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Desert Southwest Growers Union

  • Thread starter Thread starter EatShitake
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holy shit fast pine i hope that comes to a bowl near me. Those look like ****in monsters. Bud monsters ah it looks like some killer shit and from the desert no less. Who has desert bud? not many...ill tell you that. YOuve done it my friend. Id love to see some climitization of some strains and if done long enough an exclusive desert strain. I love it...sorry im throwin out the stoner ideas like that but its got me droolin.
what are the max temps around there?


sorry solar t, I thought you were playing also until your last post about it, than I thought you were getting a bit personal about it, since I was playing with tester, but you seemed to take personal offence to it. my mistake,


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
rock on you guys have lots of deal with in the desert.... fast pine awesome brother.. wats strains are ya growin out there...?? tester wowzers on the grape punch and sour bub.. ive been trying to get some sour bub for quite sometime now... I have a few bubbledust seeds..:wink: ill bbl to check out yer guys stuff great work.. peace..



I would be truely amazed if anyone would find my upper desert grow sites. They would have to follow me deep into the back country where I camp. Not many people willing to do that!!! My girl went with me a couple times, but its to much for her. Most of the equipment was packed into there over 10 years ago, so that was half the work right there. Temps get in the mid 90's up there in the heart of veg, and I have been working some un-named strains out there all those years with good sucsess. Mostly sativa and crosses that can handle the extreme climate. I take advantage of the monsoons to get most of my water, but it's rough sometimes. Using clones and timing is everything to finish up there.

grizz- if you mistakenly stumble across my grow while I am there, I will gladly cut off some killer bud for you.

Inside is shaping up to be a great year with all my Sour Bubble showing female, along with 4 of 8 Grape Punch and the 1 Sweet Cindy. Bummer no male with the Sour Bubble though, out of over 20. WTF????

Well after being patient and lurking on Seedbay, still to come are:
Yumbolt (Really looking forward to that)
Double Strawberry Diesel
Hundu Kush (Going indoors and out, and make some crosses)
Blockhead/Sweet Tooth???
ChemdogD BX1 (Hopefully get a male)
And more Sour Bubble (Again hopefully get a male this time)
Blue Moon Rocks
and whatever crosses that happen to show up.

It's going to be a busy year. I'll keep you updated.



Thanks tester, the way your pics look I would deff take you up on that offer but like you said it would be like finding a gold needel in the hay stack, I myself have been lurking seedbay all weekend, got the hashberry, sweet tooth 3 and thought i had some deep chunk, they said i was high bidder but when i e mailed them they said someone had out bid me, and i wasent going any higher, have any of you guys grown the st3 or hb? really wanted some of rezs chemd 1x1 kush incross but the aucton was screwed up some hoe and wouldent let anyone bid. oh well more to come.


Heading back out to the outdoor sites, and only 15 more miles to go. lol

Pretty rough out there, but I am going to obtain as many Afghani, Uzbeki, Paki, and Indian strains as I can afford this year. They should do well in the higher elevations.

Indoors was a big disapointment so far with all the Sour Bubble turning out female. Great smoke but I need some fresh seed. I got a backup plan, and I will hit some of them with Grape Punch pollen also. A shot from a couple days ago just starting to show.

I cant wait to see some desert gardens soon, indoors and out!!!



End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
hey all every1 is just rockn n rolln eh kool kool had a few changes to my op gave back the loaner 1k hps i have a 400w hps and was loaned a 400w mh so they both hang. the 400w hps is in a cooltube the mh in my sunsystems coolsun 6 hood both lights hang to 1 side of the closet im moven the veg in there also. so i'll be maken a temp wall for flower erea and veg can be under the shelves n/p, i'll still have planty of room to move around. both lights are hooked upto a modded stanely blower fan i had a peice of plywood cut to fit inside closet door frame now.

so far theres 2 x 3inch black 90 degree pvc elbows for fresh air intake i'll add 1 more. 2 handels add for easy removal and installation, heres the next run considerably smaller in #'s lol.

along back wall under 400w hps are 4 Lavender 3 in 2 gal grow bags 1 in 2 liter soda bottle. in front is a whirly bird and 3 sugar shack under the 400w mh

when compleate the flower chamber will be 27 inch deep 47 3/4 wide and upto 6ft tall n/p. approx 9 sqft floor space and around 90w per sqft lighting and should just rock n roll :headbange


Wow Major
Nice creative closet setup. I think you rock, and 90w psf should pack some major bud on those plants. Keep us updated. :canabis:
im always thinking that middle eastern strains would do best in the arid dry climate. Is that the general consensus. IT seems to be pretty close in my opinion. Just our hemispheres version of that area. Like afghani buds and such. What do most of you think about the similarities of their deserts to ours?



I personaly think sativa indica hybrids do the best, a lot of the sativa are very drought and heat resistent, but i have had good luck with most indicas to


Ohyeah!!! Ron Paul just put the smackdown on the Council on Foreign Relations and their plan for the NAFTA superhighway and North American Union!!! Go Ron!!! This Libertarian bongrip is for you, brohammy!

