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DEA Scoffs Obama: Raids California Dispensary



I'm glad you didnt split PB,it's good to talk.Abbie said it right,people think differently.Know one's tryin to silence you,just throwin out other point's of view.:yeahthats
Oh,for future reference,My point of view is all that matters to me;)
It's very frustrating that people are willing to say "it's OK to put me in jail" and then list reasons why it's OK for that to take place.

And try to convince me I should agree with them.

If that's the way you feel, then just turn yourself in. Stay out of the way and let me fight.

In spite of the silly arguments in favor of our government continuing to jail innocent Americans, I'll still fight for you.


The revolution will not be televised.....
Turn ourselves in and stay out of your way cause some of us dont believe what you do? Now you are all of a sudden worried about those going to jail instead of those 1500 dying people? Where is your heart PB? I dont believe anyone here is for going to jail over MMJ either. You see some of us believe there is a happy medium to be met somewhere in the middle. Where I dont have to turn myslf into the stormtroopers and yet I dont have blame a guy in office for 9 days either for not changing 60 years worth of Pot legislation and baggage. As for fighting for us we already had someone who was fighting on our behalf whether we liked it or not. He's gone back to Texas.


It's very frustrating that people are willing to say "it's OK to put me in jail" and then list reasons why it's OK for that to take place.

And try to convince me I should agree with them.

If that's the way you feel, then just turn yourself in. Stay out of the way and let me fight.

In spite of the silly arguments in favor of our government continuing to jail innocent Americans, I'll still fight for you.
"If that's the way you feel, then just turn yourself in. Stay out of the way and let me fight."

Pretty fuckin choice home boy/girl!


Turn ourselves in and stay out of your way cause some of us dont believe what you do? Now you are all of a sudden worried about those going to jail instead of those 1500 dying people? Where is your heart PB? I dont believe anyone here is for going to jail over MMJ either. You see some of us believe there is a happy medium to be met somewhere in the middle. Where I dont have to turn myslf into the stormtroopers and yet I dont have blame a guy in office for 9 days either for not changing 60 years worth of Pot legislation and baggage. As for fighting for us we already had someone who was fighting on our behalf whether we liked it or not. He's gone back to Texas.
Look .. I've gotta back away a little from this.

One patient that I'm working with has both MS and diabetes. He is in a hospice. He keeps living which is much more than the doctors expected. In fact he himself had given up living a full three days before I first came into contact with him. He has regained the ability to speak.

Another patient is a stage 4 cancer patient. I'm trying to get him to move into my home.

There are so many other patients that I'm in contact with every day. And the more time I spend here the less time I have to use to try to save lives.

For what it's worth, this is very real to me.


Active member
Well, PB will you at least try out the Blood Type diet with your cancer and diabetes patients? My mother, a former health food store owner, most erudite woman I ever encountered, who was a pothead for 30 years before quitting at age 79 because it made her cough too much, CURED her cancer with the Blood Type diet. Please, I implore you, PB, give this diet a try with your cancer and diabetes patients. Open Your Mind, and please give it a try.

~Abbie :joint:


OK .. had to go back a couple of pages to find the link. I'll have to take a serious look at it.



Active member

mr noodles

im sorry to say that i personally know many persons who had cancer and tried all hemps product and all diet related to blood type that die .

id be very lets say ...use the claim that mj cure cancer with moderation because it can backfire faster than an explosive diarrhea on the mj movement .

and people ...where did you get the idea that Obama will decriminalize mj ? he said under strict medical guideline and never promised anything .

be lucid and face the situation , hope the dea will be pull off medicinal mj but for recreational use...no hope for you folks .


im sorry to say that i personally know many persons who had cancer and tried all hemps product and all diet related to blood type that die .

I need that information.

How many people, that you knew, tried the Rick Simpson method and it failed on them?
Did it work for anyone that you know?

For those that it did or did not work for, what kinds of cancer were they fighting against?
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mr noodles

I need that information.

How many people, that you knew, tried the Rick Simpson method and it failed on them?
Did it work for anyone that you know?

