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DEA Scoffs Obama: Raids California Dispensary


Active member
Fuck obama

Well said!

I pity people who put any faith into Obama doing anything good for MJ. I find it most amusing.

Obama is more worried about keeping his Blackberry than he is about MJ. He doesn't give two shits about MJ.

Hopefully Obama will commit an impeachable offense soon, and he can be thrown to the curb.
While I agree with you, greenhead, I fear the O-man could snort lines during a presser while clubbing little kids over the head and the Congress and the press would blame Bush and call for Bush'd death for causing Obama to whiff a couple of lines and say the kids should have been aborted to begin with. He's more Teflon than any before him.
I do believe, however, Obama will evidently get around to changing the laws. Maybe even call for it's legalization to tax it.


I read this, and it's so sad that most of you don't have a clue about whats really going on in the world.
And the truth is so terrible that I can't tell you. 911, terrorists "al qaida".
You have to find out for yourself.
Like power elites stopped using the Hegelian dialectic all of a sudden.
The info is such that you will instinctually shy away from it, because to acknowledge it, cause major cognitive dissonance, and most will look to any authority figure to quote
that disputes the truth, just to be comfortable.
MOST people who hold high office are there because they are bought and they are psychopaths. Political Ponerology is a good book just to START to get your mind ready
so you can look at events of the last 100 years with a less biased view.
We've been (almost like the movie the Matrix) lied to about most significant things
in history. Movies, school, media, politicians.
This enables them to do one thing, and even though people will acknowledge that it was done, they will never see it for what it actually is, because of from birth cultural conditioning. Thus America has very short term memories for very significant events,
because they were never able to perceive them as such in the first place.
That's what mind control is for on a mass scale. Just so the average person will not "see" something for what it really means, and may even resort to name calling and violence to defend this state of mind, when someone speaks the truth.
Just for an example, a year and a half ago, an extremely important event occurred
that had very important ramifications on several levels, but because of the mind control, a few words from the media, and the mass of people accepted it no question!
There are several each year, but just for example this was live nuclear missles
being "mistakenly" transported over the continental USA.

Look up Edward Bernay.
Oh, and Naomi Wolf
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Active member
And, to add to OldBastard's post, the entertainment and religion industries are allowed to do their things so the masses are diverted from what is really going on.

~Abbie :joint:


And, might I add, mind control has most folks believing that marijuana is only good for getting high.

Mind control has most folks convinced that it couldn't possibly hold the cure for cancer.


yeah, or that it would eliminate the profits for maybe half, the symptoms related pharms out there, both prescribed and otc.
And all that while framing public perception not to even LOOK into
the getting high issue in the first place.
Same o same o.


Active member
And, might I add, mind control has most folks believing that marijuana is only good for getting high.

Mind control has most folks convinced that it couldn't possibly hold the cure for cancer.

Mind control has some convinced that something as simple as the food we eat couldn't possibly hold the cure for cancer:


Or the cure for diabetes:


~Abbie :joint:
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Active member
yeah, or that it would eliminate the profits for maybe half, the symptoms related pharms out there, both prescribed and otc.
And all that while framing public perception not to even LOOK into
the getting high issue in the first place.
Same o same o.

That describes it best IMO.

The other secondary yet equally inhibiting obstacle is the corrections industry dollars (both public and private) wrapped up in it.

You cant tell me that an industry that is fed billions from marijuana charges wont offer some resistance to losing it. :dueling:

box turtle

New member
Hey, Obama was a teenager in Hawaii. Obama should be cool. He's smart about solving problems. And he's still trying to get the old bush smell out of the oval office.


We had this sudden influx of posters with only a very few posts to their name. Some with only one or two posts.

These posts had one single theme. To convince us that it was OK for our government to continue arresting us for a plant.

People were, and are, willing to justify the government doing this.

Those that do this are justifying being jailed themselves. To have their homes, cars, money and children taken from themselves.

To actively support the current federal policy is self destructive. There are way to many people here that are willing to do this.


Active member
We had this sudden influx of posters with only a very few posts to their name. Some with only one or two posts.

These posts had one single theme. To convince us that it was OK for our government to continue arresting us for a plant.

People were, and are, willing to justify the government doing this.

Those that do this are justifying being jailed themselves. To have their homes, cars, money and children taken from themselves.

To actively support the current federal policy is self destructive. There are way to many people here that are willing to do this.

All the more reason for you to keep up the good fight, PB. Don't let the nay-sayers get you down.



Active member
For all of those funny people who keep making pathetic excuses for Obama, he managed to take the time out of his busy schedule today to sign into law something called the lily ledbeter law. I thought that he was too busy with the economy, the war, etc., to do anything regarding cannabis? Yeah right, lol.......

Nope, MJ just isn't a big priority and it won't ever be for him.


