but daunting. I'm looking real close at Austin,Tx and Louisville,Kentucky.

That's gonna be a real nice flip when you do decide to sell. Congratulations!


Ashville, NC, it was beautiful. One of the Vadergriff mansions in the middle of town and the whole nine yards.

I did a few meetings at the Grove park inn a few times, really killer.

Look in the "discover the area" section for all the local stuff.

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Tex, Mustard

Tex, Mustard

Now you got me intrigued with the Carolinas again. I'll have to hit the road when the weather breaks. I have a '88 300TE Station Wagon with 176,000 miles on it that's been beggin me to take her on a long drive.


I'm retired in the Sandhills part of NC & the winters here are very mild, as I'm from Chicago, then lived in Denver. The summers here, though, are brutal!! I mean HUMID!! After moving from Denver, where the humidity hovers at 10%-30% & came to NC in July, when they were having a heat wave of over 100 degrees for, like, 9 days straight & the humidity at 80%-90%, I really thought I'd died & gone to hell!! 1st thing you do is make sure you get a place with central AC or summers will be terrible for you. But Nov to May is great. :wave:
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Pinktoe to pinktoe

Pinktoe to pinktoe

Zoltron, I know what you mean about those summers. 100 degrees does seem incredibly hot for those of us from the Midwest. When I was living in AZ I remember going to the grocery store at 3 AM to avoid the heat and going down to the swimming pool only to discover the water was hot enough to bathe in. It was like some existentialist jive ass psycho drama.
Thanks for the information Indigo. I hesitated to ask outright 'cause I was part of the notorious Sinfulldreams thread regarding race that was eventually pulled (long time ago). The folks here are very sensitive about those issues and I love 'em for it.


redbone said:
Now you got me intrigued with the Carolinas again. I'll have to hit the road when the weather breaks. I have a '88 300TE Station Wagon with 176,000 miles on it that's been beggin me to take her on a long drive.

If you need a place to crash, our couch is open...unless we finally get that guest room finished!

indigo said:
Gets damn hot in the summertime in the Carolinas, I went to college in Greenville, NC and in the summer you open your door and are slammed by a wall of heavy oppressive humid damn HEAT....

Indi, you got that right! Few years back when I worked construction, I wore shorts, socks, shoes and took with me a container of powder, 2 towels and plenty of water. On the bright side, you get muscles and a free tan!

BTW, The wife went to ECU! Or rather, she attended and drank her way through.


My little pony.. my little pony
Funny, how come only things that come from the south get described as "oppressive"?


alGrenDh said:
BTW, The wife went to ECU! Or rather, she attended and drank her way through.

That's 1 of the most partying universities east of the Mississippi River...


dociron said:

Right up there with SIU, Carbondale!! :yoinks: :woohoo:

HAHAHAHA.....Oh man, another lane of memory!! Back in the early 70s, we'd drive ALL the way down there from Chicagoland just for a Friday night party, that always seemed to go thru Sunday!! :woohoo: :joint:
That is/was 1 partying university, wasn't it bro? Quite a drive from Chi-town, but usually worth the hangover... :badday: :sasmokin:


I found the Outter Banks a fun place. I go in the off season, due to 1 road in on road off. Great fishing, ocean, or sound, driving on the beach, bonfires on the beach.


Abeatpup said:
I found the Outter Banks a fun place. I go in the off season, due to 1 road in on road off. Great fishing, ocean, or sound, driving on the beach, bonfires on the beach.

And let's not forget the hottub on the deck facing the beach :yummy:


Abeatpup said:
I found the Outter Banks a fun place. I go in the off season, due to 1 road in on road off. Great fishing, ocean, or sound, driving on the beach, bonfires on the beach.

The Outer Banks is a beautiful place to hang out. On the map, NC doesn't appear to be that big, but I'm like 6 hrs away from there & about 2 hrs from Myrtle Beach, SC.
We usually hit the southern coastal beaches on the NC/SC border, since it's just 2 hrs as opposed to a 6 hr drive to Outer Banks. :joint:
South Crackalacky

South Crackalacky

Hey y'all.
I've lived in SC for much of my adult life (not to suggest I have grown up) and I love it. I recently turned 54. My time has been spent mostly here or in California in the San Joaquin Valley and coastal areas.

What do I like about it? Well, I love the South in general. I was born in GA. There is a delicate blend of "old" south and 'new" south available. The pace of life is slower, the people aren't in such a rush and they still say hello to strangers. I like the small town atmosphere of a college town because it offers new and old southern charm. You can feel the "friendliness."

I'm tucked away in the upstate of SC near the triangle where GA and NC borders meet SC. This area is the foothills to the Appalachian mountains. Lots of outdoor stuff... biking, hiking, camping, boating, farming. Lots of lakes. The weather is wonderful. Sure, we have some freezing weather in the winter but the overall picture is very nice. The summers are not as oppressive as in the middle part of the state or down on the coast at Myrtle Beach or Charleston. Ain't nuthin' quite like a spring day in the Carolinas or a crisp, fall morning when the leaves are exploding with color.

There is still affordable property to be purchased in the country. They're not giving it away but the prices are reasonable. I haven't found anywhere in the country where land is so-called "dirt cheap". If you do find "dirt cheap" prices, it's usually because it's cheap dirt. I'm not a legal expert on the drug laws but then, I haven't needed to be. I am an old doper with 2-3 plants and I have no plans to grow a tall field of sativas. I have several friends that grow outdoors and have for years.

I hate to bring up old cliches my dad used but I've lived long enough to know the old man was right. If you ain't happy where you are now, you probably ain't gonna be happy in the new place either. I'm also not sure what "counter-culture" means anymore. Are you a terrorist or do you want to produce meth or bring down the government or develop a kiddie porn network or smuggle illegals across the border? Hippies used to dominate the counter-cultural lifestyle but things have changed.

Come on down for a visit. Have some country ham and a bowl of grits. A cold beer and a fat joint in the summertime under your favorite shade tree is pretty hard to beat. :cool:

Peace, love, dope
The Rev


Howdy CK: Where you live sounds like exactly what I'm looking for! I will take a drive down there when the weather breaks. I'm going to PM you for more information when the time comes.

I might have misunderstood The Rev. Thanks for pointing that out.


~CK said:
redbone- i live in upstate sc and its wonderful...beautiful mountains and beaches...

You're not talking about together, now are ya? I was :wallbash: trying to think of a place in SC that has both of these together! I'm above ya, in between the mountains & the beaches.

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