For those that it did or did not work for, what kinds of cancer were they fighting against?


throat and digestive system(instestines and rectum cancer)

guess what they tried everything with the help of compassion club and marijuana expert

my friend that was a mj grower and user since 30 years died of is cancer .

i dont want to sound harsh but pretending that mj is the cure for cancer is silly and risible for the whole credibility of mj movement .

so far only that guy survive is cancer and now he want to do conference and all...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

sorry but im lucid about the issue and if mj is the cure ...it would have been know since century . hundreds of peoples would be here to testify of the success of the cure. nobody want to die and if something that is easy to get your hands on is the cure to your disease... especially if it cost almost nothing and its already available .it would be a know fact and people all over the world would scream 'MIRACLE' and shortage of the product would be instant .

so far all we had is a militant here and here...

claiming all kind of crazy thing wouldn't help the credibility of mj movement .this is the exact kind of claims that is a pure enemy for the advancement of medical mj because its picked and displayed as sci fi pothead fantasy and it fuel the anti mj fire .

sorry a millions of time about my opinion but i had to be sincere .if you believe that mj is the cure...well take it and if you can proof without a doubt that mj is the cure you will be a nobel prize winner on the spot .


Active member
Please don't go overboard, no one said smoked cannabis will cure cancer or diabetes. What PB is talking about are actual studies that we both read about where cannabis HAS killed cancer cells, not by smoking, but being treated directly onto the cancerous cells and tumors. I can dig up the links if you want but I'm sure PB has them at hand. PB knows of some diabetes information he needs to link to.

Don't go trashing what PB knows about the medical properties. New things are being discovered all the time about cannabis now that it is more popularly viewed as medicine.

Keep an open mind. Some say Jesus used it in the annointing oil. I've seen some pretty miraculous things from cannabis myself. A woman going blind could see again. A man in a wheelchair could walk again. A man with severe skin problems was well again. Seems like alot of similarities between the two substances.


Active member
here's the cancer info cut and pasted from another thread

I've read the reports on cannabis killing cancer cells in 1974 and stopping brain tumors while protecting surrounding nerve tissue; how they were covered up by the US gov.

Here is a link to a vid of a PhD explaining cannabis as a cancer cure.

The other links (some fixed) from "more info" on the right of the vid are info on studies and gov suppression of studies .

video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n31Nuj_AvTg





Barn Owl

Active member
If the DEA is raiding a medical facility under Obama's watch, than Obama is to blame.

My feeling is that Obama will be more of the same. Look at that jackass Biden! He is the VP and one of the Pioneers of the Drug War.

I have not heard Obama say anything that indicates he will be any better than the Clintons on MJ. Change, my ass!

Here is some dirt on Obama's Drug Czar:

Obama Drug Czar Pick Tied to Abusive Christian Rehab
by Maia Szalavitz via Huff Post Repost
Wednesday Dec 10th, 2008 7:57 AM
If his opposition to needle exchange and maintenance treatment for addictions isn't enough to convince you that Jim Ramstad isn't qualified to serve in Obama's cabinet as "drug czar," how about an earmark funding a Christian addiction "program" that uses outdated and abusive tactics and tries to "complete" Jews? Now add a connection between that program and a man who is charged with swindling investors out of $3.5 billion dollars.
That's right. Jim Ramstad was the sole sponsor of an earmark providing $235,000 to Minnesota Teen Challenge, a branch of a national anti-addiction group which believes that recruiting people into the Assemblies of God ministry will cure their addiction.

Yes, this is the same Teen Challenge that prompted George W. Bush to de-regulate faith-based addiction treatment in Texas in 1997. The program couldn't meet basic education standards required for qualified counselors, but Bush wanted it kept open.

After he became President, Texas actually re-regulated faith-based programs when the predicted spate of abuse and maltreatment that comes with unregulated facilities rapidly materialized.

Back then, Bush praised Teen Challenge for its practices, saying that while inside, "if you don't work, you don't eat." That's right: the program uses unpaid, forced labor backed by the threat of food deprivation as "addiction treatment."

Further, according to Teen Challenge, "Addiction is a sin, not a disease." Consequently, the program does not allow the use of medication.

