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Deadly Earthquake Hits Chile: Tsunmai head for cali


Active member
damn i live right near a fault line i better stock up on supplies and shit....the big ones gona happen anyday...


stoned agin ...
didn't japan just have a quake and talk about a tsunami? somebody could get caught in a tsunami crossfire, talk about a bummer ...


It was scary here in Santiago to say the least - it was something like 7.5 here (200 miles away from the epicenter) and it scared the fucking shit out of all of us. I've never experienced such a powerful thing in my life. The shaking of the earth was violent enough but when you add to that shit the pitch black, the screams, alarms, snapping power lines spitting electricity and things falling and smashing .............. you got a proper nightmare scenario. I was fumbling around like a fucking child in that shit trying to find the god damn fucking keys so we could get the fuck out.

It's a good job the building we're in is a sturdy one. There are cracks in almost every wall though and there are still aftershocks hitting - there was one not an hour ago must have been at least 4.0 - so I'm still paranoid to say the least. Everyone's saying "ooooh that was a big one" (that last aftershock) but man, after what we experienced last night ...... it just seemed tiny. It's amazing that we actually have power back, internet and all. We do have a small market here every Saturday morning too and while it wasn't as full of vendors as it normally does be I was truly amazed to see at least half a market and people going on like normal :) That shit blew my mind.


Cannabis 101
thats crazy, good thing chile's buildings are prepared for earth quakes.... glad you and the family are okay brotha Im hoping to hear from all my family today.

It was scary here in Santiago to say the least - it was something like 7.5 here (200 miles away from the epicenter) and it scared the fucking shit out of all of us. I've never experienced such a powerful thing in my life. The shaking of the earth was violent enough but when you add to that shit the pitch black, the screams, alarms, snapping power lines spitting electricity and things falling and smashing .............. you got a proper nightmare scenario. I was fumbling around like a fucking child in that shit trying to find the god damn fucking keys so we could get the fuck out.

It's a good job the building we're in is a sturdy one. There are cracks in almost every wall though and there are still aftershocks hitting - there was one not an hour ago must have been at least 4.0 - so I'm still paranoid to say the least. Everyone's saying "ooooh that was a big one" (that last aftershock) but man, after what we experienced last night ...... it just seemed tiny. It's amazing that we actually have power back, internet and all. We do have a small market here every Saturday morning too and while it wasn't as full of vendors as it normally does be I was truly amazed to see at least half a market and people going on like normal :) That shit blew my mind.


Thanks Dank. That's much appreciated bro. I just sent you a msg there ;) Yup! You said it man - good thing the buildings are prepared for this shit. Good thing indeed.