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moses wellfleet

Well-known member
Many years ago, while crewing a sailboat in the ocean near the Bahamas,
I saw an erratically moving light in the sky, which I still believe was some sort of UFO with aliens...

But those fuckers sure didn't bring me any weed!
Were you anywhere near Marsh harbour, Great Abaco, I too did some sailing in that region?

Bobby Boucher

Active member



http://buyweedonline.ca/marijuana-actually-contain-alien-dna/#.WOxN_bk2y1s - Does MARIJUANA ACTUALLY contain ALIEN DNA? - February 27, 2017 - Does MARIJUANA ACTUALLY contain ALIEN DNA?

Well...technically it could be quite possible. If you type in marijuana ALIEN DNA into Google you may come across several dozen links all leading to a similar click-bait-article. The article is just there to get you to click on it and prove that people will just about click or share anything prior to even lets say reading the actual article.

We, on the other hand, are actually going to take a closer look at whether or not marijuana contains “ALIEN DNA”.

Essentially it all comes down to how you think of life propagating throughout the Universe. Most scientists today will agree that life didn’t begin here on Earth, rather it “arrived” via a comet or meteorite.

Life had to have began somewhere but odds are that it wasn’t good ol’ planet Earth. Instead it was probably another galaxy or solar system (much older then our own) where the first living organisms (single-celled organisms) came into existence in some-sort-of primordial soup.

Believe it or not marijuana is a living and breathing organism. If you have enjoyed some of the many highs or benefits this plant has to offer you will probably agree that it is something from out of this world-perhaps even this galaxy!

AND since life probably didn’t begin here on Earth, every living organism on this planet, marijuana and us alike-contain some form of ALIEN DNA!


http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2014/01/stoned-ape-theory-might-be-more-than-just-stoner-logic/ - Stoned Ape Theory Might be More Than Just Stoner Logic - January 3, 2014 - McKenna theorizes intelligence might have made its way to our planet via spore-bearing intelligent life that traveled to Earth in cosmic radiation, much like what is described in the Crick Theory of Panspermia. [continued]


.......here upon this speck of dust we go about our daily lives consumed by insignificant trivialities; political intrigues, familial dramas, tribal warfare, watching our waistlines, balancing our checkbooks, trying to be a nice person; all the while too self-preoccupied to witness the astounding miracle in which we swirl.......we need a panoramic view from which we may gaze into the limitless deeps in which we may lose ourselves........"we are such stuff as dreams are made of; and our little lives are rounded with a sleep." - the tempest.......we need a transformative grand perspective to reawaken our "puer-aeternis" childlike wonder of it all.......the mystery of the creation......the mystery of good and evil.......the mystery of life and death.......the mystery of things long gone.......what has happened.......what is out there.......what alien powers impinge on us.......we know that the universe is immense beyond any power of imagining.......we are just a speck of dust in a vast and alien cosmos, and lots of strange things are going on out there.......where are we going.......life, the timeless mysterious gift, is still evolving.......what wonders --- or terrors --- does evolution hold in store for us in the next ten thousand years.......in a million....... in ten million.......


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqly-bE2-W8 - NASA Releases its Biggest Picture Ever (UHD4K)



Active member
DUH of course weed was brought to planet earth by aliens everyone knows this already.:abduct:

Where else do magic weed fairies come from??:dancer:




Many empires have risen and fallen to dust,

See the long line of heroes consumed by their lust?

Washed away are the surfeits of merchants and kings,

By the sparkling flood of the translucent stream . . .

Of the River of Time, Oh! the River of Time,

We are all going down to the River of Time,

When it's our time to go, let's wade into the flow

Let's go running down the banks to the River of Time!"


Hubble Deep View Showing 100's of hitherto unknown galaxies.
It was aimed at a black space where nothing had ever been seen.
After ten days exposure, this was the resulting photograph.

Each of the galaxies above contains 100's of millions of stars,
many of them identical to our own sun.

Imagine what an infinite variety of civilizations that have risen and
fallen throughout the endless reaches of space and time . . . .

St. Phatty

Active member
maybe UFO just stands for

Unidentified Farm Observer

and they're just drones sent down to sample our Cannabis crops.

This would be consistent with the

"ET as Pirate" theme,

where 'they' are just cruising the Galaxy looking for Pussy

(the human kind, mostly)

and good buds.

If you were an ET, what would you do ?


