G`day Bobble
What I`m asking is do you have statistical data to support your diagnosis ?
Anecdotes are only part of diagnosis no ? Seems everytime I visit a doctor they want to run some tests ...
Other than that its a hunch ?
Thanks for sharin
EB .
A medical diagnosis is quantified by tests. I am not a MD. A nursing diagnosis is based off observation as well as anecdotal evidence.
It was mentioned earlier in this thread that cali has had medical mj the past 20 yrs and we're just now hearing about CH within the past 10yrs. Cannabis use it at its highest level in history. Research will always lag behind. Its difficult to get federal funding for cannabis research, and most research is funded by the federal gvmt. I can't produce the research that doesn't exist yet. There are many conditions that exist that have yet to be studied.
It isn't just a hunch when chronic cannabis use leads to hyperemesis, and is resolved upon cessation of cannabis consumption. Would it be nice to have lab values for plasma thc levels when the symptoms occur? Absolutely... But its not necessary to make a diagnosis.
Thanks for keeping it civil.