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Distinguished and Nurtured Kind

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
@Bmac1 - Pretty stoked, indeed!!! I'm thinking these could both go 12/12 FROM SEED and actually work their way into the rotation, much easier than imagined. I'm anticipating 16-20wk plants, in general. That flower time, could create an issue. Soil bed issue.

Unless I run BOTH lights with longer flowering strains - to harvest half the bed, and then chop roots and re-plant, might SERIOUSLY stress the other plants still halfway in flower in the other half of the bed. I've considered, running pots or bags on top of the soil surface for those last 10 weeks, to fit another cycle in and minimize root zone trauma/stress, but. Just something I'm considering. I don't think I want to dedicate the whole bed to an 18wk cycle!!!

@med-grower tom - See you around in chat. :tiphat:

@nickman - Seeds. See the difference between being a nerdy canna botanist and a capitalist, is I only want to hang 100 more lights so I can see more expressions so I can make better pairings and create - I'm not much interested in the capital side of things. The worst part about having a garden truly sized to personal needs, is it doesn't leave much room for exploration.

That - and when you start spending time with someone else who smokes, that supply vanishes much faster. I didn't ration this last harvest very well, especially considering I'm a full 4 months, a full harvest behind. I'll be out of weed by the end of the week. I'll probably smoke the last bong rip when I flip things to 12/12 on Sunday. Seems an appropriate time.

No fear. I have budder in the pressure cooker as I'm typing this. :joint:

I think in part, that is also why I'm so drawn to this SOG style of growing these days. It allows me the chance to see 32 expressions - vs just 4 or 8 when running larger bushes.

If I can get this style of growing down pat and get the clone cycles right, I'll feel comfortable, plugging in new seed plants under 12/12 in place of a clone when it comes out. I'll have to be okay with chopping the males and having gaps from time to time when sorting some lines, but, that's another issues I've yet to really think up an ideal way to address. Sure, cull male, plug a new clone in, but it'll be smaller, and weeks behind the rest of the canopy. All things to address when they arise, but I know such issues will exist.


Yo buddy i feel ya on the male female spacing issues. Heres a couple things i came up with. When using individual pots, just keep em small n tight n double what u need to fill the canopy, then. When u pull the males, the canopy is still going to fill in when the females stretch. Also a real short day cut on deck to fil the gap works great. Ive got a 42 to 45 day cut that works out great when pulling 15 to 20 day old males that express, then finishing up with your average 60 to 70 day phenos. If you dont have anything that quick to finish, ive got some mai tai (42 day pheno) x dj's bb f4 coming down in a couple weeks. Im sure there will be some great short day plants in those.


Well-known member
Dam, that’s a lot of shit you’ve got to consider when using a soil bed I guess ...!!!...

Pro’s vs Con’s ...

I’d definitely think that messing with the half of the bed while having flowering plants in the other half would cause them some stress...!!!...

Also, goes to show how much confidence you have in that Snowman male that GF found to be running those seeds next ahead of the others...!!!...


genetic freaked

Well-known member
I’m actually shocked and honored you are putting the Snow Monkey seeds ahead of the rest.

The 3 I have going in the Stank Bros forum are really looking to be something special


I have a question Frank.
I've always heard that long flowering plants use less nutrients than short flowering cultivars.
Seems many sativas are sensitive to overfeeding.

How does this come into play in organic bed style?

All the nutrients are there. Do the sativas only take what they need? If so, there should still be nutrients left in the soil, late in bloom that they didn't uptake earlier in life.
Do long flowering sativas ever uptake too much nutrients in an organic setup, ever see burnt tips or such.

I'm just thinking out loud, trying to make sense of it all. Lol

Or am I looking at the whole thing wrong. Overall, do long flowering sativas actually take more nutrients than a short flowering indica? Just a lower percentage each feeding, that adds to a higher sum overall?

Sorry for barrage of questions.


I come from the land where the oceans freeze
I’ve got a ton to catch up on. The flower is looking fire as always and respect to the living soil.

