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Genghis Kush

Active member
OK fellow Ancient Astronaut theorists....smoke a fatty and ask your self why the "mythical" supernatural being with legendary power and strength from a time long past--is/was named "thunderbird".

Think about it, thunder--what noise sounds like thunder, especially in a time when the best way to get from here to there was: walk or ride on the back of a beast. There were no "engines" or "motors".

Can you name another object that, during the days of antiquity, flew in the sky (like a bird) that possessed great power and strength--and made a sound like "thunder"?

Now read what wiki says about t-birds (better have that fatty lit)--

In Algonquian mythology, the thunderbird controls the upper world while the underworld is controlled by the underwater panther or Great Horned Serpent. The thunderbird throws lightning at the underwater creatures and creates thunder by flapping its wings.[1] Thunderbirds in this tradition are commonly depicted as having an X-shaped appearance. This varies between a simple X to recognizable birds.[1] The X-shaped thunderbird is often used to depict the thunderbird with its wings alongside its body and the head facing forwards instead of in profile.[2]

The Menominee of Northern Wisconsin tell of a great mountain that floats in the western sky on which dwell the thunderbirds. They control the rain and hail and delight in fighting and deeds of greatness. They are the enemies of the great horned snakes - the Misikinubik - and have prevented these from overrunning the earth and devouring mankind. They are messengers of the Great Sun himself.[3]

The Ojibwe version of the myth states that the thunderbirds were created by Nanabozho for the purpose of fighting the underwater spirits. They were also used to punish humans who broke moral rules. The thunderbirds lived in the four directions and arrived with the other birds in the springtime. In the fall they migrated south after the ending of the underwater spirits' most dangerous season.[4]

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Now aren't you glad you smoked a fatty? How many ancient cultures got this one right? Or were they all smoking the same bad ass shit?

Scotty, beam me up!

are all the mythological beings Aliens or just the thunder birds?


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
If we take the contrarian point of view and assume what "professionals" claim to be "settled science" can, one day in the future, be proven to be pure bullshit, then my curiosity side of my brain asks, "how can cultures in completely different continents report seeing and hearing the same fucking thing....and why do so many "smart people" maintain the experiences of these peoples are really a myth?"

Once upon a time, the "church" controlled what could be considered "science" and what was "myth", now in our modern world, that power power is zealously welded by an international consortium of policy wonks, backed and paid by everyone's government. LOL, imo, probably no different today than when the "holy see" had the final say. Minority is usually silenced.

Genghis Kush

Active member
If we take the contrarian point of view and assume what "professionals" claim to be "settled science" can, one day in the future, be proven to be pure bullshit, then my curiosity side of my brain asks, "how can cultures in completely different continents report seeing and hearing the same fucking thing....and why do so many "smart people" maintain the experiences of these peoples are really a myth?"

------because thunderstorms happen all over the world and people are wired to explain what they don't understand by assigning it to the work of otherworldly beings. Our Human cultural traditions haver continuity stretching very far into our distant past. Many Native American beliefs and customs have there origin in the ancient population of North East Asia that was the homeland of most Native Americans before they migrated to the Americas. These stories are found on different continents because we all come from one source.
Why do people call it myth? Because thats what it is. Myth has great value and is born from the same well of archetypes as our dreams.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Or could it be that on clear days, thunderbirds visibly flying in the air break the sound barrier, making that loud crack which sounds just like "thunder". Thunder on clear days without clouds...that would get my attention.

Sound engineer, please que up AC/DC "Thunderstruck".




