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DEA continues pot raids Obama opposes


the only person who makes sense to me is ron paul....he's probably one of the very few politicians that are truly for the people. plus he knows you can't spend your way out of financial ruin.
he doesn't want the government to wipe your ass after a messy poop...he'd get rid of the federal reserve and irs...and wouldn't even think about taking away our guns....and we could smoke and grow our mj without the threat of being a felon. too bad the timing was all wrong.

things should get real interesting for sure. i will certainly bet that if the economy keeps going south...more people than you may think will be supplementing their income via growing mj....and i wouldn't blame them a bit.
I've said it before...with a SINGLE stroke of the pen or a 10 second phone call, Obama can make the raids end. This crap that the head of the DEA is a hold over from Bush is 1000% crap. It's his administration. He won as he likes to tell folks. Putting his "own" head of the DEA in place is a load of hooey. 1 second after he said, "I do" he became the head of the DEA and his policies are the ones they work under.
He's simply playing politics. His people know that this is a no win proposition for them.
RIP States Rights. You never stood a chance. Maybe Arnold will take some the "Bail Out" money and have the AG of Cali fight for you in court. HA! Oh yeah! That will happen. So RIP states rights. You served us well till folks decided you weren't important. All Hail the MIGHTY Federal Government. It truly knows whats best for all. No issue to small to impress us with it's "caring".
Paraphrase: "A government powerful enough to give you everything is also powerful enough to take it all away." Keep asking for government to solve all your problems then don't complain when it does. In fact, our complaining will bother the Government...no complaints! Hush!
Off topic but has anyone put calculator to the numbers? 800+ billion divided by 3 million jobs (created and saved) is....? I'm not going to give you the answer. But trust me...it ain't worth it. Now HUSH! We need to rush this through for the good of ALL!


New member
unfortunately govt's like ours rely on the fact that we as a people would rather hire someone to solve our problems than go out and fix em ourselves.
Like the plumber you hired last week that botched your bath faucet in the process of fixing your toilet.
But you don't dare get mad at yourself for hiring the guy, for not just doing the task yourself, you instead get outraged that this so called "professional" fucked your shit up.
Bush's rein lasted 8 years, and the whole time who did we blame? Bush and the people that voted him (or just bush if you actually voted for him lol).
We never thought to say, hey he's doin his shit to rock the boat, why don't we do ours? Instead we sat with a thumb up our asses and expletives leaking from our faceholes...
I think regardless of how much better of a candidate we start with this time we should not continue our lax pattern of letting others govern our behavior.
be your own president and help preside over your own shit, and help others preside over theirs, and who knows maybe within 20 years we'll have this morality/honesty shit down pat and govt will be obsolete...


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Damn yall, I know how it is to be a pessimist and all, but give this guy a chance. Did you not see that the White House publicly announced a change in the way it handles medical cannabis? They're finally acknowledging us, and if they lie, it's time to take our lives and rights back... I can't stress that enough...


I like to think that Obama will pressure the DEA to keep out of state affairs in this matter, but you have to take into account that the DEA has spent plenty of time and money building cases against the dispensiaries. They aren't going to just walk away from that investment. I think that is why they took down as many as they did at one time, they see the change coming and wanted to make sure they didn't use those resources all for nothing.
The feds are still going to be watching over the major players and busting them when they slip up. If they didn't keep the big guys regulated then eventually the industry would be taken over and the only place to get meds would be a corporate conglomerate, a "Budmart". I don't support the actions of the DEA, this is just the reality of the situation. The only way to keep the feds off our backs is to support the local cooperatives who are law abiding and self reliant, rather than the "chain stores" that rely on the commercial market for their supplies. Remember that the feds want the big guys and the big numbers so they can show their budget commities that they are spending their money wisely and that more money is needed for their cause, as corporations and any other government agency would do. "low and slow that's the tempo" :joint:


fvk I can only give him a chance and i wish him the best. Yet his record of protecting my Life, Liberty, and property is poor at best. As much as i would love to see lax MJ laws it is not my top priority. The fact that he helped rob me and mine of trillions of dollars before and now after the election is of more importance. If you want to know his agenda then look at his top 10 donations. Funny they look just like McCain's top 10 donations. Funny they look just like Bush's and Clinton's top 10 donations. Funny they are ALL BANKS. I wish him the best but i will prepare for the worst. And yes it is wonderful they may finally acknowledge us.