I’m following.


ICMag Donor
@Chili Berkster - Those Sis x Katsu/BlueBubbles are going to be potential fire.

@Miraculous Meds - Honestly, I think this system is going to become very plug n play once it gets going. I think that'll even be the case this round. Some of these cuts are going to get culled and we'll just plug something else in it's place later. Might as well start a more perpetual harvest style.

The strict organization isn't working for cropping, so I'm just going to grow. Truth is, I need to forget about numbers when hunting for new genes in seeds. Just need to run the plants and get through them.

@genetic freaked - Truth is, the Snow Monkey has to potential to produce the 8 and 9 wk plants I'd really like to have in the stable for quicker turnaround. That is a big motivator for keeping them at the top of the list. Much of the stuff getting sprouted is going to 10-12wk or 16wk+ later this year. Finding a nice 8wk plant would be...nice.

@CannaRed - Root exudates control what the plant uptakes in an organic system. The plant is always in control as long as it has an intact soil food web to communicate with. If the plant doesn't need it, it doesn't get it.

Yes, you can have too much of an available nutrient in organic soils. It can bee too hot. That is why it's important to balance and diversify inputs. If your environment allows for increased growth rates via high CO2 levels or perfect temperature and humidity, etc - then you'll want to ensure you organic soil can keep up with the demands.

Root exudates is the short answer though. I don't really think a sativa eats less, to be honest. It'll be interesting to put some of this to the test though - because I will run the exact same soil mix when I run the A5 Haze crosses.

@budman678 - Glad to have you along for the journey. You're right at the beginning of the 3rd flower session in this set up. We were under 2 x 315w 3100k(r) CMH - but now - we are under 2 x 200w HGLED XB200 quantum LED boards. It's my first time growing under LED, so forgive the lack of perfection this round. There seems to be a bit of a learning curve with them.


Safe Gardener

Active member
I hate the taste too! I threw away a bunch and dog got into it. At first I thought she had broken a hip because she couldn't walk. After what seemed like eternity I figured out what happened.
She slept for 39 hours. Groggy for ten more.

I figure it's easier to just add concentrate to the butter. No "grasshopper puke" taste.

I know this post is a few months back, but I just found this thread that is just full of pure gold and am slowly reading through it.

Anyway, a couple years ago I had my now wife make a loaf of banana bread with a some very strong butter. Long story short we were both downstairs (loaf of bread is cooling on counter) while I was working on getting the wood stove going and our 44lb lab mix helped herself to the entire loaf of bread.

Very similar to your story CannaRed, it was about 48 hours before she was back up and moving. Probably should have gotten the dog to through up after she ingested it, but didn't think of that until it was too late. To end this take I'm happy to say Harlee is still with us and as happy a dog as she's ever been.



ICMag Donor
I used to have a dog that would be stoned when I was out of weed. I knew she would bury bones and such, but she would also raid joints and blunts and treat them like bones for consumption later.

I'm not sure how it works with dogs, but lack of decarbox didn't seem to be a preventative to the dog enjoying a buzz.

Very much like people, some dogs seem to favor it and some seem to shy away from it. I don't think I ever knowingly got that dog high, she just always found her way into something. It was inevitable.


I'll get some pictures up this evening at lights on. I think this is the end of week one or two? I really don't know at this point. I need to go back and look at the thread. Things one the one side of the bed look fantastic and are exactly what I need to see to know a great harvest is coming. The second side looks pathetic. Many of those clones just never have taken or grown normally. I'll be thinning the lower branches of side 1 and turning those into a new round of clones. I'll likely just pull some cuts up and replant entire rows, even if it is 4 weeks behind. Might as well shift to a perpetual style. That is the nature of a SOG anyway.



My wife asked me other night "What does the cat have?". Well he had found a small bag of catnip. He had destroyed the bag. Wifey gave him a little pile and he went ape shit.