What do we really know about life in the universe? In truth, very little. Like tribesmen looking out to the dim horizon beyond an isolated oceanic island, we know nothing about life beyond our shores. We look up to the stars, peering into the deep black of space, wondering who is out there. We simply do not know. And our unknowing is one of the great perils of our modern time. We build arrays of radio telescopes, hoping to hear messages from space. We hone our optical instruments, hoping to discover Earthlike worlds. But what if we are the ones to be discovered? What if contact with extraterrestrial life happens on our shores? And what if it happens on their terms, not on ours? History gives us a dire warning. It is the unfortunate position to be the race that is discovered, to be the natives of a new world. As some in the corridors of government and commerce are well aware, we have been discovered. Our encounter with extraterrestrial life is well underway. Contact has begun, but it is Contact with a dark and self-serving intent, occurring without human consent or awareness. Can the trickle-rate of scientific progress prepare us for our present encounter with life in the universe? For this, a new revelation is needed to understand how the universe can be this worldly? Where are the enlightened races, the stories of great empires, heroes, free energy and adventures in space? Why can’t it be better than life here on Earth? It is natural for us to want these things, even to demand them from the last remaining frontier of existence. For all of human history, the universe remained comfortably unknown, allowing our fantasies and mythologies to grow and be untempered by reality. The universe became the canvas upon which we expressed our longings and our dissatisfaction with life here on Earth. Given our isolation in the universe, this is understandable. Yet now it is time to face the reality of life in the universe. And doing this is a courageous act. Here we must be willing to venture beyond the comfort of our beliefs and assumptions and bravely look into a universe that we know little about. This is the great evolutionary step before us. The words of Life in the Universe are simple and unadorned. Its message can be blunt and to the point. This is especially true in Part 1: The Reality. We might find some of its phrases awkward and wonder to ourselves why God doesn’t speak more majestically, more perfectly, more spiritually. And yet perhaps this is what revelation really looks like. The Biblical and Quranic texts we associate with revelation have passed through time, translation and the innumerable hands of followers, scholars and rulers. Do we know what original revelation is really like at the time it is given? Furthermore, we should keep in mind that Life in the Universe was not written to be read. It was spoken to be heard. It is a spoken communication and has not been adjusted to the literary tastes of anyone. It is pure, untainted by any human hand or intellect, set down on paper exactly as the recorder captured it at the moment of revelation. While Life in the Universe may disappoint some of our expectations and open rain clouds upon the parade of human preferences and assumptions, it is nonetheless a beautiful revelation of breathtaking scope. It opens up a vast and panoramic vision of life on the grandest scale. It is truly a doorway into the living story of our universe. It is in the lineage of great Messengers that my father has brought to us something never before seen on Earth. Yet it is not only a social, moral or metaphysical need that has compelled God to speak again. Life in the Universe has come to meet a greater human need: to restore our world, to unite the tribes of Earth and to prepare us for our emergence into the universe, the vast arena of life which encompasses the other 99.999 percent of Creation. It is at this new frontier of life that we must build our future. It is here that our success and survival will be determined. This is the greatest threshold we have ever faced. But we are not prepared. The education and preparation have been given. The doorway to life in the universe stands before us. No longer do we look through the keyhole, imagining what lies beyond. In our hands, we now have the key itself: a simple book, authored by no human on Earth, with the power to prepare us for our future and destiny in the universe. Join me in using this key to open the door to a new chapter in the human experience. Let us pass through together, leaving our assumptions and expectations at the door, and prepare for life amongst the Greater Community of worlds. Reed Summers Boulder, Colorado 2012

LIFE IN THE UNIVERSE: http://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-4/life-universe/introduction-to-life-in-the-universe

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Life in the Universe is the exact rendering of a revelation event. The 173 pages of this revelation were received over a three-day period in 2008 by a man named Marshall Vian Summers..

The revelation event began the morning of June 11th. And by the afternoon of June 13th it was over. Eleven hours of speech, separated by two nights, had etched onto digital tape the words of a revelation destined for the world..

I don't know if aliens brought weed to earth,
but I've smoked a few strains that made me feel like I was an alien from outer space...:biggrin:
lmfao one time I smoked some sensi star - way back when lol
I was in someones backyard with a friend and I looked into the sky and said "we're the aliens" :laughing: I truly felt like I was an alien!


