This may seem like a desperate attempt by the dea, but if you read carefully, his words were all chosen to continue the brainwashing lies with no actual facts. I would go toe to toe with this guy with all the facts anytime anywhere and still they would deny the absolute facts. Hypocritical idiots who will now go home and suck down some wine with his steak as the real gateway drug(alcohol) is consumed by thousands of underage kids and many will be hospitalized or die. Happens everyday with alcohol, not weed. Also his choke up at the end is also planned to tug on the brainwashed emotions of still so many in this country including my parents and my mom who when stressed would take a zanex or drink, but when I told her I smoked she cried, she is that brainwashed as so many here still are. Very, Very sad for all. This country needs the facts about cannibis plastered everywhere for all to see, but hard with a media that is also brainwashed to for the most part. Really makes me mad cause I have many friends, DEAD, from alcohol alone and our country is in insane debt, yet we should listen to them. SR
That guy kinda looks like Benito wonder he's a fascist butthead
These guys are so screwed. Legalization will flow out of Colorado & Washington the way water flows into the corn when you irrigate- nice & smooth across the whole field. The corn loves it.
I just watched the vid om page 1. Sounds to me like deperate cries from the losing side of a war!!!! What a joke!!! I'm almost certain he shaves his head so that it's easier for him to shove it up his own ass!!!!
Legalization of Alcohol scared the Department of Revenue so much that they made Marijuana illegal