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Do Your Critters Like to Get High?

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My Dog HATES Frontline.... but I put it on her anyway....

does that make me a DOG ABUSER? lol...

What gets me is you people who won't believe that animals CAN make a choice FOR pot. Nobody here is forcing anything on anybody. We are all against animal torture!

However, if an animal likes to get high, I say who am I to deny them? It's a free country for MY pets... I ain't gonna prohibition any species of mammal!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
O sent me some kill so I'm pretty high was just writing stuff that rhmyed oh and btw if you ever need a shoulder to cry on I'm here if Mr. Poppy Tea Bags isn't treating you write I'll :dueling:

Alright...just checking, I'm only retarded by choice so we're clear on that one, haha :moon:

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I agree with the ingestion of weed not being toxic (in a small amount)....but I have a Maine Coon with a systolic heart murmer (his little heart works twice as hard as it should)....so I wouldn't let him eat weed and we make him jump off of our laps when we're smoking (the little shit likes burning weed). Anything that could mess up his heartbeat is a no-no and I can't be sure that weed doesn't do that to him. My other kitty, he's in good health and he likes fan leaves....it makes him so happy to chew on them, so our true belief with our animals is to let them be a little wild and spoil the shit out of them. They go to the most expensive vet around, affiliated with a top 10 university, eat the best food available and have parents that "shop" at the pet store every week to keep them happy and entertained (god damn I love not having real kids). One cat steals my pot and that's fine, he's a lot like his Mom.


So umm if it was a 5 year old kid instead of a dog would that still not be abuse in your book??

Just because it's an animal doesn't make it acceptable in my world and yes i know i'm a bit fanatical about things like this but i like to give my pets the cleanest healthiest life i can and eating or smoking weed ain't part of it.

From the book "caring for your dog" by DR bruce fogle.

Symptoms: Loss of condition,fear,agitation,biting,dilated pupils.
Treatment:Avoid sensory stimulation
Give sedative as recommended by your vet.

That says a lot as to why not to give a pup weed but sure I'm sure all you guys are trained veterinarians and know better huh?

I read this and laughed! I will comment on the LOL moments...

If you force a 5 year old child to smoke weed by shotgunning him/her hits or whatever then yes, it is abuse and your kid should be taken away. It's actually pretty easy to distinguish the differences in a dog compared to a young child scenario so I don't even know why you tried to make that point.

"I like to give my pets the healthiest life I can and smoking weed ain't part of it" Dude, that sounds almost like your a government official telling us weed is evil. And, if you're not shelling out hundreds of dollars on gourmet canned food and doggy/kitty kat protein shakes with extra B-vitamins and making sure they get 2+ hours of vigorous exercise each day then you sir are a hypocrite of the highest and most annoying order. Fanatical? I agree!

I bolded the two parts in your quote because I thought that was most halarious. The TREATMENT for giving your dog a hit of weed, is a vet prescribed SEDATIVE? 1 - I don't know if you've ever smoked weed, but it's not exactly an "upper" like let's say, coke or caffeine. 2 - The treatment for a naturally occuring substance is a lab created synthetic chemical? 3 - Not to mention this vet is telling you to go PAY another vet to give your a dog a pill to make it fall asleep when that's what he's going to do anyway on weed LOL.

And no.. it says NOTHING about why you shouldn't give a pup weed. He might get paranoid and dialated pupils? HELLLOOO.. have you smoked weed before?!

Dude... I understand your plite, I really do. Don't abuse your animals, got it. I'm totally with you on that. But that post was bollocks. If my dog comes up to me when he hears the jar open and sits down patiently, and stares at me longingly and anxiously while I pack a bowl, I'm going to blow him a hit. And then he can go play with his tug toy and bark at the birds that aren't at the window and he can pass his happy ass out when he is good and ready, without ME PAYING FOR A SEDATIVE lol. Seriously that was the best part of the whole post... "To fix your dog after he's smoked weed, just knock his ass out and he'll be fine when he wakes up"

Um no, how about I let him enjoy his high time and we can play some tug and I DON'T waste my time, energy, and money to drive to a vet's office to get a mild tranquilizer?
What crap!!

What crap!!

So umm if it was a 5 year old kid instead of a dog would that still not be abuse in your book??

Just because it's an animal doesn't make it acceptable in my world and yes i know i'm a bit fanatical about things like this but i like to give my pets the cleanest healthiest life i can and eating or smoking weed ain't part of it.

From the book "caring for your dog" by DR bruce fogle.

Symptoms: Loss of condition,fear,agitation,biting,dilated pupils.
Treatment:Avoid sensory stimulation
Give sedative as recommended by your vet.

That says a lot as to why not to give a pup weed but sure I'm sure all you guys are trained veterinarians and know better huh?

And just WHO is Dr. Fogle? What studies, controlled and replicated , has the good Dr. done that proves the symptoms that he claims? Has there been a study I am not aware of where dogs were subjected to the same amounts of smoke or leaves as found in a typical home environment?

