I keep seeing people say the government is loosing control........I don't believe that for a second. Keep in mind they don't want guns in America anymore, what better way than making 2 states legalize cannabis. You can't own a gun federally if you smoke pot.............Seems like a standard communist tactic to me. I am all for cannabis legalization, but not at the expense of the second amendment.
I keep seeing people say the government is loosing control........I don't believe that for a second. Keep in mind they don't want guns in America anymore, what better way than making 2 states legalize cannabis. You can't own a gun federally if you smoke pot.............Seems like a standard communist tactic to me. I am all for cannabis legalization, but not at the expense of the second amendment.
The agent repeated the tired fact that marijuana is a schedule 1 drug and blah blah blah. Then Fenstein says she believes it's a gateway drug and is bad, but then also says it has medical use for the terminally ill and babies! Am I tripping? She's making a case to reschedule marijuana.
I keep hearing "there are more dispensaries than starbucks" like its a bad thing.
it makes sense if you think about it, i only drink coffee when im tired, but i smoke weed all the time.
I think it requires a certain amount of misinformation & multiple leaps of Faith to reach those conclusions.
The DEA attempts to separate pot & guns at the level of selling & growing, not toking.
There are no statutory grounds to deny even med card holders CHL permits in Colorado, let alone Joe retail toker. The US SCOTUS let stand a similar ruling in Oregon-
I don't think the feds are going to bust anybody who's Colorado legal, either. They'd play Hell getting a conviction from a Colorado jury.
worked in gov since 18
married for 30+ years
6+ kids
that alone tells you no reason to listen to this guy
worked in gov since 18
married for 30+ years
6+ kids
that alone tells you no reason to listen to this guy
They keep repeating "..I believe this, I believe that..", so no real data, just faith.
So typical, their brains are wired against cannabis and they will never be able to unwire it. Even less capable of understanding the matter.
Ignorants is the word.
...there is no doubt that the "intent" behind prohibition is almost 100% FINANCIAL.
...for those people that are enforcing the laws, once Marijuana is legal they will lose a lot of their money flow, and many will obviously lose their jobs.
...plus, imagine the black market, how much $$$ is being paid out to cops, and how much money is being made by cops through receiving bribes, stealing drugs, stealing money, and taking property from the drug dealers.
...that is some serious coin there.
...and I'm not even going to go into what CIA is doing globally
...fundamentally, the US government, as a structure is completely flawed, as 99.9% of the other world governments.
Think about it. The US government is simply a bunch of people like us that have complete access to OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY, and they can spend it anyway they want. Plus, they can borrow and go into DEBT, and spend that f*cking money anyway they want also.
Taking into account that USA is currently 100 TRILLION USD in debt (federal debt, individual states debt, personal debt, social security, medicare, etc, etc, etc) and is barely able to pay the monthly interest rates on this debt of around ZERO PERCENT, while continuing to go deeper into debt on a monthly basis...
...imagine what will happen when this Governement DEBT Bubble finally blows the f*ck up, hyperinflation occurs, and interest rates climb to 10% to 20% per year.
That will be the end of the dollar and the US of A - as we currently know it.
I don't know what will happen during that MELTDOWN, but it will not be pretty, and will make the 2008-2009 Financial Crisis look like a walk in the park.
The USA and the majority of its citizens will HAVE TO declare bankruptcy, and the USD will lose its status as the world reserve currency.
This is WHY Obama wants to take away the GUNS.
I think that once this happens (and it is only a question of when, and not if) we will see the US change into something completely different than it is now or has been in the past.
I think in the long-term it will be better for the country, but the pain in the beginning will be ENORMOUS folks.
And the reason it will be so painful is because in 2008-2009 the Federal Government avoided this meltdown by allowing the Federal Reserve to start-up the press and press TRILLIONS of USD, and inject this money into the economy by taking on FEDERAL DEBT, that they later spread around and called it BAILING OUT the Institutions that were TOO LARGE to fail...
...like the banks, car producers, etc.
...while regular America Citizens were kicked out of their houses and kicked out of their jobs!!!
comments after linked article said:mouse • 2 days ago −
it should scare the hell out of them because
they have nearly a hundred years of explaining to do, hundreds to
thousands if not millions of deaths to explain hundreds of millions of
lives disrupted to explain ... i suspect they truly fear nuremberg
style trials for the crimes they have committed and truth be told that
is the _least_ they and the champions of the 'war on drugs' deserve
especially in light of the facts that we know they are working both
sides of the fence.
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