Just Call me Urkle!!
All the above is sooo true!! I think everyone should see "The Union" it's by far the best marijuana documentary I've seen and I've seen em all and this one takes it! They show how legal cannabis was and how our government ordered farmers to grow it for the war to make rope and other things. Not to mention it makes the strongest paper shit the Decleration of Independence is written on none other than hemp paper! Tobacco kills more people than anything I'm talking hundred's of thousand's of people each year and they grow it with radio active fertilizers and they say pot growers are ruining the planet! I think everyone needs to wake up and see how useful a plant this really is. I see hemp as the future and will help bring out its usefulness to every person I speak to until we are making fuel with it and paper. Grow a crop of hemp for paper and it puts out tons of oxygen and we keep our trees solving the greenhouse problems we have....
Search for The Union on google and please share with as many people as possible!!!


The revolution will not be televised.....
Not justifying anything my Gov. is doin! I am just willing to give the guy who inherited a position that is FUBAR a little time to catch his breathe!! I also recognize that yes while I am anxiously awaiting to see his formal stance on the issue now in office I realize that in the grand scheme of things, I want the guy to work on more pressing issues for my country. Of course you will retort with the old "Whats more important than human life? jizz! Again you have shown many obscure reports/articles and little heard of studies that some college in Kazakhstan or wherever has found a cure to Diabetes and Cancer!! You and I both know that its not a cure but a great tool to help people. Used correctly it will "help people"! But a cure-all? Come on man! I live in the real world here and if it was the super duper cure-all you claim it wouldnt just be legal it would the single most used and taxed product in our society. Tobacco is an easy to grow, insidiously addictive, easy to process plant that more than 5 times the people use on the planet. It is taxed more than anything! People dont grow it and they flock to stores to purchase ever increasing pricey packs. You cannot give any stateside, recognized report to show it cures 'anything' yet! All things being equal I dont know that it wouldn't be more beneficial as a tool to supplement our wood, paper, and textile industries. Which have been destroying the PNW and Northern California forests for decades. It has been "proven" to be a better product to make paper, rope, clothing than just about anything so why would it make sense to focus on that area of legalization. Your view is so one sided and narrow that it makes your stance full holes and zealousness of the same kind that Bush used to convince the American people that Saddam was responsible for 911. "Just believe me and take my word people!" I simply say to you and people like OLD Bastard - No thanks. We have had that kind of blind ideological following to our peril for far too long.


Not justifying anything my Gov. is doin! I am just willing to give the guy who inherited a position that is FUBAR a little time to catch his breathe!!

So that's the reason why it's OK to continue the policy?

I also recognize that yes while I am anxiously awaiting to see his formal stance on the issue now in office I realize that in the grand scheme of things, I want the guy to work on more pressing issues for my country. Of course you will retort with the old "Whats more important than human life?

I want him to work on it now. That is reasonable given the damage being done and the little effort that would be required to make the change.

Again you have shown many obscure reports/articles and little heard of studies that some college in Kazakhstan or wherever has found a cure to Diabetes and Cancer!! You and I both know that its not a cure but a great tool to help people. Used correctly it will "help people"!

You think I'm trying to run some sort of scam. I've seen that kind of response elsewhere also.

But a cure-all? Come on man! I live in the real world here and if it was the super duper cure-all you claim it wouldnt just be legal it would the single most used and taxed product in our society.

Only if people were aware of it. Which they are not now. Thank you government repression.

Tobacco is an easy to grow, insidiously addictive, easy to process plant that more than 5 times the people use on the planet. It is taxed more than anything! People dont grow it and they flock to stores to purchase ever increasing pricey packs. You cannot give any stateside, recognized report to show it cures 'anything' yet!

Again .. thank you government repression. Most serious medical research into this area has been forced to take place outside the US.

All things being equal I dont know that it wouldn't be more beneficial as a tool to supplement our wood, paper, and textile industries. Which have been destroying the PNW and Northern California forests for decades. It has been "proven" to be a better product to make paper, rope, clothing than just about anything so why would it make sense to focus on that area of legalization.

Proven how? Where have these studies been conducted? Your arguments are valid, yet not compelling. Not like our own government forcing thousands of innocent Americans to die.

Your view is so one sided and narrow that it makes your stance full holes and zealousness of the same kind that Bush used to convince the American people that Saddam was responsible for 911. "Just believe me and take my word people!" I simply say to you and people like OLD Bastard - No thanks. We have had that kind of blind ideological following to our peril for far too long.
You tried to prove that my claims are invalid because the studies were not conducted in the US. You are twisting logic to justify all of us being put into jail for a plant.

Why support the current policy? What do you have to gain?


Again you list the "other things" that are "more important."

Are you saying that our President doesn't have the ability to take care of more than one thing at a time?

That, somehow, taking care of these more important things makes it so that he can't stop the DEA?

I think Obama is stronger than that. I think he has more ability than that.
His lack of action is purely because he wants to avoid the issue. And he avoids it based on his impression that pot is only good for getting high.


Active member
I'm glad you didnt split PB,it's good to talk.Abbie said it right,people think differently.Know one's tryin to silence you,just throwin out other point's of view.:yeahthats
Oh,for future reference,My point of view is all that matters to me;)
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