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Design a Banner and Logo Contest for CH9 Female Seeds!!!

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ICMag Donor
panopticist said:
Here's my submission...


Do you guys see the H in the C and the 9?
I dig negative space...

I made a green version for regular seeds, as well as a grey/pink version for the Girl Collection. I'll see if I can't knock something out for a banner in the next few days...

SIMPLE, MODERN, CLASSY, EFFECTIVE....not so clear at first it forces you to look closer, using the negative space is a very common trick to play on the eyes that actually increases the effectiveness of a logo....very stylish


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dank.frank said:
SIMPLE, MODERN, CLASSY, EFFECTIVE....not so clear at first it forces you to look closer, using the negative space is a very common trick to play on the eyes that actually increases the effectiveness of a logo....very stylish

I agree, the best logo so far.


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ICMag Donor
guys it is real nice thanks a lot for your help.....


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ICMag Donor
I like a lot what Bounty has done,I would like to see it with the last pictures I posted at the bottom of page 1 that are more green florescent....the second trial you have done is nice.The first and second samples are really cool to me...If we could see more the seeds on the first sample where you let a dark seed background ,it be cute too...

I like the roots on simplewords logo.....and Alija black & white logo too..

Tuco it is beautiful and goes very well with what Gypsy was thinking....and he thinks well..our taste are not always the best but I am very attached to the bud shots image ,,,on Bounty banner....

Simpleword first banner is cool & very tempting....

The logo from panopticist is real cool and modern...as we are focused on female seeds so writing Female somewhere may help,even with a smaller font,at the bottom? other green color maybe? otherwise the burgundy and grey sounds cool and fresh...

if it was me I will mail seeds to all for helping...I hate choosing a winner so I hope Gypsy will help maybe...

Thank you very much to all.
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ICMag Donor
Bounty,great with the photo moving ? ...any font more bold? maybe...or more yellow orange,,the other font was cool,eighties style...maybe too big not sure....
what ever...
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ICMag Donor
yes sure I did... :wave: the second banner with the seeds was nice too,white font is real clear and orange will be cool too,anyway...just do one it be so helpfull already.Thanks again
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Custom User Title
The feedback is really appreciated, thanks. Here's one with orange font instead of white.

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Sneak attack critical
Some minor revisions and an example of how the logo can change depending on the situation...

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I'll have a go at incorporating some of CH9's shots next time around...coming up blank at the moment. Even if does not get chosen, I'm having a blast...love this stuff.

Here is my version of a seed pack.


All the best.


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ICMag Donor
Bounty ,not to be a pain,,but the first animation was faster right? ( I mean on the first banners you made) and it end with a better view of the final buds (more buds),,,which doesn't appear similar on the last trial...maybe using the first picture on the bottom page 1 (I remove the second one so there is only one left now to make it clear) of this thread will remove the white fade mark we see close of the buds on the final view (top right) ...

I like the last 2 banners ,,,if you could make this tiny changes good otherwise,,it is very nice thanks...

Tuco,,,thank you it is very creative,,,very tempting......beautiful,,,pure...I will see a girl more realist myself,,,maybe a real image or a drawing moer realistic....I hope I am not breaking any feelings here ,really....
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Sneak attack critical
~CH9~ said:
also I like more "Ch9 Female seeds" than "feminised or feminized"...that's all I wanted to say......
Whoops, just read this remark and had to make an update...

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Not sure if I understood what you meant 100%, but I tried to get some more buds in there and have it a little quicker.
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ICMag Donor
Bounty29, what do you think yourself about it?
they are leafy buds,it is a vintage image but it still has it charm ,,
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Sneak attack critical
Where did my pics go?

I had two large images in the last couple of posts, and now they are missing...


Custom User Title
When I see that picture of the buds it makes me think outdoor, old school buds. Definitely something I've been interested in since I started growing. Overall I like the design, but that's probably because I made it. :)

What do you think about it? :joint: :wave:
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