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Distinguished and Nurtured Kind


ICMag Donor
@Chucky - Thanks, F.A.M!

@GingerBeard - Thanks! I'll do my best.

Lights off shot so you can really see what's going on in the room. Zoinks, that's gonna be a lotta colas, Scoobs. :joint:


Now, time to switch it up a bit. Here's a plant we've not seen in a bit.


This Snow Monkey male is rock solid. He's been stress tested several different ways and always manages to bounce back. I've taken him to the brink of death with starvation, simply cut him back fairly heavily - twice now - and he greens right back up, no issues. The lateral branching is just crazy. He spits branches without an issues. Tops beautifully. Never once has he produced a pollen sack while under various stress conditions. He still spits that GG#4 leaf snarl/curl . Double serrations have increased as he's aged on most leaves they eventually become apparent. The stinky funk from him - is just a rank lime/berry/bleachy chemical skunk funk. The plant stinks. He still shows a bit of resin shimmer when the leaves are healthy, stems remain tacky to the touch.

He'll be cloned. Again. I've tortured, to the death, 3 cuttings taken from him already. Pictured, is still the original seed plant, believe it or not. Still in the same 1 gallon it was transferred into for sexing as a seedling. I've thrown a fresh handful of soil at it once as the roots were getting a bit bare, but otherwise, this male seems to be a tank. I'll flower him out and see if he is in fact, dank.



ICMag Donor
You the man, Chili_B. Much love and respect, brother. :respect:

Took a tray of cuts.

The Snow Monkey male really is just putrid. While stripping him down a bit to make clones and expose the cambium layer, I had to get up and leave the room for fresh air. The chemical/bleachy/sour smell coming off him was just too strong. I forget that GG#4 has Sour Dubb - which has Sour D - and Chocolate Diesel - which has Sour D.

This Snow Monkey smells SOURRRRRRRRRRR. He's just rank, stank, funkiness. I've just been ignoring him for the most part, but geeeez. Dude is funky.

Nice work, GF! :respect:


genetic freaked

Well-known member
AMAZING DF... Im so happy you found a male like that in this cross... Snowman Jr LOL...

I can't wait to see what he looks like flowering.. I mean could you imagine if he produced trichomes like his dad...

Whats also interesting is that you stress tested the shit out of him and nothing.. Just like Snowman.. I mean I beat the shit out of that boy.. He was in a red plastic cup for 6 months and never produced a sack..

The Chem Sis leaf trait has me super excited!

genetic freaked

Well-known member
Not the best pic but here is what Snowmans leaves looked like.. To me it looks like your male is the perfect combo of the GromxDigi and GG4



ICMag Donor
Glad to see you drop in GF. Yeah, I'm not sure what to expect from him, but we can surely play around. Proof is always in the pudding with males, unless of course, you find something like Snowman, and then it's a given some fire to be found in the offspring.

To me, he leans MUCH more to the GG#4 side of things than the Snowman, honestly. I see hints and mild traces of him there, but for the most part he's reeking like a I'd expect or hope for from a good sour/chem cross.

The branching, internode spacing, and strength of the plant in general, is NOT consistent with how Glue grows at all, so there are certainly some noticeable enhancements present in some aspect of the male.

Regardless, he stays around and gets played with until the rest of the seeds get started, which will happen sooner than later.

Looking forward to seeing your room all cleaned up and revamped for the next round of things. That GROM Bx2 sounds tasty! I'll be starting some Snow Monkey here in the next couple of days.

Clones go into soil, dome goes on - then about 36 hours of darkness. Then I'll put them under very low lighting for 4-5 days, then I'll put them under full intensity lights and open the vents of the dome. Then after a couple days, I'll pull the dome completely. By then they should be rooting and with the next few days are fully rooted and ready to transplant.

I'll start some seeds when the clones go under full intensity lighting - Snow Monkey and Abusive OG x Digi Bx1 - we'll see what comes up!

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ICMag Donor
This is why I wanted fabric in the bottom of the bed. This is what fabric pots are supposed to do, except, it rarely happens because it's hard to keep the side moist enough for the roots to spread through them, without over watering near the center of the stem. Remember though, I left plastic over lap to direct run off to the center of the bed.


Perfect example of air pruning of a root system. These tips die due to air exposure, more feeders shoot off to explore more soil area as a result.

This tell me my plants are not deceptively healthy above the soil, riding a wave of available nitrogen, only to fall flat later in flower because their roots were weak and struggling.


I'm loving growing in a soil bed. Wish I had gone this direction sooner. It's epic.



Active member
I always thought about doing boxes but I am always running way more plants then I should. Maybe after the pheno run I will set up 2 boxes. Just makes watering so much easier. Then again you can't address a problem with an individual plant as easy as in a pot. IDK decisions decisions.
Your room is looking tight brother I'm a lil jello


ICMag Donor
:cry: Too kind bro. Don't be. It's a micro cab, really - but I've learned from enough F.A.M to know it doesn't have to be a huge op to be the best fire on the planet. I've had a LOT of amazing growers take me under their wing a time or two or three or four or...I'm honestly, just so glad to be growing this plant again. It's amazing. I love it. I really do. It humbles me. I need it.

This new soil recipe is banging. Seriously. I'm impressed.

I'm a bit baffled by the growth I'm seeing. These plants are just exploding. It's not normal at all. This is by far the best growth rates I've ever had. No exaggeration. I'm not sure if this is just experience compounded with be willing to listen to others - or if it's the lights. These things are just 315w. These little f.u.c.k.s. are training wheels, in reality - no lie, though. No hype. These things are crushing.

