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Desert Southwest Growers Union


Active member
just recieved a pack from seedbay today. no green tape, got mosca's c99 and c99 x williams wonder, to make it even better they sent 5 mazar-i-sharif freebies. good day it is..


Active member
no probs here with seedboutique last month either...dj short's bb, ultimate indica and fem skunk.

no probs with the hedge either! all that worry about leaving em alone for a week for nothing...and the flowers are twice as big as a week ago when i last saw them (or seems so anyways)!

1st pic is from just over a week ago and the rest were taken an hour ago...



Active member
damn Del, you need any yard work done call me, clone swapping? is that like wife swapping? great to have met you last weekend,


Congrats joesy! My order in transit is the mosca C99's and I requested the mazar freebies...great minds, my man, great minds!

del...- glad you made it back safe and sound and your ladies managed without you. It was damn good to meet you...I had a month's worth of corn thanks to you!

Did a little bird just whisper something about clones? :laughing:



New member
ok shitake and maj im back this is wally..,but that was a friend of mines account and i finally got this one activated took like a week.,lol.,well now that its cooler out side temps are down to mid 70's woo hoo.,lol.,


Just popped some white fire(OG fire cut x white) and pink kush x blackseed.

My buddy and I have just finished stabalizing our first release from Smallville Seeds, called Kryptonite. It is a lovely bright green indica that finishes in about 55 days or so. She gets nice lil pink tipped pistils.


Active member
glad to here a fellow member is growing the white fire, threw mine in flower a couple days ago, we will see if the hype is right. hope everything goes well rule,


Welcome back Wally...welcome widow fan!

Rule- Sounds like a nice lineup. Are those PK x BS from reef's stock?



Registered Medical Patient
Hey Shitake...thought id stray into ur territory for a sec...alls lookin good in here...Ill check in more often, I promise bro..keep it real..Peace

- Z


Zeus- :wave: Man, you're welcome around these parts any time. I know you're looking at mobility in your future...might I suggest the gorgeous expanses of the DSW? :D

So I was molesting my PC (pollen chuck by CORE) girls last night. Got 3 females from seed (dropped 5 I think?) They've been on the bloom side for all of 10 days and one- the one that has stretched the most, which really wasn't very much so far BTW- completely wreaks of...the only way I can describe it is kerosene. A very, VERY pleasant kerosene/JP-5 (if you're into heavy duty military/industrial hardware...some memories never fade!) smell. Looks like all the preflowers are going to turn into something special fo sho!

I'm stoked for the PC after seeing a couple grows from around the way.

Also got DJ's Grape Krush...1 pheno...all purple stems and super healthy looking. Somebody at N&J got a couple cuts of this pheno. As soon as she starts throwing some trichs I'll throw some pics in here and of all the other miscellany I've got...DSD, PTK F2, SweetKush, ChemHazeSD, and a lone OrigHaze x Sk#1 that's unsexed, but I'm keeping it either way for future projects...and a late-season DreamGoddess patio grow.

BAH! Hope this ramble finds all my brothers and sisters in good health and spirit. Take care!



Hi You All!

Hi You All!

Howdy Boys!
Haven't checked in for a bit and just thought I'd let you know I'm still here & just started my latest grow: SourBubble(BOG pres project), Lifesaver(also BOG preservation project), and GodBud(this has got to be the FASTEST growing weed I have ever see! And my friends are all fans of it's medicinal qualities).

How the heck are you Shittake?(that feels weird to write----like I am getting away with naughty words).
And Josey Whales?
I know I am leaving others out, so just give me a yell if need be.

Peace, love and as Always: 'Good Medicine'
(wicked Witch of the SW) :joint: p.s. Take a looksee at my final harvest pics if you have time. :jump:


Heya Bru! Good to have you around...don't be shy now. A few of us got to meet up recently and had a total blast.

Your new lineup sounds BOG-darned good!

Have a great weekend!



Active member
your going to love those Bog genitics, just harvested the sour bubble bx1 and really like it. kept the best one to reveg and started 6 more seeds . looking for that sexy moma for cuts.. Bru you need to check in more often, these guys get so boring, need a little excitment in our SW hood.


End Cannibis Prohibition Now Realize Legalize !!

strawberry desiel pheno memoryloss @38 days 12/12
hey all checkn in from under my rock some where in the mohave desert about have all the snakes and scorpions chased out lmao.


Active member
had to give us a bump. whats everyone doing? damn near have my summer grow done and have started some more seeds for the next run while my selected moms rejuvinate. doing white fire, chem bx1 , ogbx1, sweet tooth #3. happy brother x chem 1x1, c99,and some others I can't remember at the moment buzzzzz.


Heya joes!-

Just got back into town tonight after a family visit for about a week. Set up a drip system before I left to look after things...and it worked like a champ! Nobody died, nobody fried! I gotta get caught up, though.

Sounds like you've got quite the stable coming up!



New member
whats up everyone i have been lurking for a while. checking things out. i recently finished up a white rhino grow under 400watt just 3 plants in soil. and just built a 6 bucket recirc dwc and am just waiting on my mother to grow some more clones so i can get going again.