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DIY Aero Cloner the EZ-Cloner Replica in 10 Easy Steps!


Active member
yeah nice scientist, those seem like great inserts for the collars... as making a hot glue holder kinda squishes them a bit. had been thinking about finding something just like that, so well done... much better than someone's cut baby cups idea heh. thanks for sharin the idea. glad to see ya have roots there. peace n green thumbs all.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
OK, I admitit, his are very cool and its really nice the way you can screw them in to the top for a water-tight seal. But, were they 6 for a dollar? I don't think so.... LOL

Quick question, are you using the actual replacement neoprene pucks? And, how tightly do they fit in? Is it easy to slip them in and out? I maty consider them for another set-up I have to build for a friend.


Active member
haha yeah pipe, don't mean to discount yours, i was even gonna say how those pvc couplers aren't gonna be very economical, especially for more spots. folks'll be lucky if they can find those lipped cups. basically what ever's nearest n easiest eh! best o luck everyone.


most shops charge a buck a piece
they dont discount unless you buy several hundred, ime :(

great idea nevertheless :) thanks for sharin


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother? Great i hope.. Hey bro this sleeve and nut at the bottom what size is it? 1/2"? is it a couple pieces put together? and whats the lil do hikky called

sorry im a dork nice and high and tried to stick the pvc on the pump even turned it on i was so excited and got a nice bath... thanx man..peace.,..

just add some o2 to the stream......

makes the cloner louder though. Ive used this in all my aero stuff. Just stick a check valve in between so if your air pump dies you dont lose your whole res.
And when you are done cloning you can keep 4-6 clones in the box and make it full areo through flower.

Gotta just add another chamber to keep the roots away from the pump. The boxes I use are from home depot $17.00 Just pull the metal hinges out before you use them and you got an interchangeable aero system.


Active member
:wave: Hi All ! Very Good Info !!! I made an exact cloner as above..used the
air attachment on the pump, but there's no need to use more electricity by plugging a air pump to the pump attachment, just put a small lenght of air hose
on the attachment and make sure it is above the water line and vent it out the top of lid, it will suck air big time for free,and a cheap muffler is an air stone......works GREAT!!! Peace!! :wave:


Well-known member
Height of mister?

Height of mister?

If i remember earlier in the thread, 6inches from the bottom of the lid. Or there abouts. Anyone any knowledge or experience with using different heights on the misters. Ran my 31gal replica built from this thread, except using the ecoplus 396gph. 12days no roots, temps 74ish. i took of a few inches of the feed pipe height, so no its like 8 inches below the lid, 5in below net pots.

Any other advice, i also added to bubble wands to the mix. And so far change the tap water every 10 days.

On day 16, still no nubs or anything. Some plants have started to yellow and degrade abit, but no roots. tap is 80 ppm and 7.1.



Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
I don't think there's any magic height. What you want is a full very fine mist hitting the entire root zone on a full time basis. The distance to accomplish it will vary with the number of misters and the pressure with which they are fed. The way I verified my mist coverage was to remove the lid, and lay a clear thin plexiglass sheet over the top of the tub. Then just turn it on and watch her go. It should fog up with tiny dropletts within seconds. I used a sheet I pulled from someone's garbage it was covering a poster in a frame.

One more thing....you might consider dropping your PH just a tad. 7.1 is running toward the basic side and these girls really like things a bit acidic.

JMHO Good Luck!
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Well-known member
Scientist: i noticed u placed your misters on the side of the feed tube, verses the top. Care to give some insight on your experience why side verse top?

the other thinkg with adding air, in my experience do not add any air to the intake end of any pump. The pumps output decrease greatly do to the fact that the impeller can't compress the air. Put it on the output end of the pump, thats where venturis go for aquariiumss

Pipedreams: will lower the ph arround 6.0. Im Getting really good coverage, i have 14 green misters placed throughout, but a 400gph. replica in this thread has calls for 12misters, but with a 350gph.

Im wondering if i should pull and plug up some of the misters. drop it down to like 10 misters.ive seen somewheres running a 500gph with like 6 misters. claimed to have reallllll fine mist.

Think im gonna pull a few misters, maybe my ecoplus pump cant handle the amount of misters i have installed. to many exits for the water causing not enough psi to atomize the water.

Thanks all & b-safe
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Well-known member
K.. another question. Techniques used to keep misters from clogging. Theres a sponge type filter on my ecoplus, But doesnt do the trick. How about tools to clean them once clogged, thinking some type of brissel brush, but havent found one small enough yet.

Anyone, anyone, bueller , Anyone...
OK I blow mine out if they clog. What's making them clog? I put the misters on the side of the rail cuz it works and its simple. Never did try the thing where you put the air before the pump cuz I was thinking it would have bad effects on the pump. I like the eco 264 & 6 misters. Good spray less pump heat.


Well-known member
scientist, well think a major problem was to many misters for the eco396, had 14 to start. then droped them to 10, still was nt impressed. then i dropped to 6 misters, seems now i have great pressure. Im ay have to pickup the 264, or run mine external if heat becomes and issue. so far 74deg, great for cloning i would think, but not for growing. unless i add some h202 or phyisan 20 to the mix.

Trying 300ppm total of pureblend grow, 1mil per gallon of LK, and some drops of superthrive, ph'd to 6. my taps 60ppm, so basically added 250ppm of nutes.

day 18, not rot, no mold............ no roots.