Please understand i truly mean no disrespect to any of you.
Old saying in politics...you want to know how a politician stands on anything....follow the money. We ain't got any so we don't count. As long as they keep us under their thumb with their pot laws we will never have any.
No money no power. No power then we must count on the "generosity of others". And we all know politicians are so filled with the spirit of helping others. It's why they went into politics. YEAH RIGHT! Sorry, God, I want lie again....no more lighting bolts! Those damn things hurt!


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Totally know where you guys are coming from. I trust no politician with mine, let alone anyone else... Thing is, shit has been changing since Obama took office, for the better for what actually has changed. Black people finally have a face in the media, notice that? Now white people are going out of their way to cater to them. I'm sure it's all in vain on the inside but whatever... Lol. This is just one of a COUPLE things and there may be more to come. You never know.

So yeah guys, what are we gonna do? Sit here and bitch about it or start informing other people what's up, and start doing something about it? These vampires are on their last straws and I'm sure everyone else that isn't brain dead feels the same way... It's up to us, if you think small, therefore you are. Only you control your life and are you ready to take it into your own hands?

Coldflo, I tried reading that post but I can't atm.
I like to think that Obama will pressure the DEA to keep out of state affairs in this matter, but you have to take into account that the DEA has spent plenty of time and money building cases against the dispensiaries. They aren't going to just walk away from that investment. I think that is why they took down as many as they did at one time, they see the change coming and wanted to make sure they didn't use those resources all for nothing.
The feds are still going to be watching over the major players and busting them when they slip up. If they didn't keep the big guys regulated then eventually the industry would be taken over and the only place to get meds would be a corporate conglomerate, a "Budmart". I don't support the actions of the DEA, this is just the reality of the situation. The only way to keep the feds off our backs is to support the local cooperatives who are law abiding and self reliant, rather than the "chain stores" that rely on the commercial market for their supplies. Remember that the feds want the big guys and the big numbers so they can show their budget commities that they are spending their money wisely and that more money is needed for their cause, as corporations and any other government agency would do. "low and slow that's the tempo" :joint:

Yeah, I think the real problem is that the DEA has it's on "Little Private War" going on and we are one of their enemies. It is all about preserving the Budget for the DEA not about the Freedom of the America People.



I hope obama loosens the reigns on MJ laws and lets us do our thing medically. Afterall the economy crisis needs all his attention. A good cost cutting measure would be to scrap the DEA and send them home like soo many other americans.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Off topic? I am the fearless vampire killer bro, look me up...

You know, I was thinking, thinking some of yall might think I'm a bit too eccentric. Thing is, this world is a lot smaller than what you think it is, and the sooner people learn that and learn to live with each other, the better off we'll all be. So if you don't like me, think I'm crazy, just straight up put me on ignore.

But yeah, I've been wondering if Obama's advisors have been telling him about my posts... I walk a thin line here and everywhere I go, I know this. And hell, I wouldn't doubt it at all, dude looked pretty stressed last night... Lol.

So yeah, hear me now. I am a dangerous person, with a dangerous mind, and a dangerous voice. The people are starting to catch on so take us into consideration very carefully, because if you think I'm bad, the last ones to join in are usually the epitome of danger. This is in no way a threat to you or yours, my brother. I look forward to be able to saying that I'm proud of my president. But shit, if you wanted to be nice, you'd give us the DEA on a silver platter. Eye for an eye, you're a man of God right?

But yeah, pass it on narcs, don't kid yourselves, the ones who are aware of themselves and others around them know you're here. Give my regards to your mothers and sisters...


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Lol, if you don't get it, I can't explain it, but I'm doing things and you should be too. We have to take our lives back. Is nobody else feeling me here or are you too busy watching the tv and perpetuating yourselves in false hoods? You know, in certain parts of the country, this place is pretty damn near third world. Your bullshit sitcoms create a false reality, a sense of happiness, when a lot of your brothers and sisters are suffering. Not just here, all over the globe, and only WE THE PEOPLE can change it. Do you guys need someone to tell you to do with your lives or are you too lazy to actually do something about it?

Come on yall, I probably smoke more than a lot of you. I'm not trying to be self righteous at all, I'm trying to hit yall with a dose of reality... I came from all walks of life so I know how it is... If you don't get me, I can't explain me, and that's why we'll never relate or see eye to eye. But for the people who can relate to me, see things for the way they are, GET OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING BECAUSE I CAN'T TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE ALL OF YOU.

