thats why that bitch is sittn on some chrome tennis shoes. haha im fukin blazed. those are some nice looking plizzys. i noticed you have alotta nice strain crosses. you luckyness. i like your style. haha
Hey Raco, thx for the info! I'm running the TRC's Blue Diesel that used the same male. I know how much the monk liked his heavy hitters, so I imagine the #38 was a indica leaning blueberry from DJ. Seems he used it quite a bit!
Sorry for the hijack krome, but you just need to dazzle us w/ some more LABELED bud porn!
I'm always loving your work Raco. You've got them Deep chunks down to the T. Sorry that I've been a little slacking around here lately. Keeping busy. Things are still going pretty good. We're on day 45 in these pics and I'm liking the looks of things so far.
this is why i tagged this thread early on... just wanted to see perfect specimens of these crosses.. that 3rd pic could just be the flash... but looks CRAZY frosty like it snowed inside your room
Boris, that one knocked me out too! I have no doubt it's not the flash, just look @ the trich buildup on the leaf edges, holy moly!
As always krome, great shots! Thx for taking the time to set the shots up properly. Your attention to detail, from your grow set up, your care for your plants, to the photos displayed, all shine thru.