Beyond this, it humiliates and attempts to "break down" people with addictions, using techniques that I have covered extensively elsewhere that are known to do more harm than good.


mr noodles

Please don't go overboard, no one said smoked cannabis will cure cancer or diabetes. What PB is talking about are actual studies that we both read about where cannabis HAS killed cancer cells, not by smoking, but being treated directly onto the cancerous cells and tumors. I can dig up the links if you want but I'm sure PB has them at hand. PB knows of some diabetes information he needs to link to.

Don't go trashing what PB knows about the medical properties. New things are being discovered all the time about cannabis now that it is more popularly viewed as medicine.

Keep an open mind. Some say Jesus used it in the annointing oil. I've seen some pretty miraculous things from cannabis myself. A woman going blind could see again. A man in a wheelchair could walk again. A man with severe skin problems was well again. Seems like alot of similarities between the two substances.

they didn't smoke the marijuana in hope to get rid of the cancer , they used refined oil , capsule ointment and everything they could have .diet and everything . they even consulted specialist and where well aware of everything or video posted on the net. they where aware of every single thing that can be a cure . these people where rich and money was no object.

i never said it wont cure or heal, what i said is use this information very carefully because claiming that mj is the cure is a very big allegation to back up .

i still believe mj can do a lot for health but being the total cure for cancer is something i refuse to believe .
for treatment they used refined oil and all the product available .

i was the first to be stunned to see no improvement at all....i had hope .

i talk about 3 persons that i had love and respects. cancer take them away all in their late 40 ...scary .

by the way i have a very serious chronic disease and i use mj since 1983 to relief pain instead of morphine pills everyday .



throat and digestive system(instestines and rectum cancer)

guess what they tried everything with the help of compassion club and marijuana expert

Thank you for responding. Information about what doesn't work may be more valuable then what does. How long ago was this? Are you talking about one person above or more?

Starting out as lung cancer and spreading from there?

They tried everything. Smoked and eaten?

What dosages? The Simpson method starts out with a pound of the best grade herb. That produces about two ounces of extract. That, in turn, is consumed over a 2-3 month time. That works out to about 750mg of extract per day.

A study just posted on the Dr. Jay thread noted that when using small doses of THC some forms of cancer spread faster. But that these forms also died when larger doses were applied.

How much cannabinoids were your friends getting?

my friend that was a mj grower and user since 30 years died of is cancer .

Was the friend one of those above or another case?

i dont want to sound harsh but pretending that mj is the cure for cancer is silly and risible for the whole credibility of mj movement .

so far only that guy survive is cancer and now he want to do conference and all...$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
I think you're talking about Simpson. In case you were talking about someone else:

At the time of his arrest he was treating as many as 300 people. Some of those have gone on to die. But then there are those who survived.

At his court trial, Rick had dozens of people come to testify. they brought their medical records and doctors to prove his claims. The court refused to hear any of it. They found him guilty and fined him $2000.

Of all the people that he made his extract for, he never charged one of them.

He gave away millions of dollars worth of marijuana for free.

There have been many many studies that have indicated that the compounds in marijuana kill cancer cells. There have been animal studies that indicate that there is something of value in cannabinoids against cancer.
Here .. some mice. 30 second video.:

But that's as far as these medical studies, by themselves, can take it. Promising but inconclusive.

While inconclusive, these studies do elevate the probability that a discovery by accident will take place. If there is something real there, then it may be found by accident. You seem to think that would be likely as you pointed out below: "it would have been known since century."

So then it would have been found out without modern scientific studies? If so why couldn't that happen today?

From what I've see, that is what Rick Simpson did. He fell into something of great value in the fight against cancer.

sorry but im lucid about the issue and if mj is the cure ...it would have been know since century . hundreds of peoples would be here to testify of the success of the cure. nobody want to die and if something that is easy to get your hands on is the cure to your disease... especially if it cost almost nothing and its already available .it would be a know fact and people all over the world would scream 'MIRACLE'
And you get to sound like a nutcase when you do. People get mad about it and call you a snake oil peddler. Even if you have no vested interest at all.

so far all we had is a militant here and here...

claiming all kind of crazy thing wouldn't help the credibility of mj movement .this is the exact kind of claims that is a pure enemy for the advancement of medical mj because its picked and displayed as sci fi pothead fantasy and it fuel the anti mj fire .

sorry a millions of time about my opinion but i had to be sincere .if you believe that mj is the cure...well take it and if you can proof without a doubt that mj is the cure you will be a nobel prize winner on the spot .
I vote the prize goes to Rick Simpson.