We vote for these politicians based on demographics and personal preferences, but they still will not hear our voices, so they do not deserve a place of authority in society. Can't you guys see things for what they are? The more people I talk to, the more I realize the television is at fault. The only actual thing that I've really watched since I've been a kid is CNN, but that's just because it's the most unbiased 24/7 news feed, and I still form my own opinions based off of experiences and fact. Even when I was a kid, I didn't watch much TV, I GOT OUT THERE, did things, entertained myself, because the tv is totally counter productive... It doesn't make you smarter, it actually does make you a zombie, a neutral. I'm sorry if the truth hurts but when you learn to embrace it, it's gonna set you free and you'll feel at peace with yourself and the world around you...

These guys are going after the effect and not the cause and it's pretty obvious they're still chipping away at the block and are going to continue to do so. The problem started with opening the free trade agreements... Who gives a shit about Canada when they're pretty much on par with us? It was Mexico that got taken advantage of and it's still going on till this very day. Same with China, the people are oppressed as hell by their govt yet the US wants to cry about communism? You know, fuck the companies that need bailouts, they should go under and the jobs will shift elsewhere if you stop allowing these companies to take advantage of third world countries. I'm sorry you guys want to save a bit of coin, but the entire situation both devalues our dollar and makes it easier for more companies to want to leave here. Why do you think the Euro is so strong against our dollar? It's because we have allowed ourselves to be sold short and sell our future generations into income for the rich, generated from our own. Do the any of you actually think this stimulus is gonna work IF NOTHING ELSE CHANGES? Even if it does get better, will you allow yourselves to continue to be dicked around by these corrupt and otherwise normal people, just for this to happen again?

Look guys, I don't watch Zeitgeist, I never have because like I said... I base my opinions off of fact, logic, and experience. I know my purpose in life and it's to help those that can't help themselves... Or haven't had the chance to yet, and I'm willing to bring that chance. Do you guys know yours? Is it tv? Is it cannabis? Is it alcohol? Sex? Gambling? What good is your life if it's all for selfish means? Think about your brother as you would your own, does that make sense? Come on people, stop allowing this shit to happen. You have no right to bitch about the price of anything, unemployment rates, or what the hell ever if you just allow this to happen again. I can guarantee it will again if we don't TELL them what HAS to be DONE. NAH MEAN? I know some of the most intelligent people in the world can be found at this site. Philosophers, scientists, comedians, and what the hell ever. Cannabis smokers are known to have an open mind, and that's what makes intelligence, the willingness and openness to learn. But are you gonna let that intelligence go to waste? You can make the difference if you try. They want you to believe you're small, that you can't make a difference, but if we all got together and worked together, we can throw off the oppressive bullshit they have dished out to us. Whether it's through rallies or extreme affirmative action, something has to be done... Are the none of you pissed off at how the constitution has been walked all over? What about the patriot act? You guys bitch about 1984? WELL IT'S ALL OF YOUR FAULTS BECAUSE YOU HAVE ALLOWED THIS TO TAKE PLACE. That's what the tv's for though right? To forget about that shit? Look, I gots love for all my peoples and I don't mean disrespect to the any of you. I'm not just spitting this shit here either, I'm going out there and getting people to understand. This point of time is a pretty critical one. To tell yourself anything different is just creating a false reality, once again. People seem to be real good at that though...

Can't you guys see that these politicians continue to cater to the rich and themselves, at our expenses? So damn yall, feel free the chime the fuck in or get off of your asses. My eyes are bleeding and I'm sure yours will soon be too.

Btw, I don't believe in complete and total anarchy but I have the feeling I could run this country if I was forced to, rightfully. I would never take all that responsibility and I know Obama is stressing even more now... Thing is, he's either gonna be bought off by lobbyists or he's gonna do the right thing. Are you willing to take the gamble on another fucking prick? Look at what the Bush Administration has done to our country, do the any of you take it seriously? If you don't, you're worthless as hell and it shows it because you don't give one shit about yourself either... I want to have faith that Obama will do the right thing, but are you guys willing to take that chance?


I know you people are lurking. Speak the fuck up.


I like what your saying. when i 1st started seeing what was going on i began to call and write my congressmen and senators regularly and i still do. Its painfully obvious by the canned responses and their actions that they don't listen. That is why i decided if i wanted something done right i would have to do it myself. I looked into the most powerful political party in my aria and started going to meetings and it has grown from their. Even though i disagree with much of the platform of the party i feel it is an uphill battle to run as a BLANK when the sheeple of my town and state will always vote for a blank. Many of us on this site would disagree on many issues but we know we feel about the same when it comes to the war on drugs. So lets all work together and take over our town, county, district, state and then federal government. I don't think we can count on the politicians to listen or even care about what we want.

P.S. you will find people in your party meetings to be very real and excepting of your thoughts and feelings. Local politics our very meaningful and can rejuvenate your hope for this country.