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DEA guy flips out at Senate hearings


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
dude looks like "vic mackey" from "the shield",,nuff said ,,lol,,,s2


Active member
This may seem like a desperate attempt by the dea, but if you read carefully, his words were all chosen to continue the brainwashing lies with no actual facts. I would go toe to toe with this guy with all the facts anytime anywhere and still they would deny the absolute facts. Hypocritical idiots who will now go home and suck down some wine with his steak as the real gateway drug(alcohol) is consumed by thousands of underage kids and many will be hospitalized or die. Happens everyday with alcohol, not weed. Also his choke up at the end is also planned to tug on the brainwashed emotions of still so many in this country including my parents and my mom who when stressed would take a zanex or drink, but when I told her I smoked she cried, she is that brainwashed as so many here still are. Very, Very sad for all. This country needs the facts about cannibis plastered everywhere for all to see, but hard with a media that is also brainwashed to for the most part. Really makes me mad cause I have many friends, DEAD, from alcohol alone and our country is in insane debt, yet we should listen to them. SR

I try not to put off on hypocrisy that which can be better ascribed to indoctrination. As heirs to the propaganda legacy of Harry Anslinger, DEA agents have to be the most heavily indoctrinated Americans of all. As old rationales for prohibition are set aside, they acquire new ones, make the leaps of faith required to believe that they're doing the right thing.

Even though I think they're completely wrong, I don't really doubt their sincerity.
Puppets pulling strings anyways. Look at canada's change on medical, it's all flowing because big pharma figured out how to corral it. I'm so far from a conspiracy theorist, I have friends who are and it drives me nuts, but I could see them passing something around that would wipe everything out, they have it I feel like. Hold on to your seeds my friends.


Registered Non-Conformist
Been laughing a lot reading this thread. Some funny folks assembled here..!

It's getting so absurd these "Parrot-like" tools telling us what we need to do - or NOT do.. Seems to me that us CannaPeople have a pretty good idea of how to live best... Our OWN way... Naturally. That is what really scares them. Our independence.

soil margin

Active member
Politicians and law enforcement have big egos. If cannabis becomes legalized, they have to admit they were wrong this entire time. None of them want to admit they were wrong, that's embarrassing.


Registered Non-Conformist
These Dipsh*ts carrying on their private Moralizing, while an overwhelming majority is for MJ... I hope People actually vote ALL these losers out of office, and do not decide to retain any Law Enforcement Officers that will not deal with the changes..


Active member
That guy kinda looks like Benito Mussolini...no wonder he's a fascist butthead

i think he looks more like this asshole


sounds a little like him too

Jon 54

F*U*C* Sen. Dianne Fienstein!!! I live in California and believe me or not this one woman has hurt the MMJ movement from the get go. This elected BITCH is a POWER behind the Anti-Marijuana lobby in Sacramento and DC.. We need to get together and vote her out of office, she is rich and has the support of the Law Enforcement community here in CA..

We need to quit talking and put down our joints,pipes or whatever and get off our asses and vote come election day!!!

Jon54 :plant grow::plant grow:


Astronaut Status
I just watched the vid om page 1. Sounds to me like deperate cries from the losing side of a war!!!! What a joke!!! I'm almost certain he shaves his head so that it's easier for him to shove it up his own ass!!!!


Active member

These guys are so screwed. Legalization will flow out of Colorado & Washington the way water flows into the corn when you irrigate- nice & smooth across the whole field. The corn loves it.

DEA and other cops are worried because.. the government funding them to go after drugs.. is mainly AIMED AT MARIJUANA.. because the folks who grow pot.. arent as dangerous as the cartels and biker gangs.. so if pots legal.. alot of cops lose there jobs.. and that could affect the country in a bad way...... but to say that marijuana is the reason is ludicrous and ignorant to say the least..

DEA needs to grow some fucking balls.. and go after some REAL DRUG DEALERS.. i mean shit.. opium in Afghanistan has increased production 83 percent since we invaded.. cocaine in Columbia . and meth in Mexico. but its ok if thats how they make a living right? they need to put food in there families mouth somehow.. so we are too big of pussies to say.. here.. here is another crop.. that will make just as much cash.. but will not destroy the entire WORLDS POPULATION turning everyone into zombie addicts. ?

if u ask me. ive seen an increase in crime and on the young americans that are on opiates.. not pot.. i dont see people robbing stores and doing bank robberies to score some nugs.. but u see it every day.. with crack and heroin..? whats the real problem?

shit cigarettes and alcohol kill more then anything.. and there legal because someone got grandfathered in to the laws because the mob bought out the government back then.. u think someone isn't getting rich while the kids of America suffer with addictions?

St. Phatty

Active member
Legalization of Alcohol scared the Department of Revenue so much that they made Marijuana illegal and also basically made Cocaine and Opiates illegal by constricting the supply - even though they all had usage histories going back thousands of years.

Perhaps with a little nudge from Big Pharma.

soil margin

Active member
I just watched the vid om page 1. Sounds to me like deperate cries from the losing side of a war!!!! What a joke!!! I'm almost certain he shaves his head so that it's easier for him to shove it up his own ass!!!!

That guy actually sounded scared he was going to lose his job. I honestly think at least 50% of these DEA agents just care about keeping their jobs and seeing a paycheck come in every month. Any of them that aren't retarded know they can never win a war against drugs, but if they claim they can, and they claim drugs are a menace to society, they can keep getting funding.

Daub Marley

His interests are aligned against the legalization of marijuana, as they have been for many years. He has blindly made up his mind based on the information he's been spoon fed by his/our government. His department might actually see their budget shrink for the first time in it's existence, and that financial uncertainty is the real motivation.


Active member
poor guy has been brainwashed.... you know if he had never been indoctrinated with all the lies and used his own gray matter for once he might be an ok guy.....
as it stands..... fu#k him

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