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Do-it-yourself Haze


Well-known member
I'm going to document my next haze and landrace sativa grow in this thread. I invite others to do so as they please - it's a big tent approach to DIY haze. I'm doing what I think several other haze lovers are doing: I'm making my own version of haze. Haze is first and foremost a brand name, one that evokes strong feelings among the faithful and it means something different to each individual. After growing and enjoying some nice MNS haze hybrids and finding a killer 18-week haze pheno in an Angel's Breathe F2, a few years ago I started looking for, finding, growing, and breeding Colombian landraces, including punto rojo and mangobiche from CBG, punto rojo from TLT, and Colombian gold genetics straight from 1978, courtesy of some pollen donated by an old (older than me, lol) hippy/engineer. I keep a couple clones of the best selections and I have a good stash of frozen seed and pollen. Potential building blocks for my own version of haze.

Now I'm looking at southeast Asian genetics as the next building block for my haze. Specifically, two seed lines to start exploring:
  1. Nevil's grail line, where he crossed selected F1 Neville's haze plants to Kangativa's Mulumbimby Madness, reputed to have been grown and worked in Australia for decades from original Thai seed stock. This seed comes courtesy of OJD at Connoisseur Genetics. He's doing God's work getting these genetics out to the community, at his own expense.
  2. Vietnam landrace, from The Landrace Team. DJ9 who worked with Nevil and posted here for a while has referred to it as "haze in seed form." I've been interested in it since I first saw pictures of the finished product, exhibiting that primal, feral, fixtailed, wheat-sheaf, dreadlocks-of-stacked-calyxes fenotrigo bud structure that I seek.
Here's what OJD sent me. He found a nice NH21xMML male and I'm helping him test it crossed to some of Nevil's other Oz grail project work, including two phenos of Outback haze, NH18xMML, and Swiss Thai Nevil.

OJD haze seeds.jpg

Last week I popped four of the Vietnam seeds and two each of the four grail project crosses. All but one seed germinated, and that one could still be in play. I'm using organic soil growing medium for the first time, and I'm going to keep them outside until they show sex or until I'm forced to move them indoors. I'll flower them indoors under 600W of LEDs.
I'll post updates as the project progresses.

Thanks for stopping by.

Seedlings week 1.jpg


Well-known member
Here's a picture of my hazy seedlings about two weeks after germination. The Vietnamese in the top row are very vigorous. Skinniest leaves of the whole bunch are the top left two plants. These southeast Asians also have much more jagged leaves than I've seen in Colombian genetics. Outback haze is the middle row, Outback Haze #1 left, #2 right. These seedlings are every bit as vigorous as the Vietnamese. The one Swiss Thai Nevil is on the left of the bottom row, the the other two on the right of the bottom row are from OJD's NH18 x MM mother. These are not as vigorous as the remaining plants, but they are all healthy, happy and thriving in the summer sunshine and organic soil.

Click image for larger version  Name:	Seedlings week 3.jpg Views:	0 Size:	116.6 KB ID:	17919689

Dropped Cat

Six Gummi Bears and Some Scotch
I blinked twice, thinking there was a scrog mesh, patio table, duh.


Good stock you got there, finishing indoors, what's your height inside, and your plan for pests.



Well-known member
Good stock you got there, finishing indoors, what's your height inside, and your plan for pests.

Not sure, as I've never brought whole plants inside to finish before. I usually take cuts after a week of neem-every-other-day, root the cuts and flower the clones indoors in hempy buckets. This time I was thinking about up-potting to 3-liter square pots and bringing them indoors before the frost. I would do the neem-ever-other-day treatment for a week. The small pots and some LST should suffice to keep them below ~ 5 feet tall. I'm open to suggestions.

Good luck! Top left Vietnamese for the win

Hell, yeah, amigo, I couldn't agree more! I've had my eye on it since I saw its jagged, skinny first leaves. It appears to be the favorite of a 6-legged pest also.

Click image for larger versionName:	V1 17 days.jpgViews:	0Size:	121.8 KBID:	17920688
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Well-known member
OK, now we're one month from germination. The plants are kicking ass at 42N in the late August sunshine and heat. Just up-potted them to 7" square pots, in which I'll finish the selections,

Vietnamese at 4 weeks. Note double serrations on all plants, prominent on #1.
Vietnamese 4 weeks.jpg

Vietnamese #1:
V!  4 weeks.jpg

Outback Haze #1 (front) and #2 (rear) x NH21xMML:
Outback haze 1 and 2 4 weeks.jpg

NH18xMM (rear) and Swiss Thai Nevil (front) x NH21xMML:
NH18xMM and STN 4 weeks.jpg


Well-known member
OK, I almost ruined this grow making the transition from hydroponics to soil. I up-potted to ~3L square pots around Sept 1st, and added some peat to the compost, and moved them indoors under 12/12. I also added some homemade fertilizer (desiccated worm bin solids) at transplant, then proceeded to water them as if they were hydroponics. I think a combination of three things happened: (1) I over-watered them, (2) the fertilizer I used was way too hot, and (3) the peat was probably acidic and pH got screwed up. The plants responded by tightly curling their leaved (like hair curlers, lol), getting super dark leaves, and by yellowing of the lower leaves. First I let them dry out and added 1 tsp lime to each pot, but soon realized why people who grow in soil use large grow bags. Four days ago I scored some more compost from my buddy, cut it 3:1 with some perlite, and transplanted the hurting plants into 3-gal grow bags. I've also been using foliar sprays of PureCrop1, fulvic acid, and epsom salts. The plants have responded remarkably well, and while they're not perfect they are getting back on track. Interesting that the wildest, most feral plants are the most nute sensitive, and they got hit the hardest, but they're also the ones I'm most interested in. Enough about my grower error...I'm learning and have moved on.

During the most recent transplant I culled two of the Vietnamese (with much broader leaves than the other two). Most of the plants had shown sex at 2 weeks and 6 of 7 of the grail crosses were female. The one Swiss Thai Nevil was a male so he got moved outside and is still in the smaller container. One of the NH18 crosses was removed from the tent and is keeping him company. So I have seven girls (I think) in the tent at two weeks into flower. Here they are, looking much healthier four days after up-potting to 3-gal grow bags. The Vietnam plant V1 got a 5-gal grow bag because she's my favorite. :)

Click image for larger version  Name:	F15 all plants.jpg Views:	0 Size:	121.2 KB ID:	17943620

Here's the remaining NH18 cross; her sibling remains outside in a small pot. She's the smallest of the bunch but I like her.
Click image for larger version  Name:	F15 NH18.jpg Views:	0 Size:	90.4 KB ID:	17943621

Here's the outback haze #2 (OJD's grail pheno) crosses.
Click image for larger version  Name:	F15 OH2a.jpg Views:	0 Size:	83.2 KB ID:	17943622
Click image for larger version  Name:	F15 OH2b.jpg Views:	0 Size:	89.5 KB ID:	17943623

Here's the outback haze #1 (OJD's wild pheno) crosses.
Click image for larger version  Name:	F15 OH1a.jpg Views:	0 Size:	95.5 KB ID:	17943624
Click image for larger version  Name:	F15 OH1b.jpg Views:	0 Size:	89.1 KB ID:	17943625


Well-known member
Last but not least, here are the two remaining Vietnamese girls, the two with the skinniest, most jagged and double-serrated leaves.

This is V2; her leaves turned super dark but she rode the storm better than her more finicky sister.
F15 V2.jpg

And here's my favorite girl, V1 (heh, V1 buzz bomb). She's high-maintenance for sure, and worse for the wear, but she's going to make it.
F15 V1.jpg


Well-known member
Oh yeah, and since I only have one male from this grow, it's a good thing I have these studs outside getting ready to drop serious amount of pollen. Girls, meet your daddies:

This is a punto rojo F-something from CBG stock that has been making my backyard smell great for a while now. Has that peppery finish on the aroma.
PR male flower.jpg

Here's daddy #2, one of six Angeldorado males I selected last summer. Angeldorado is my keeper Angel's Breathe F2 (18-week haze plant with fenotrigo bud structure) x '78 Colombian gold.
AD3 male plant.jpg

AD3 male flower.jpg


Bat Macumba
I would concur with pH being the issue. Glad they pulled through, like you said: moving on.
I think your V's look like winners, too.


Well-known member
Here's a quick pictorial update; photos taken last night about three weeks after I moved the plants into the tent. They're all doing well and stretching, but not as fast as the hydroponic sativa stretch that I'm used to.

All plants:
F21 all plants.jpg

Here's Vietnam #1:
F21 V1.jpg

Vietnam #2:
F21 V2.jpg

Outback haze x NH21/MML...this one turned out to be a male, and a pretty late one, which is unusual. I'll move him out of the tent soon but would like to get some pollen from him for F2s.
F21 OH1 male.jpg

Here's the other outback haze x NH21/MML, a female:
F21 OH1 female.jpg

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