I honestly DID NOT believe it. These lights were being talked about like a new clone trying to blow up the scene. I got them, half expecting to unfortunately, need to get "frank" with people, and save others a lot of money and a waste of time.

But seriously. Day 11. 18" above the net. :jawdrop: That line between the two sheets of Reflectix, is 4ft, from the floor, to give you a relevant point of reference to understand scale and size.



A bit of plant focus now, bust mostly to show all this lovely green praying growth isn't waste. These ladies, are in fact, stacking proper. I need to get the second screen in place.

ABF Seeds: Cobalt Haze #1 - The 9wk pheno @11 days


All the people spraying their plants with whatever PGR and what not. Have fun!!!!

Me. I'mma just keep waterin'. I'm also going to keep using CMH.

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ICMag Donor
All that aside, 8 plants in this space, was a good call. Thank you, to those of you who suggested I go with the original planned route. It's working out wonderfully. I'm glad I listened, because there are CERTAINLY more than 18 - or even 32 (if I was running a true SOG at 4 plants per square foot) colas forming right now.

It was the right call. Thank you for talking some sense into me. Personally, I NEED a couple of good rounds, so :respect:



Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
It's funny you mention the praying leaves. I just saw that for the first time during my last grow.

Funny how it took me to switch over to pure organics to get there. I know there are guys out there that can kill it with hydro. But I ain't one of them.


Well-known member
Plants are the picture of health. Digging the bed idea myself.

Last run was a single glue scrogged in a 25 gal SIP. It was a great run. Current run is back in 5 gal fabric pots and I'm getting a bit yellow too fast imo. I think that with the water only organics, large pots or beds are the way to go over containers that are 5 gal or less.


ICMag Donor
@heady - Thanks, F.A.M. You were the final straw in deciding to purchase the CMH's. I appreciate the honest guidance. Glad I listened.

@Got Budd - Hey! Just finding your threads. Not many people running annaC these days. Was a lot of great work that got over looked from that outfit. I still have some of the gear in the vault. The Apophis in particular, needs to find it's way to dirt.

@Bmac1 - I'm pretty sure in one of my various stickies - there is a short rant about not altering a soil mix to try and make it stronger or to thin it down as a result of a plant not growing correctly or getting hungry, etc.

hydro and Coir growers don't understand root volume in the same context that soil growers do. In one gallon of coir, you can produce a massive plant. In an organic soil, part of the key to success is putting the right sized plant in the right sized soil volume.

Water only absolutely works - even in 3 gallon, if your plant has only been topped once in veg and about 15" tall when you start flowering. Then they grow beautifully. But it's a much smaller plant than someone used to coir would expect to see for the substrate volume.

Just part of that learning curve. I knew from previous experience, if I wanted to get 3oz from a plant regardless the genetics, I needed to have at least 5 gallons of soil per plant in the bed. Sitting at 7.25 per plant, gives me the comfort to know root space or soil volume, is NOT going to be a limiting factor to me hitting that mythical 1.5-2# mark with these small lamps.

@Chucky - Thanks, F.A.M. - Just have to keep 'em green! :joint:



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Looks great man, going to be fun to watch them finish. I bet stretch is about done, you might be able to just raise your trellis up 6” and be good, they look pretty sturdy. If there is a tall cola or two a couple sticks or strings and you are good. I run a double trellis under a few lights and today was a harvest day and man the single trellis is just more fun to cut them out of. Either way there are some chunkers headed your way. Good growing.


ICMag Donor
I want to say last round of flower started at roughly 28".

9wk Cobalt finished at 54", so about 26" of stretch. The 12wk Cobalt kept stretching into the 5th and even 6th week of flower, finishing around 68", so roughly 40" of growth in flower.

I'm not sure what to expect from the Sis x PK but she seems to be keeping pace with everything else in the room so far. Another 10"-12" of stretch or so, I'd expect to see yet from everything. If I set my screen at 16" from the first I can still work it into the canopy and provide some good support for the rest of the flowers.

The lower screen is sort of wedged in between a mesh of branches and exploding secondary growth. It's not moving, but I understand why you suggest that.

I think the ladies are going to get heavy again and will NEED that second layer to stop them from flopping over.

Thanks for the good vibes, Itsmychoice.



Clones go into soil, dome goes on - then about 36 hours of darkness. Then I'll put them under very low lighting for 4-5 days, then I'll put them under full intensity lights and open the vents of the dome. Then after a couple days, I'll pull the dome completely. By then they should be rooting and with the next few days are fully rooted and ready to transplant.


Hey Frank,. Why the 36 hour dark period?

Also: what's your thoughts on the praying leaves? I've heard growers say it means they're happy and growing. I have seen it in my plants sometimes, and they did seem happy. I've also heard it means they are getting too much light and they change angle of leaf away from light. The latter kinda makes sense, but your pic was taken with lights out.


ICMag Donor
I'm fairly sure that lights out pic was taken at lights on as well, not at lights off, however, they are praying in the lights on pic as well.

I've read both. I generally see it when plants are exploding in growth rates, so I tend to think of it as having enough of what they need. "Getting too much light" seems almost silly considering they do just fine under natural sunlight, which compared to a 315w, let's be real.

If anyone has any actual studies to this effect, I'd like to read them.

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