I drape myself in the skin of a dead kangaroo and hop through the bush. You'd never know it was old kenny under there.
Sure do, i believe its a must.Never grown outdoors before, but guerrilla growing is something that i've been considering. I think that camouflage would be considerably more important for guerrilla growers than for hunters, as they are trying to hide themselves from other people and not just animals...
So this question is for all of you guys that grow in secret areas, what do you like to wear when you're sneaking around in the woods?
boy the sounds in the dark sure are amplified though.
http://images.search.yahoo.com/search/images?_adv_prop=image&fr=sfp&va=invisible+cloaki blend in to be unobtrusive. i wear normal hiking clothes with no bright hues. i carry a metal detector if i'm carrying a loaded down gym bag in or out of grow areas.
http://www.howstuffworks.com/invisibility-cloak.htmHow Invisibility Cloaks Work
http://www.youtube.com/results?sear....1j4j1j4j1j0j2.13.0...0.0...1ac.1.SgoXZbYlisgPublished on Dec 4, 2012
Invisible Cloak for Soldiers Now A Reality
I hunt. I am good at it. When we are in the mountains or colorado plateau I wear light or dark colored natural color clothes and can blend in much better in my drab wool and camel t shirt than some one in their fresh new camo that has so many uv brighteners in it they look to glow in the sun. Even the old camo that is well worn seems to stick out more than the faded colors I wear.I prefer dark, earth colored clothes. Something that blends in well enough, but doesn't look suspicious. There are some nice face coverings that aren't suspicious to use on a bug filled day.
Friend // the deal is you have to blend in. if that means camo gear then wear it. i prefer to wear a green or brown shirt and camo pants or camo shirt and brown pants. the thing is you gotta have a reason to be out wherever it is you're growing. Like a fishing pole if you're near water, a shotgun or 22 rifle if it's hunting season. a bird book and binoculars would work i guess although never tried that one. Sometimes i just go under the pretext of "going for a walk". the hardest part is when you have a 5 gallon bucket of water with ya.. if anyone asks just say you didn't wanna get thristy.
the best thing is never to get spotted, go early or go late, even go in the dark, you'd be surprised how much you can see in the dark, specially under a big moon. boy the sounds in the dark sure are amplified though.
have a plan before you hit your spot.
is this a joke thread?
Yes this thread is a joke. Pot growers, I find, tend to be egocentric. All this about only wearing camos during hunting season. What season? Bear? Coyote? Grouse? Quail? Rabbit? Where I live no matter what season there is always some animal you can shoot.
Besides we're not the only ones running around in the woods doing secretive bullshit. I've been traipsing through the woods for years, and all the people I've met on chance encounters never mentioned or thought what I was wearing to be suspicious. The best thing you should do is not act suspicious.