:joint: :joint: :joint:

OK, got that outta the way. That's a nice space, Major!

Tester- You realize there are a few people out there that wouldn't mind having your problem of too many females from seed. :laughing: Sorry you didn't get the man-plant you were after, tho.

Grizz-what are some of the hybrids you've had success with?


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
floppyfundanglr said:
im always thinking that middle eastern strains would do best in the arid dry climate. Is that the general consensus. IT seems to be pretty close in my opinion. Just our hemispheres version of that area. Like afghani buds and such. What do most of you think about the similarities of their deserts to ours?

well years ago in the early 80's Bo Gritz retired highly decorated green beret trained the afigani northern allaince in the so nevada deserts because the terrain and climate's are alike !!. so yes you would be correct in assuming that strains from there would do fine out here, especially if your growing at the same elevation's the smoke is originally growen. bet you would get same results or even better because of our ability to afford proper ferts and such :)


hey president (union) eatshit(we got to think of a shorter name for you) The best crosses I made my self using bag seed back in the 80s . I had some good gold mexican over in arizona and got some of the best weed i ever smoked from New Mexico. It came in jars and had a brand name on the jar STONEY, ther was several different strains but the one I used was called aff jam a cross of affgani and jamican, true one hit shit, I rember getting up the next morning and still bounceing off the walls trying to walk, any way I crossed it with that gold sativa and come out with a pretty stable indy dom plant, some turned purple and others were a lime green resin factory, people in phoenix called it polio weed because it crippled you. I have been trying to find somebody that has heard of the stoney brand but havent had any luck, maybe some of you desert rats rember it.


The Cali Mojave Desert and Afghanistan are both around 35 deg north latitude, so I believe those strains from around the Hindu Kush mountains of that region should do wonderfuly in the high desert of Cali.

Many countries in that region should produce beautiful indica kush plants due to travel on the ancient Silk Road. It is my belief that by obtaining as many strains from that region as possible, I have a good chance of getting something really special for some upcoming projects I am working on. A chance to find out for myself if I can make some special kush crosses from various commercial breeders that are worthy of the desert gardens in our area. Who knows, I might not even have to play around to much to accomplish this.

Back in the 80's, me and some good friends created our first cross when we would occasionally get a seed from killer Thai Stick and Humbolt sensi and plant them out in the back of the house. We though we were so cool creating our own little garden back there. We trashed most of the seeds back then. If we only knew then what I know today.
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Wow i can only imagine that desert flavor and whooo it would be great if you could get it to smell like after a nice rain. i love to se what you guys have goin here and really put the people to shame that think the desert is no place for good buds. Thanks for the replies as well i would love to see what you all could produce. Im workin on it myself just at a much smaller scale.



Hi all you desert growers. I chose this thread to say that this will be my last post here on ICMag. After a recent death of a close family member I realized I am looking at my final days on this planet.

I have always had a strong belief in God, and have come to the realization that if I continue on the path that I am walking, it will just hurt other people. So I have decided to draw nearer to God instead of running away from Him. I have tore down my setup, plants, and have trashed my seeds. Not easy for me!!!

I hope in my time here on the boards I have not hurt or let down anyone. I was never my intention to do so, but sometimes it can be part of my nature.

I joined ICMag because I wanted to have a voice in the world, and these forums are somewhat fun and easy to get my voice out there, especially where I live.....Way Out There.....

So that being said, it is time for me to go out into the deepest, darkest desert and ride off into the western sunset. It is my hope and prayer that all who read this come to the "living hope" in God through Jesus Christ.

Tester :wave:


man your going to missed greatly, Being cristin isent easy,and can see your concers but in my own opion God created all things and mj is one of his best as far as im concerned. hope every thing works out for you, wish you hadent destroyed your seeds though, being greedy i am.


Man has all my southwesterners quit growing or what? I know we miss tester alot but this keep this union going, whats everyone doing, Hope every one has a great new grow year and a wonderfull x mas, as tester would say remeber Jesus is the reason for the season,


JESUS, wtf that thread turned frickin depressin really quick! So sorry to hear that tester,

May you find what you are truly looking for and be happy forever The Tester!

Well decided to just drop in on this post, but as my sig reads I am actually from and live in Washington state, our deserts ai'nt really like yours, but Eastern WA gets hot!

Myself, I am on the coast in WA, lovely lovely rain and sea and everything is green. But I am actually down here in CA right now for Xmas, about 2 hours east of LA, and i must say it is DESERT. Mad props to all you growers out here, it gets so cold at night and so warm in the day, just a beautiful place Palm Desert/Springs is(minus a bit to richy but meh).

All i can think about while on the golf course is how I could just dig a deep ol hole right on the green! distractin to say the least.

Well Desert Growers, I will be back, might even have to bring yall down some NW genetics, i might have a few tricks in stash that are heat resistant and fast yielders.


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