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Then we have the elongated skull mystery--

Then we have the elongated skull mystery--

New DNA Testing on 2,000-Year-Old Elongated Paracas Skulls Changes Known History

The elongated skulls of Paracas in Peru caused a stir in 2014 when a geneticist that carried out preliminary DNA testing reported that they have mitochondrial DNA “with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far”. Now a second round of DNA testing has been completed and the results are just as controversial – the skulls tested, which date back as far as 2,000 years, were shown to have European and Middle Eastern Origin. These surprising results change the known history about how the Americas were populated.

Paracas is a desert peninsula located within Pisco Province on the south coast of Peru. It is here where Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928 – a massive and elaborate graveyard containing tombs filled with the remains of individuals with the largest elongated skulls found anywhere in the world. These have come to be known as the ‘Paracas skulls’. In total, Tello found more than 300 of these elongated skulls, some of which date back around 3,000 years.


Marzulli explained that an archaeologist has written a paper about his study of the position of the foramen magnum in over 1000 skulls. “He states that the Paracas skulls, the position of the foramen magnum is completely different than a normal human being, it is also smaller, which lends itself to our theory that this is not cradle headboarding, this is genetic.”

In addition, Marzulli described how some of the Paracas skulls have a very pronounced zygomatic arch (cheek bone), different eye sockets and no sagittal suture, which is a connective tissue joint between the two parietal bones of the skull.

....(fast forward to conclusion)....

Extra-terrestrial Hypothesis

Due to the unusual shape and features of the Paracas skulls, there has long been speculation that they are extra-terrestrial in origin, and many have hoped that DNA testing would prove that to be the case.

“As regards an “alien” component or ancestry to the skulls, we may never know,” writes Brien Foerster. “The DNA testing programs can only compare sample DNA with those that are known, and those are held in a huge database called Gentech in the US. Further testing with cooperation from Peruvian archaeologists and the Ministry of Culture are now ongoing.”

Nevertheless, LA Marzulli explained that the DNA results fit perfectly with the hypothesis he has held since before any testing was undertaken. That is that the Paracas people are the Nephilim. The Nephilim, according to ancient Biblical texts, are the offspring of the Fallen Angels and the women of earth, resulting in a hybrid entity, and they said to be based in the area of the Levant, the same place that the Paracas DNA traces to.

Whether or not this hypothesis is correct, the results of the DNA tests are dramatic and history changing and further testing may help to unravel the complex history of the Paracas people.

Source: http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/breaking-new-dna-testing-2000-year-old-elongated-paracas-skulls-changes-020914?nopaging=1

And on the other side of the world, we have the famous pharaoh Akhenaten, also with an elongated skull.

Strange body

The list of peculiarities is lengthy: an elongated skull, long neck, sunken eyes, thick thighs, long fingers, backward-turned knee joints, a prominent belly that suggests pregnancy and female-like breasts. The first thing that is strange is his elongated skull, and in all of the statues and depictions of him, we see this elongated skull. In general his body was sort of like a feminine and masculine mixture.

The change in royal iconography of Akhenaten depicted him with a misshapen head, with a potbelly a sunken chest, elongated arms, larger thighs and this was totally opposed to the idealized iconography of traditional Egyptian artists that showed these big and strong looking Pharaohs.

Why would he make changes in the royal iconography to show him as this “weak” Pharaoh? His wife Nefertiti was also depicted having an elongated skull, did they have some kind of genetic anomaly that caused their heads– and body’s in general to be misshaped and disproportional? Or is there something more to this strange Pharaoh and his origins? Is it possible that he was actually a hybrid human being? with genes and DNA from Extraterrestrials? What is for sure is that he was not like other Pharaohs and human beings in general, when you look at his statues and depictions you immediately point out these strange, unlike humanoid characteristics. He is simply put a strange “human”.