Rick thinks that all of the action that he sees is because of THC. I think he's off the mark there. I know that there are classes of marijuana that he preferred to use as starting materials. He liked to start with a batch of hemp that would make you sleepy, for example. This would seem to indicate some CBD content or some other THC offsetting material.

He grew his own material, organically.


they didn't smoke the marijuana in hope to get rid of the cancer , they used refined oil , capsule ointment and everything they could have .diet and everything . they even consulted specialist and where well aware of everything or video posted on the net. they where aware of every single thing that can be a cure . these people where rich and money was no object.
I see that you already answered most of my questions. I'd like to talk to this specialist to learn more about what was used.

I see that this is something that has deeply impacted you.

I'm sorry for your loss.


Active member
Turn ourselves in and stay out of your way cause some of us dont believe what you do? Now you are all of a sudden worried about those going to jail instead of those 1500 dying people? Where is your heart PB? I dont believe anyone here is for going to jail over MMJ either. You see some of us believe there is a happy medium to be met somewhere in the middle. Where I dont have to turn myslf into the stormtroopers and yet I dont have blame a guy in office for 9 days either for not changing 60 years worth of Pot legislation and baggage. As for fighting for us we already had someone who was fighting on our behalf whether we liked it or not. He's gone back to Texas.
I like the cut of your jib Rain,every post is well done!!Your IN the club,LOL!But I think I have changed my mind about you butter:wallbash:.
Truth be told I could care fuckin less if it ever gets legalized,sun's still gonna rise tommorow and I'm still gonna get high....life goes on!

Couple years ago after dealing with cancer in my family I really started diggin,look at the thousands of testimonials from people utilizing a Raw Diet........there's even more swear to the Carrot juice Cure(64 ounces a day)...then theres the whole alkalize to save your life path.......you can google any 1 of these and get a world of info,I'm too lazy,personally I like the Carrot juice cure,loads of proof,testimonials,etc.......and dont forget,Cancer CANNOT live in an alkilized body,all good stuff if beating cancer's your thing,and they dont involve lb's of high grade,lotta cheaper easier cures imo.


Just for grins I did a search of the federal database of medical studies for the combination of "carrot" and "cancer." It resulted in 81 entries.

When I do the same search with "marijuana" instead of "carrot" I get 400 entries.

With another search I looked for "marijuana" or "cannabinoid" plus cancer I get 843 entries


Active member
Just for grins I did a search of the federal database of medical studies for the combination of "carrot" and "cancer." It resulted in 81 entries.

When I do the same search with "marijuana" instead of "carrot" I get 400 entries.

With another search I looked for "marijuana" or "cannabinoid" plus cancer I get 843 entries

Whats yer point?Just for kicks I just did one too
Results 1 - 10 of about 443,000 for carrot juice cancer cure. (0.27 seconds)
learn how to google something........oh,and the next time someone tries to offer you some assistance,thanks would be in order,Before the race to dis credit:nanana:
Look at all them hits you got in the federal database,awful lot for something you say they arent studying huh?
I cant find the federal database of medical studies....but try Beta Carotene and Cancer

Results 1 - 10 of about 2,050,000 for beta carrotene and cancer. (0.15 seconds)
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Whats yer point?Just for kicks I just did one too
Results 1 - 10 of about 443,000 for carrot juice cancer cure. (0.27 seconds)
learn how to google something........oh,and the next time someone tries to offer you some assistance,thanks would be in order,Before the race to dis credit:nanana:
Look at all them hits you got in the federal database,awful lot for something you say they arent studying huh?
I cant find the federal database of medical studies....but try Beta Carotene and Cancer

Results 1 - 10 of about 2,050,000 for beta carrotene and cancer. (0.15 seconds)

Google isn't the federal database. This is: