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Design a Banner and Logo Contest for CH9 Female Seeds!!!

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Custom User Title
panopticist said:
Where did my pics go?

I had two large images in the last couple of posts, and now they are missing...
I was wondering about that, you posted that you had made changes but I didn't see any image posted. I'd say there's an typo somewhere between your img tags.


Tuco,,,thank you it is very creative,,,very tempting......beautiful,,,pure...I will see a girl more realist myself,,,maybe a real image or a drawing moer realistic....I hope I am not breaking any feelings here ,really....

No, no broken feelings, mate. All good....I'll see if I can get time to try some more stuff.

If not then all the very best in you business, you have some yummy sounding strains there. :rasta:


Active member
ICMag Donor
thanks that 's nice.,me too ,it reminds me the same thing....it is very natural....

Thanks a lot,,,I really appreciate your help guys....it is beautiful...

Panopticist,,,real nice design....thanks again
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The Tri Guy
I know this isnt what you're after, but its all just in fun, and so I took it in another direction.

I tried to put it all into a ghostbusters "NO" sign, you know, the red cirle with a line going through it, but I dont have software that will do that, I assumed I would have, so anyway:



Active member
ICMag Donor
Gmt, Nice...lol...

During our tests we haven't found any hermas, during testers test ,,,some plants were half burned and never shows signs of hermaphrodisme (their technique not mine), they loose half their leafs no hermas...but lately we found one herma out of a client grow,that seems to be well set up and where no heavy stress was done,,(except over fertilising maybe) ,it could happen.(5 ml started with a tap water at 0,82 ec is a way too much on young plants and he may have used the supervit small bottle where some auxines and cytokinines are present and are known to reverse sex...I guess he reached 2.5 Ec or more on 2-3 weeks old plant....!)
Otherwise I think by using our technique and later on some trial some female seed plant to breed I have remove some genetic hermaphrodisme tendency,this way....but environmental tendency can always occur...
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Custom User Title
I can't speak for everyone, but if I were to get at least 85-90% females from a pack of female seeds I'd be satisfied. I've never bought female seeds though, so I can't really say much.
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What I have so far...

What I have so far...

All I have so far. Mostly conceptual and could be altered in color, font and composition. I'll be working on more later today.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
panopticist said:
I think my pics are back...

Hands down the best in this thread...

Very proffessional and trustworthy looking. From a business stand point i would go with this design 100%. My personal preference also..

Simple and stylish...


Med grower
ICMag Donor
I concur with 9lives - Panopticist's designs stand out head and shoulders above the rest. But still they're all very good, we've certainly got a creative bunch here.

panopticist said:
I think my pics are back...



More logos...

More logos...

More logo ideas. Took a little inspiration from Panopticist on the top left one but his still looks the best for the style and originality. Going to be tough to beat it. Trying to come up with some more natural/conventional logos. Banners will come sometime soon, too.

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Echoes said:

All I have so far. Mostly conceptual and could be altered in color, font and composition. I'll be working on more later today.

this one gets my vote

simple, eye catching, original concept, good impact, .....it just needs direction from Ch9 on font choices, size and colour..layout etc
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