In other words, this Fogle guy wants to sell books so he includes his fantasies concerning what MIGHT happen...but of course he does not cover what usually happens, which is either the animal enjoying it peacefully, or not at all and avoiding it.

Sure, some rare case might happen where a dog might get upset; but more likley is the HUMAN influence at the time; Likley the human owner saw the dog eat the weed and then freaked out and put out such bad and frantic vibes that the dog picked up on it...it probably had ZERO to do with the weed. A hysterical pet worshipper panicking about a little ingested weed might very well trigger the exact response listed.

Here is a heavy read: Science is not easy to comprehend, at least for me, but at least they are trying:http://www.cannabis.net/cb1/index.html

Get a load of this:
Marijuana (Cannabis sativa) is a commonly used recreational drug among humans; animals may be exposed following ingestion or accidental inhalation of smoke. From January 1998 to January 2002, 213 incidences were recorded of dogs that developed clinical signs following oral exposure to marijuana, with 99% having neurologic signs, and 30% exhibiting gastrointestional signs. The marijuana ingested ranged from 1/2 to 90 g. The lowest dose at which signs occurred was 84.7 mg/kg and the highest reported dose was 26.8 g/kg. Onset of signs ranged from 5 min to 96 h, with most signs occurring within 1 to 3 h after ingestion. The signs lasted from 30 min to 96 h. Management consisted of decontamination, sedation (with diazepam as drug of choice), fluid therapy, thermoregulation and general supportive care. All followed animals made full recoveries.

So even at huge doses ( 90 ( Ninety ) grams of weed the critters recovered fully. AD, it took between 84.7 milligrams ( small dogs) to 26.8 grams ( almost an ounce ) for ANY symptoms to be noted. A large dog had to eat almost a 'Z' beforefeeling funny...and how many pets are going to get whole Z's to eat? Very rare...we are talking about whiffing some smoke or vape mist, or eating some leaves. No problem with that, obviously.

So small accidental doses are nothing to worry about, and using it in general calls only for moderation and common sense...just like with us.If critters could talk, they would no doubt DEMAND the freedom to use any plant they damn well want. Animal rights takes on a whole new meaning!! They want their ganja!!

Cookie monster

Dont know about you smokey but the slightest chance or risk of eating weed being bad for my animals then they ain't getting the tiniest bit.
Jesus a couple of blades of feild grass and my boxers vomit every time, when my big guy was a pup he broke into the room and chewed a few herer kolas, never seen him vomit like that before or after.

They are my best friends, my kids and my protectors if needs be so why take the risk?

I think alot of you guys are assigning human traits to your dogs/cats by thinking they love to get baked but do they really like it and does the odd nug improve the quallity of their lives?
Cookie, I don't blame you fo being cautious. But think about it: dogs in their natural state eat grass as well as meat..routinely. Grasses help with digestion. Cats and dogs will eat fresh snippets of grass now and then when they need roughage...its common. For your dogs to react so badly to small bits of grass is very unusual..maybe there is poison in the grass? insecticide or whatever? Likley so in most lawns..but even if not, it is weird for a dog to get sick over a bit of roughage.

The VAST majority of dogs, or any pet, will suffer No ill effects from small amounts of herb...any herb virtually, but most certainly ganja is harmless in the amounts commonly available.But I respect your decision to abstain...others are right to allow it under the right circumstances.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Yeah my dogs chow down on any type of grass they can get.......as said it aids in digestion and often they seem to use it to help regurgitate something thats bothering their stomachs....


So even at huge doses ( 90 ( Ninety ) grams of weed the critters recovered fully. AD, it took between 84.7 milligrams ( small dogs) to 26.8 grams ( almost an ounce ) for ANY symptoms to be noted. A large dog had to eat almost a 'Z' beforefeeling funny...and how many pets are going to get whole Z's to eat? Very rare...we are talking about whiffing some smoke or vape mist, or eating some leaves. No problem with that, obviously.

CookieMonster... just read that right there again and relax a little bit.

And as a dog owner I can tell you that dogs will eat grass when they WANT to, as everyone else said, to aid with stomach issues. If they eat grass and puke, chances are their tumm tumm wasn't feeling too well and the dog was aware of it and wanted to hurl.

Comparing yard grass to our grass doesn't really count either. 2 totally different plants, although they share obviously some of the same nutrients and make-up being plants and all. My dog doesn't show any interest in munching on buds/stems/leaves but boy he will jump when he hears me unscrew my mason jar. He has sort of been conditioned to associate a mason jar lid coming off with smoke time, and rightfully so lol. Even though I didn't have this intention, it's just the way it happened. And depending where I'm at he will either hop up on the couch and lay beside me or sit by my chair and watch me. He clearly shows interest in it and enjoys to get a lil' second hand smoke... and as both your Dr. Bookseller guy and SmokyMtn's article pointed out, it really doesn't hurt them one bit. And I can say after these last few years of having a bulldog smoking buddy, he hasn't lost a step yet and his health is always tip top when we go to the vet. No respiratory issues no heart issues.

