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DEA agents among 14 Americans dead in Afghanistan

Speaking as a person who had his life destroyed once already by some of those DEA dick heads who 'were just doing their jobs', I don't have much sympathy. Specially if you take into account all the other peoples lives they have ruined. I'm sure the Taliban think they 'are just doing their jobs' when they kill and maim. Prohibition is wrong, for cannabis and for opium, it's what's causing this violence to escalate more and more, and it's what makes the huge profits available for the CIA and the Taliban. Far fewer people would use junk if cheap and safe opium was available. If you are getting paid for an immoral action, maybe it's time to find a new job.


Next Stop: Outer Space!
Radical muslim idealists, Taliban, never had noble goals. Unless you like being beat to death for shaving, well....suppression of your own people....um.........noble is a stretch

You just don't know their history well enough to get what I am talking about. The Taliban started as a group of clerics, teachers, and merchants who were fed up with the mujahadeen commanding tolls along the highways. They were also fed up with the corrupt local governors, most of whom were mujahadeen. Those same governors became the "Northern Alliance" with heavy influence from Uzbekistan. Uzbek troops were even involved in some of the fighting against the Taliban. The Taliban's original goal was achieved, but as I mentioned before, they were corrupted by outsiders playing upon their tribal beliefs. Many of those beliefs are not Islamic, but rather Afghani traditions. Then the foreign Islamists set them up as a fall guy for their murder of over 3000 unarmed people. When the Americans came, there were Taliban in pickup trucks with a 50 caliber machine gun in the back planning to defeat the Americans. Some of these people have been so insulated against the modern, non-Islamic world that they just had no clue what sort of Goliath they were facing. They got massacred wholesale, the corrupt mujahadeen were put back into power, and Osama bin Laden gets to continue to be a zealous asshole while the Afghani people get fucked like usual.

We should really turn the whole damn country into a massive pot grow, then every bomb at least gives them a contact high.
To hell with those filthy DEA scum.`..they are resting where they can do no more harm. As far as I am concerned, the DEA is nothing but a criminal enterprise that should be destroyed any way possible. The scum that got killed over there knew full well that they are making their livings from a ruined and failed policy, prohibition, and they got what they deserved. Maybe if a hundred DEA scum got killed they would start to see the common sense of the matter and get out of the DEA.

We are paying our tax dollars to support these DEA scum and allowing them to roam the world shoving American idiocy down the throats of the poor and disenfranchised. The Taleban has a bullet for every narc that dares to invade their territory and I hope their aim is good. Shed no tears for the DEA agents: These same filthy scummy rat narcs are the same filth that would lock you up for life for a joint and laugh about it. They would plant evidence on you...shoot you..murder you..all to get more busts on their record and more money.

I have NO pity for their families either; if dad is a narc then he gets what narcs get when they are discovered doing their evil deeds. Women should not marry pigs and procreate more little piggy drones...and if DEA agents ahd a hard time getting a date maybe they would quit that scummy agency and get an honest job.

I wish i could pick up a paper and read about DEA agents getting killed every day...talk about a great start to the day!!

that pretty much sums up how i feel about dea scum.
good post.


Hope everyone already has their fill on afghan genetics because now they are all likely to be laden with depleted uranium...

DU has a half-life of 4.5 billion years

Good job America!



Yeah it gets you really wasted, the pictures are a little too graphic


ICMag Donor
You just don't know their history well enough to get what I am talking about. The Taliban started as a group of clerics, teachers, and merchants who were fed up with the mujahadeen commanding tolls along the highways.

They are known as clans, and yes they dont appreciate outside influence that could disrupt their control. These people follow a distorted view of the Koran that fits their needs. Its called Radical Islam, and like many religions it is used to suppress the people. Once again nothing noble. As for collecting highway tolls, um...... actually it goes back to when the Islam faith fractured into 2 groups. (Another story)

And as for the DEA, no compassion here, 14 new job openings, thats reality.
They definitely have no compassion for anyone on this site. If you feel differently it is because you have never dealt with LEO.:mad:

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
Those DEA agents will be hailed as martyr's in their homeland...:rolleyes:

...the military grunts will just get buried.
Meh. They're people also...just because they're caught up on the "wrong" side of the war doesn't make them scum. It makes them people you disagree with. A lot of officers of the law are there for a secure job and that's it, same with military, federal police, etc. They are conditioned and fed "facts" that make them believe certain things...It's the people who make the law with utter disregard to facts that are the "problem."



