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DIY Aero Cloner the EZ-Cloner Replica in 10 Easy Steps!


Active member
hey pipedream, nice job! where did you get those lil green "cups" that the puck sits in?
Hey King Ralph, awesome tutorial, thanks for that! Cloning has never been so simple.

On a scale of 1 - 10 with ten being the most difficult, building this DIY project was a 2...

Here's a couple pics from start to finish, and my first cloning attempt:



2 Velcro straps to pull the lid down for a good seal, in order to make it leak proof:




100% Success rate for roots!!


Transplanted into soil:




Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Bonzo, They are the top half of bottom piece of baby training cups, also known as sippies. Got them at the local Dollar Store. 6 for one buck!

You can see the packaging and other part in this pic if you look at it full size.

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Way cool, that's what i love about us cannabis grower's. We come up with some of the greatest idea's. I would have never guessed baby trainer cups. That would have saved me some money on the net pots and foam ez cloner tops. My next unit will be the same setup. Dollar store, her i come.lolol Thanks for sharing the info everyone. I love the thread and think it's just awesome.


Pipedream said:
Bonzo, They are the top half of bottom piece of baby training cups, also known as sippies. Got them at the local Dollar Store. 6 for one buck!

You can see the packaging and other part in this pic if you look at it full size.

Hey Pipedream, forgot to ask you. What size Whole Saw did you use to cut your holes in the tub lid?


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
I used a 3-inch hole saw, plus I left them a bit apart. I wanted the sites to be larger than usual so that I could grow my clones a bit bigger before moveing them into their final containers. They'll go from here directly into flower. I used the same saw for both the holes in the lid and the foam pucks. Of course, any size will work as long as you find the right size drinking cup to fill the difference between the hole and the puck.
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Quick question, how do you get air into the tub for the roots? do you use as air pump? is there enough air already inside to keep roots happy?
thanks for the help. be cool


Active member
Thank you Pipe and BG! DIYin' at its finest!!!!



>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nam myoho renge kyo!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Anyone try using a rainforest vortex spayer? my rainforest is awesome just don't have many holes for clones, thinkin of makin a rubbermaid version and using my motor in it.


Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
Yes, I'm using a small pump and airstone to add air for the roots. I found that if you don't, the water can create a good seal around the top and all holes and allow little air to enter. I have it terminated under the water level in a single stone.



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother>?? Great DIY bro its always a pleasure to read these threads.. I must say yours was so easy a caveman can do it.. (humor).. Again great work brother, I use to bubbler it myself.. peace..



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Kralph or anybody that might know..
Ok quick question what size of pump would be good for a 5 gallon rubber maid ez cloner?
we have everything but the pump i have a pump from an old hydro setup. You knowthe constant feeder system has a concrete bin from home depot with 1 pump, and 4 water lines. that all go to plants.. and it constantly drips. long explanation for that. Anyhow
would that pump work??? Please let me know... thanx again for this thread.. peace..



Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969
I'm not familiar with the pump you speak of. However, with only a 5 gallon tub, I'd think about 6 misters and a pump with about a 300GPH rating would be more than enough. Of course, this is JMHO


Active member
eyyo sacko... dunno about the pump you have... but when lookin for a pump ya wanna make sure it has that 1/2" NPT threaded output so you can connect the pvc easily. i would try n get a 250GPH pump, a 200 might cut it for a few sprayers, i don't think a 150 would cut it to get the spray good. best o luck man, check ya in the green room, maybe i can help with another part o that cloner ;) :canabis:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
pipedream thanx bro for your reply..

howzit brother.. Yea i think if we can find a 250gph we'll be good. for our micro cloner..
and ill talk to ya in the green room for sure.. peace..

Use these!!!!

Use these!!!!

I havent read the whole thread but look in this pic instead of using pots you can get these pvc things at home depot and screw them into your lid.



lookin good scientiist...
you could have simply used neoprene insulation from depot as your collars...
finsih readin the thread. :wink: seriously, it's covered on the very first pages :) take care
thescientist said:
I havent read the whole thread but look in this pic instead of using pots you can get these pvc things at home depot and screw them into your lid.

Yea i know about the collars but is anyone else using those white things. Im not cheap but those white things are cheap and they work sweet. You still need collars but they fit right inside these cup things just like on the top of an ez clone.

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