Smoke on little doggies!

And I will also say I have a buddy I used to go to school with that I toke with occasionally and he has a little dog and she shows zero interest when we smoke. Do I blow hits her way? Nope. She obviously doesn't care for it and I don't force it on anybody, man or critter, that doesn't want it.

And yesss there actually are "human" traits to dogs. Humans are unique really in only a couple ways to other animals on Earth but we often times think we're sooo special that nothing can compare. Typical human ego, that's definitely a human specific trait :nanana: Dogs have emotions, personalities, needs, wants. How can you be a dog lover and say they don't share certain "human traits?"

"but do they really like it and does the odd nug improve the quallity of their lives?"

I can tell you with certainty that my dog is intrigued by and enjoys cannabis smoke... yes I can say that unequivocally. If he gets something he wants and enjoys then yes I would say without a doubt his quality of life is improved. Besides, as it's already been covered, blowing a hit your dog's way WILL NOT HARM IT. Even the best Dr. Bookseller could come up with was "fear" (which we can call paranoia) and "dialated pupils." Which just so happens to be side effects of cannabis in humans as well. Hmmm.....


i don't why people blow smoke into dogs mouths*...i did it for awhile, then realized it's all just carbon byproduct, and no THC..because i ingested the THC already! now, if i make cannabutter, i sure as hell would let my dog have a taste...she deserves it!


Active member
My Dog HATES Frontline.... but I put it on her anyway....

hey lola why don't u try those new frontline thingies , u know u break off the top of the bottle u smear it in the animals neck(instead of whole body) et voila , for a month no taking care of it anymore


When you look up the top 10 bad plants for cats, weed comes in at #2 ( IT CAN BE FATAL DO NOT FEED YOUR CAT CANNABIS )...... I didnt know this at one point and would use a branch with a few leaves on it as a cat toy.. the one cat would go nutz trying to eat it...

As for getting your pet high... Look i dont shove my cats face into a bong or stick a joint in thier mouth... What i do do I go into the smoking room for a joint and both cats HAVE to be in there when Im in there or they start clawing at the door and mewing... weither they get high from the second hand smoke.. I don't really think so


When you look up the top 10 bad plants for cats, weed comes in at #2 ( IT CAN BE FATAL DO NOT FEED YOUR CAT CANNABIS )

I bet that list is the same for humans. The question is, whose opinion is represented in the list? Do you think Cannabis is a "bad plant" for humans just because some random government bureaucrat says so?
Og my God...I decided to check on cats and toxicity and the first article is by some square moron who thinks that THESE are common symptoms of weed use...in HUMANS! Unreal. OBVIOUSLY the author knows NOTHING about weed or cats...so much for that.
Her is an excerpt:
"In some cases cats may nibble on the leaves and/or buds of the growing marijuana plant.

What are the symptoms of cats exposed to marijuana?
The symptoms are most commonly the same sort you might observe in humans: ( What??)
Uncoordinated, Falling over
Depression, Sometimes Alternating with Agitation or Anxiety
Bradycardia (Slow Heart Rate)
Seizures, Sometimes Coma "

Can you imagine? This idiot thinks that weed users have seizures and coma's!! And, she forgets that weed reduces vomiting, NOT causes it! No wonder cat owners get bad advice. I will look further. however, to find the facts;

hERE IT IS: NO STUDIES HAVE EVER BEEN DONE TO DETERMINE THE LEVELS OF WEED TOXICITY IN CATS. No one knows how much weed will cause unpleasant effects in a cat. It is much like with dogs, but as cats weigh less less weed is needed. If a cat eats some leaves, it can cause no harm. Of course no critter should ever be coerced into using.


Nobody coerces their pets around here !!!!!

That reminds me.....

Took my cat to the the vet for surgery... Picked him up and the vet sez "Take him home and let him take it easy for a week"..

:yoinks: I said "He sleeps about 20 hours a day as it is..."


my doctor says that marijuana is very very bad and it will kill me. So I'm not as concerned about whether my 'over the hill' pets can tolerate a little weed. My 11 yo dog loves nice fresh hits in the face as she licks it in. the 17 yo cat loves to chew grass and cannabis leaves. she will go after a popcorn bud if it's available too. no bad trips or sickness, they just keep coming back for more. the dog actually asks to smoke by making the lapping motion.


Horse-toothed Jackass

A dog in Seattle WA found a bag of pot in a park. The owner took him to the vet ER, where she rang up a 1500 bill. Probably unnecessary IMO: he vomited up most of what he ate, and other than being REALLY high (head weaving, unsteady on his feet) there were no real ill-effects. Even the vet was laughing about it.
Also, apparently, a park worker found a bag with 5 lbs of pot in the same park. The dog owner says apparently people are stashing their weed in the park, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense....
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