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Desert Southwest Growers Union


Active member
we are a bunch of spradic posters here in the desert. so much other things to do. de toke your garden looks so clean and nice, plants are looking great to.


Man the desert is weak this week. Gotta bump.

Got my first Harvest!! Well, sorta. Took a fast-ripening early side bud from Plant F of my 6 CH9 mixed fems from seed @ day 46. 20% amber, 30% cloudy, 50% clear. I think this may be a true 50-day strain.

20% amber while you still have 50% clear???
what are you smoking now?
Thanks Joesy, it feels pretty good to be nearing the fruits og a long road back.

Yeah, Kal-El, I thought it was kinda crazy. In fact it might have been closer to 20/20/60. the other thing was that i saw a lot of trichs that were almost all clear, but getting streaks or elongated blobs of amber. Like they were going from clear to amber.At first I thought it must just be refracted images of orange pistols, but then I saw several different areas with the phenom and looked from different angles, etc. and it was definitely amber patches mostly in the bulbus part of the trich.

I'm not the most experienced grower around, but have had few harvists in the past and been around some grows and have never seen anything quite like it.

Smoking commercial right now -- and running low too! One strain is some kush cross, not one of the better ones I've had from this source, however. the other is a really nice, dense, dank bubblegum. Of course you can never really know the genetics in this situation, but it tastes a lot like one of the BOGbubble phenos I had 5 years ago.

Lights on at 9:30 pm, then I will decide if she'll get water with the rest or go on pre-harvest deprivation.



Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
so true about the temps.... thats one battle that will never end in the desert.. oh well keep smokin, keep it green...


Rubbing my glands together
so i just got some g13 x lavender, and g13hashplant x maple leaf indica and sd x ogbx1! I cant wait to get these going and make some mothers and spread this love to my good friends in the southwest. Anyone have experience with these strains?? I'm currently growing speed queen, cheese, life saver, sweet tooth, and sour bubble but now i will be starting these three strains and only continuing with the speed queen and lifesaver.

If that Sour Bubble you have is scrawny, sticky, and smells somewhat like airplane glue, hang onto it. It will make the best tasting bubble hash you've ever had the privilege to fill your lungs with.

Howdy Joesy


so the other day, my dad heard that eric holder ordered the DEA to stop raiding medical marijuana. His business has been really slow lately and he is getting really down.
I've been trying to teach him how to grow for over a year now. but sometimes he wont listen to me. And perfect example was he cracked some seeds and put them in huge pots 5ft under a regular light bulb.He just didn't understand plant needs with regards to indoor lighting. Now he wants to become a caregiver, which i am all for. The problem im having is if he wont listen to me he will grow bad pot, if i take over i am pitting my self in a compromising position. I have two pending canna related felonies in another state. I have talked to lawyers and i am getting mixed results. In one case this could waive my charges, and another scenario would see me shipped back to the SE.
what d'yall think. I'm leaning towards doing it.


Well-known member
Premium user
ICMag Donor
im not exactly sure on your situation but i would lay low if you already have pending felonies... sounds like an accident waiting to happen.. im not good with giving advice to strangers

Old Soul

Active member
Hey desert rats! Hope all is well with everyone. Wanted to drop some pics of my Double Purple Doja as she is turning some nice colors.




Have a great day all!


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
wuz up every 1 mang loven this weather where haven just hope tis not a pre couser to what could be in store

last night day 17 of 12/12 we have some very fine gardens goin out west
lookn very nice OS


Howdy folks! Sure have been quite a few nice looking ladies here in the DSW this year. Finally got to meet up with JW the other day and he wanted me to share a few snaps with you. I believe these are in order but correct me if I'm wrong joes.

KO Kush






The White



I've got a few more macros that I'm working on, but without the tripod, they're a wee bit blurry.

Take care, y'all...summer is right around the corner.


Active member
well you got the white right, the first pic's are the app 6 and the next ones are the ko. these plants went through alot of stress being moved to a new grow site and neglest being I was working 7/10's for a month. thanks brother desert rat ES for taking the time out of his hectic life to do this for me, we got to bullshitting and forgot to get pic's of the stadium, also have a new addition to the harem, sweet kush .

OG savatage

I have no frosties to post :lurk:

I'm on day 9. So...

Here's my buddy's just finished batch. He takes my extra clones so this is Bogglegum as well. He has always grown exactly what I have, but never really turned out as well as mine. He's all about DIY but often that means his setup has a LOT of room for improvement. A 150 hanging by a wire. A bathroom fan for exhaust in a closet. Wel I *FINALLY* got him to improve. We went and picked him a pro type 400w hood, and a convertable dig ballast. He's stylin now! They're still not as frosty as mine, but LOOKING GOOD! Big difference in bud size between my 150 and his 400. Now I need to get him to let me make an enclosure with some *filtering* (cat hairs on bud is yucky)... :wallbash:


damn ogsavatage those be some sexy girlies. i'm running a 150 as well, although its my first run with it. will post pics up once i get to that point. keep up the good work DSWGU


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!
and from under his rock somewhere in the mohave desert

23 days of sweet 12/12

Decapation - pre98 bubba pheno
Decapation - pre98 bubba x whitemustang is a cross by the fine brotha Jaws