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Deadly Earthquake Hits Chile: Tsunmai head for cali

Think Green

Active member
Yes, another eq on our planet earth. 8.8 Magnitude earthquake stuck chile @ 1:34am this morning. 15 aftershocks from 5.0 6.9. At least 78 peoples reported dead. Theres tsunami warnings for california & alaska. Hawaii stays alert as well.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

thoughts and prayers to all involved, I hope your
loved ones are safe from any and all dangers.......


Space Toker

Active member
yikes another quake when will the next one hit? Like many others have said, I hope for the best and pray for the victims.


Cannabis 101
:frown:My mom just informed me of this :( my whole family is in chile thats my home town, Hope my people are doing okay.


Cannabis 101
No one's picking up my moms phone calls I think all lines are down, not even Chiles news paper is up online...this better be natural and not Haarp
my prayers to my People.


Active member
yeah that is nuts, didn't japan have a 7.0 the other day too?

the tsunami thing has me tripped out, i'm going out to catalina island today, i hope i'm okay, i won't be anywhere near sea level once i get out there, man it would be nuts if i'm riding mountainbikes up in the hills, only to come back to a washed out and leveled avalon, i don't know jack about sailing, i have no clue how i'd get back....this has played out in my head already, i envision myself trying to get my boss to take his boat out to get me lol crazy thoughts!!

my prayers are with these folks, i know it's only a matter of time before the city of los angeles gets a phat jolting as well


ICMag Donor
Civil Defense on Maui is going to blow the sirens at 6am to evacuate the costal areas. They say waves will hit here around 11am hst. The last large Chilean earthquake in the 60's generated a tsunami that killed 61 people on the Big Island.

Prayers and positive vibes to those effected by yet another earthquake.
No one's picking up my moms phone calls I think all lines are down, not even Chiles news paper is up online...this better be natural and not Haarp
my prayers to my People.

Crazy you said that brotha!! When I read it, that was the first thing I thought -

First Haiti and now Chile, I fucking hope it's natural and NOT HAARP!!! but I wouldn't be surprised if it was......


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
it's raining like crazy here in cali..
prayers go to those who have been affected by this EQ in chile....

Space Toker

Active member
Crazy you said that brotha!! When I read it, that was the first thing I thought -

First Haiti and now Chile, I fucking hope it's natural and NOT HAARP!!! but I wouldn't be surprised if it was......

You are both conspiracy nuts and completely nuts! :D
Many natural phenomena have far more power than HAARP, so take off your tin foil hats it isn't causing jack squat! (as Chris Farley would have said) Where do you guys get this stuff? I do feel for anyone who has friends and family in that area as well as the Chilean people.


Wishes for safety and rapid recovery for Chile and for Dr. Dank and his family. Always been my stand that no matter how bad humanity fscks up this planet, She will have the last say!


Green Mujaheed
Are we gonna hear about this haarp thing everytime some earth quake strucks somewhere ? Please...

Irie !

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