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Deep Stoner Thoughts


What were we talking about?
Well climb into your dealer and unplug the police. Problem solved.



East Coast Grower
What will happen to the alcohol industry when everyone wants legal cannabis?

I mean really... Obama and other govt officials saying its safer than alcohol LOL who would have ever thunk? Almost makes me wish I was old and lived through the 60s thinking 'One day!" :angrily shakes fist:


Well-known member
What will happen to the alcohol industry when everyone wants legal cannabis?

they will still take home big $$$. so will the big pharm. folks that like cold beer/good tequila/ premier bourbon aint gonna quit drinking because they can get high too. :woohoo: everything in moderation...including moderation...:dance013:


Active member
Why assume a ton of people are going to want cannabis now that's its becoming legalized.They could have gotten it all along if they wanted to.I just don't see a big influx of new smokers over a few sensible changes being made.Thats what the social conservatives want everyone to believe


Hawaiian Inebriatti
"I just don't see"

That is the key.

A police officer once said to me.

"Marijuana is a dangerous drug!
Why do you think that you don't see any old potheads?"

I, wisely, kept my yap shut.:)

But wanted to say;
Pot is indeed dangerous, to your freedom only.
You don't "see" old potheads because they are aware of that fact.

Just sayin', once the legal onus is removed, millions of professionals, teachers, doctors, cops, judges, and just, plain, folks will be bursting out of smoke filled closets everywhere.

Consumption may increase as the opportunities for legal consumption increase.
Certainly food for thought.

Weeze --Heavy toker, but you'd never know it. :D


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
"I just don't see"

That is the key.

A police officer once said to me.

"Marijuana is a dangerous drug!
Why do you think that you don't see any old potheads?"

I, wisely, kept my yap shut.:)

But wanted to say;
Pot is indeed dangerous, to your freedom only.
You don't "see" old potheads because they are aware of that fact.

Just sayin', once the legal onus is removed, millions of professionals, teachers, doctors, cops, judges, and just, plain, folks will be bursting out of smoke filled closets everywhere.

Consumption may increase as the opportunities for legal consumption increase.
Certainly food for thought.

Weeze --Heavy toker, but you'd never know it. :D

I agree completely, I know quite a few people just within my circle of human contact that would smoke but don't currently because they either believe in obeying laws or they don't want to risk the impact to their careers if it became known they used illegal drugs. Once the laws change then I'm confident those people will start using simply because they can without fear of repercussions.


Stems Analyst


Should I buy this locally-sourced, organic, handmade, artisanal,
naturally-flavored yellow snow-cone from this homeless dude
here on a very snowy downtown Portland, Oregon street?


Active member
I like birds of prey, and always wanted to come back as one if that's possible.. the mating\courting rituals of highspeed interaction whilst hurdling to earth would be so cool. imagine the rush of plummeting highspeed towards earth whilst getting your jollies??? what a rush and I bet your boner is prob 1 inch bigger... but alas some crash... I have a feeling the birds that were actually having the most fun and got distracted.......think I will apply this lesson to future relationships..hit it quick get the hell out of there before i crash and burn......lol


East Coast Grower
Hey guys, sometimes I really love this thread icmag... :)

What makes the government the govt?? Is it an inevitable growth of authority over the common man/citizen? Town->city->state->fed why do people believe the govt? what gives 'them' the power? why does 'fda approved mean anything? why do we care?

Disagree if you wish but really.... I'll take my illegal drugs over legal ones any day I just dont get it. Of course some people have serious mental illness etc, but for most of us? why take drugs/pills/ prescriptions???

I took so much 'cold medicine' today who knows what could happen??:microwave:
Who/how many people have any idea what any drug in prescription or even store bought medicine does to you in and of itself as chemical or whatever you want to call it? for example -cannabis works because of natural cannabanoid receptors etc.

Sitting here with a runny nose and fucked up sinuses, reading labels about internal bleeding and severe liver damage.... shaking my damn head at that....


East Coast Grower
Yes? To be cliche... every action has an equal and opposite reaction :D

Then he looked right through me
With somniferous almond eyes.
Don't even know what that means
Must remember to write it down.
This is so real.
Like the time he floated away.
See my heart is pounding,
'Cause this shit never happens to me.

Can't breathe, right now!
It was so real.
Like I woke up in Wonderland.
All sort of terrifying.
And I don't wanna be all alone when I tell this story.
And can anyone tell me why
you all sound like Peanut's parents
Will I ever be coming down?
This is so real.
Finally it's my lucky day.


Heres my deep stoner thought. FUCK THE POLICE!!!

I got cought in a drive style through speed trap. In the time it took to get me over they had three more people pulled over and were writing tickets. Unfortunatly right at the curve I was attempting to pass an unattentive driver that was drifitng out of his lane and got stuck with a heafty charge of 34 over. Not sure how that happened because he clocked me at 64 but I never saw over 50 on my speedometer. And since im over geared it should been closer to 43- 45.

I will have to fight this one tooth an nail. I dont know what he picked up but it sure as fuck wasnt my truck.

Seriously fuck those peices of shit.
What if my stoned thoughts are feeding directly into some "insight-reward" system that is usually only activated by actually insightful shit making me think all of my bullshit thoughts are somehow important?

Time for another one.. :witch:


if it smells like fish
do snakes have emotions??? because the baby snake,, possibly a rattler I found in middle of lake seemed to smile at me as it warmed up on my kayak on the way back to shore....


Active member
Wonder if my dog really knows the difference from a human hand or foot.

Geesh stoned trout, the news just showed pictures of a rattler...they are out! That little baby snake probably rode out on your hat. jpt