Source: http://www.ancient-code.com/akhenaten-the-heretic-pharaoh/

And when he died, all the monuments and statues of his likeness were either destroyed or hidden--and his name was scratched from the list of kings. Hmmmmm....


Well-known member
I think the above post has a lot of relevance to our history ...as far fetched as it may seem to some , I believe aliens are masters at genetic engineering look at the rainbow of races alone evolution does not enable genome editing to that level , our brains are no where near as powerful as theirs hence why we find a lot of things hard to understand and re-engineer etc...

We're are getting cleverer than ever I believe Roswell was the first step to a technological englitenment that we've had, if you listen to lieutenant colonel Philip James Corso and Partically his book "The day after Roswell " things will make a lot more sense ...

Genome editing is an extraterrestrial input no doubt it would take us a million years to learn the complications to it all single handedly. We can even make viruses in fact all viruses are man made by scientists like Robert Charles Gallo who engineered HIV/AID for the USA's viral program which started as far back as 1800's .. to engineer a virus that has the ability to infect and replicate inside our most important immune cell known as a (macrophage) is some serious shit trust me ...

So if you hiv positive he legally owns your boiological body .

We are the ants in the universe... clever but by far not the cleverest.
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Invertebrata Inebriata
I think the above post has a lot of relevance to our history ...as far fetched as it may seem to some , I believe aliens are masters at genetic engineering look at the rainbow of races alone evolution does not enable genome editing to that level

Sure it does- look at all the breeds of dogs, chickens, guppies, etc.

Just read about Darwin's finches on Galapagos Islands. Darwin discovered 14 different species of finches just on Galapagos. They had all evolved into different niches, based on survival and food finding strategies.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
So...evolution + hybrid (Nephilim) = one fucked up human race on this planet...lol. Which is what we have today...everyone fighting to have their "god" placed higher on the totem pole than all others.

The joke is on us, all those fighting a religious battle--are probably fighting for the "same God". Said differently is the God of the three most popular deity religions of today--(the God of Allah, Moses, & Jesus) the one and the same, or is that God sourced from 3 different entities?


The Tri Guy
God doesn't exist and neither do aliens. No warewolves or ghosts, no bigfoot and no nessy.
Time to tune back in and drop into reality again. Bloody tim Leary.

Midnite Toker

Active member

Maybe not but if they really are advanced you know they brought some O.G. "Other Gallaxy" Kush home with them!:dance013:
(and a couple sacks of seeds!):biggrin:


Well-known member
God doesn't exist and neither do aliens. No warewolves or ghosts, no bigfoot and no nessy.
Time to tune back in and drop into reality again. Bloody tim Leary.

Well that's a rather ignorant statement GMT , especially with all the evidence we have , to think we're the only ones is an outlook crafted from a narrow minded individual.


Well-known member
Sure it does- look at all the breeds of dogs, chickens, guppies, etc.

Just read about Darwin's finches on Galapagos Islands. Darwin discovered 14 different species of finches just on Galapagos. They had all evolved into different niches, based on survival and food finding strategies.

Forget Darwin he has no relevance or not do his theory's , science dismissed his bullshit long ago and science doesn't lie ...

14 different species doesn't mean they were manipulated by evolution at all , that's like saying a white man eating Rice n peas will turn black.

And dogs interbreed mixing genetics so evolution has little or no input

Bobby Boucher

Active member
Once a conclusion is reached, the learning process ends. Open minds don't have the time or the inclination for blind faith. This is why we can't have nice things, people.

"The important thing is to never stop questioning" - Einstein


Invertebrata Inebriata
God doesn't exist and neither do aliens. No warewolves or ghosts, no bigfoot and no nessy.
Time to tune back in and drop into reality again. Bloody tim Leary.

So you're just dismissing the experiences and observations of millions of people across the span of civilization? What sets you above us all to see through everything? And God Bless Timothy Leary!

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