I was over at cousin Red's casa many a year ago back in the mid 90's. He had just upgraded from a singlewide to a doublewide and the whole Ledbetter family had come in for the housewarming.
Everyone had gathered around the dinner table that evening, Grandpa, Ma & Pa, Ray-del, May-Del, A-del & Able & Mable as well and all the table trimmings had pretty much been devoured except for one piece of chicken that was left on the plate. Right about that time we all heard a big ole wooooosh with a loud vibrating hum and all of the lights went out and then there was a huge scream, the house vibrated and rumbled again and then all of a sudden everything settled down and all of the lights came back on. I just so happend to look down at the piece of chicken that was left on the plate and there was grandpa Ledbetter with his hand over that piece of chicken and 8 forks were stuck into his hand!:biggrin: Cousin A-del (we use the small case "d" because he and Ray both have a few recessive traits in their bloodlines) and the rest of the family loaded up the winnebago and took Grand Pa to the vet to have all the forks removed......me....I wondered what the hell that noise was so I walked behind the damn doublewide and there it was....just floating on the surface, no noise, no lights and I am pretty much sure it was using a cloaking device as well because I could not see it either but I knew they were there...watching my every move. While standing there starring at the invisible ship I suddenly heard their telepathic voices in my head which stated in Morris Code (I was a Boy Scout) that the Married with Children episode about the Aliens using Al's socks for fuel was a cover up and that they really did need fuel but it wasn't the socks!:moon:..... To this day I don't wear underwear anymore and I suggest that you don't either (they are the Gray's if you know what I mean) and they also mentioned that they used womens' bras for fuel, all shapes and sizes so I should also suggest to the women of this blue planet to free themselves of possible future alien abductions and we all go back to the 60's and 70's and start burning the bras' so the invisible aliens can see that you mean business, jump up and down and shake your fist in anger at them I say!!!. ...........as for me...I survived the voices and I only hear them when I take off my Velostat hat....it is much much better than the tinfoil hats which BTW is sooooooo 90's now (i always wanted to say that)
You can find them here

The snickerdoodle above was brought to you by an Ole Jerry Clower joke mixed with a little Boobieberry and very wishful thinking. It is not my intention to harm anyone but instead for the whole world to laugh with me (especially in these times) and for the record I do Believe.

Love and Compassion to ALL.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCtdsoAssyM - ALIEN. WEED. RAP - The aliens want their weed back!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uAmJwYenIs - Cosmos On Weed with Neil deGrasse Tyson

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oT2-tb5s-Pg - NEGAME - Space Weed (A Trailer Park Boys Remix) (2009)

Here are the stoned aliens who, like, johnny appleseed, range far and wide to cast their seed, but they got so high on their Andromeda strain, that they can't find their way back home again :



The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Thunderbird time! No, not the kind you drink!

Thunderbird time! No, not the kind you drink!

OK fellow Ancient Astronaut theorists....smoke a fatty and ask your self why the "mythical" supernatural being with legendary power and strength from a time long past--is/was named "thunderbird".

Think about it, thunder--what noise sounds like thunder, especially in a time when the best way to get from here to there was: walk or ride on the back of a beast. There were no "engines" or "motors".

Can you name another object that, during the days of antiquity, flew in the sky (like a bird) that possessed great power and strength--and made a sound like "thunder"?

Now read what wiki says about t-birds (better have that fatty lit)--

In Algonquian mythology, the thunderbird controls the upper world while the underworld is controlled by the underwater panther or Great Horned Serpent. The thunderbird throws lightning at the underwater creatures and creates thunder by flapping its wings.[1] Thunderbirds in this tradition are commonly depicted as having an X-shaped appearance. This varies between a simple X to recognizable birds.[1] The X-shaped thunderbird is often used to depict the thunderbird with its wings alongside its body and the head facing forwards instead of in profile.[2]

The Menominee of Northern Wisconsin tell of a great mountain that floats in the western sky on which dwell the thunderbirds. They control the rain and hail and delight in fighting and deeds of greatness. They are the enemies of the great horned snakes - the Misikinubik - and have prevented these from overrunning the earth and devouring mankind. They are messengers of the Great Sun himself.[3]

The Ojibwe version of the myth states that the thunderbirds were created by Nanabozho for the purpose of fighting the underwater spirits. They were also used to punish humans who broke moral rules. The thunderbirds lived in the four directions and arrived with the other birds in the springtime. In the fall they migrated south after the ending of the underwater spirits' most dangerous season.[4]


Now aren't you glad you smoked a fatty? How many ancient cultures got this one right? Or were they all smoking the same bad ass shit?

Scotty, beam me up!

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