What do you think the human equivalent is? From the looks I would say a cross between bath salts and DMT. Lol


ICMag Donor
It's time to get more serious about what I have going on here. The whole point was to have a small garden to have head stash and to get back to sorting some older seed that was sitting around and going to waste.

Problem is, the seed is a bit too old and it really isn't germinating like it should. That leads us down the path of invitro germination and the need for a laminar flow cabinet. I've wanted one of these to pursue tissue culture practices anyway, so, it falls in right in line with other needs.

I for see an expansion of the garden. I can't rationally let 2 x 315w CMH sit around doing nothing. I'm really starting think these HGLED quantum panels are going to be viable at this point. The secondary growth is some what absurd, in a good way. If I were to simply let things be, I could see the possibility of 2 liter sized coals being produced.

However, with the inevitable need to crop and sort new genetics not exactly being a seamless overlap in rotation ability, it just makes more sense to change the build a bit. Add another flower room. Run each room opposite each other so they aren't drawing power concurrently. This will double my sorting ability.

With these HGLED lights, the secondary growth is exploding, and so is the third tier of growth coming off the secondary branches. This means big, thick colas on the secondary growth, coming off the main cola stacking on the meristem. Put such growth in a screen for support and you have a lot of thick flowers growing rather closely together. Big cola potential - but also an increased potential for mold due to lack of air flow.

I gave a 24 hour dark cycle and then turned lights back on for the first day on the 21st.

This gives perspective on things now. These plants will need to be thinned out. If the goal is 1# per light, we'll have no issue finding out if that is possible with the first planting. These plants are in full on beast mode.



ICMag Donor
Chem Sis x Pure Kush cured


12wk Cobalt Haze cured




ICMag Donor
It is. The 12wk pheno from the first seed pop is a legit keeper. Stacks and has cookie levels of frost. (it does have th OGKB cut in the mix so stands to reason)

But yes. Killer smoke I've not built a much if any tolerance too. I'll run a light of her again before too much longer.

That's Abja Roots work - Always Be Flowering Seeds. ABF.



ICMag Donor
So, on the first side we have 4 Mochiesel #9. That was the most sour leaning pheno. There are 5 London Loud #2. 2 London Loud #9 - this plant reeks. 4 London Loud #4. That is 15 plants. One clone never grew out of it's funk. No big deal.

It's painfully obvious why I will be switching out clones in the second planting. Not going to waste 3 months for no production possibility.


The first side planted is looking great. I'm going to try to get more cuts from London Loud #9 and Mochiesel #9 in particular. I know that London Loud #2 was the plant that seemed to root the most easily, so I won't hesitate to fill in the bed with her excess if necessary.



6 days into flower. I need to strip the lowers back down and let the plants focus on that central cola growth. A this point, I really don't want to keep any secondary branches that are longer than a few inches, unless I think they can compete with the meristem in growth and production rate. A couple plants were topped by my cat, so a single cola may not be an option with these.


genetic freaked

Well-known member
Glad you got one side filled in. After the bottoms are stripped those babies are going to take off!!

I hope that Mochisel turns out to be a gem. I’m rooting for her and that stinker Loud


ICMag Donor
Canopy sits at 23-24". Bottom 13-14" are completely stripped bare. This restores the single cola profile with a few side nugs. I don't expect I'll need to thin the lowers again if I keep the light at the right height.

I figure these will at least double again, finishing in the 4' range. I'll be putting the first screen very soon.

I did noticed when pulling the light above 20" I got a bit more distance on the meristem between internodes than I desire. Seems like maybe a 16-18" range is ideal during stretch.

So far so good. These ladies should stack big coals. They have all the right conditions if the light is capable of pushing them.




Well-known member
nice. things look like they are moving along now. maybe you would benefit from a preveg veg area to get the clones bigger before hitting the beds with that hard hitting light?.

did that par meter help you any ?


Well-known member
That’s really sucks about the one side of that bed... clones look really behind the others...!!!...

Hopefully you’ll get it all sorted out...!!!...