It makes them people who have no qualms bitch-slapping you down to scratch their way up. I'm sure there are better definitions for 'scum'. Ignorance does not excuse the violence they perpetuate in the name of 'love'.

Who writes the laws? Paying attention to marijuana law reform? LEO is the wall!


Any job they give you body armor and a gun for is dangerous....they got what they wanted . Action and adventure....I wish more cops went to Afghanistan....


Next Stop: Outer Space!
They are known as clans, and yes they dont appreciate outside influence that could disrupt their control. These people follow a distorted view of the Koran that fits their needs. Its called Radical Islam, and like many religions it is used to suppress the people. Once again nothing noble. As for collecting highway tolls, um...... actually it goes back to when the Islam faith fractured into 2 groups. (Another story)

I think perhaps you are confusing Afghanistan with Iraq. They are very different! The secular infighting between the Badr forces and the Sadr forces is a fight between competing sects of Islam. Essentially one side believes a certain guy was a prophet, and the other side says no. Seems like a crazy thing to kill over, but that isn't really what they're killing for. They're killing for their leaders who are killing for power and calling it a war over Islam.

The Taliban wasn't even formed from one particular group of Muslims. It was a gathering of religious men trying to clean up their country. We all know they went crazy later on, but I don't think people realize how good their intentions were when they started, and how that should be a lesson to us all about the dangers of good intentions. It WAS about highway tolls. Look it up before you tell me I am wrong. I don't think that's asking a lot for the sake of fairness. Not trying to fight with you, but you do keep trying to correct me erroneously.....


To hell with those filthy DEA scum.`..they are resting where they can do no more harm. As far as I am concerned, the DEA is nothing but a criminal enterprise that should be destroyed any way possible. The scum that got killed over there knew full well that they are making their livings from a ruined and failed policy, prohibition, and they got what they deserved. Maybe if a hundred DEA scum got killed they would start to see the common sense of the matter and get out of the DEA.

We are paying our tax dollars to support these DEA scum and allowing them to roam the world shoving American idiocy down the throats of the poor and disenfranchised. The Taleban has a bullet for every narc that dares to invade their territory and I hope their aim is good. Shed no tears for the DEA agents: These same filthy scummy rat narcs are the same filth that would lock you up for life for a joint and laugh about it. They would plant evidence on you...shoot you..murder you..all to get more busts on their record and more money.

I have NO pity for their families either; if dad is a narc then he gets what narcs get when they are discovered doing their evil deeds. Women should not marry pigs and procreate more little piggy drones...and if DEA agents ahd a hard time getting a date maybe they would quit that scummy agency and get an honest job.

I wish i could pick up a paper and read about DEA agents getting killed every day...talk about a great start to the day!!

sweet poetry:woohoo:
It amuses me how you talk of the DEA agents having family members that would be devastated as a result of their loss. Do the Taliban warlords not possess the same? Who made it our right to eradicate their opium crops in lieu of stopping a heroin epidemic in the United States which is derived purely from one's free will? These people cultivate the poppy in order to support their family as many people in the U.S. do with wheat or sunflowers. I am a recovering opiate addict and I still possess these views. I am so sick of the United States playing world police; we have NO RIGHT to be in Afghanistan in the first place. We so quickly associate all Afghanis (or Muslims for that matter) with a small group of Islamic fundamentalist lunatics who have taken their own interpretation of the Koran (which was a legal document in its inception I might add) to the extreme in order to further their own ends. Anyways, that's just my opinion on the matter and i'll stick with what I said and add that these DEA agents chose their job and knew what it entailed.


Active member
Hey, they ain't dead. Their legacy will live on, people will go to prison, liberties will violated, and many pot plants will be cut down and burned on the 6pm news. Glad they didn't die in vane.
Somehow... it just doesn't bother me all that much to hear about DEA agents being killed. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do... it just doesn't bother me a whole lot.

That probably sounds horrible but... how many lives have DEA agents taken?


Cannabis 101
im with stellarp right on the money.... sad but true our government has been selling drugs to our children


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
Somehow... it just doesn't bother me all that much to hear about DEA agents being killed. I'm not saying it's the right thing to do... it just doesn't bother me a whole lot.

That probably sounds horrible but... how many lives have DEA agents taken?

thats coz youre a fucking moron :)