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Darksiders Fishing Adventures..


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Damn man this is a favorite thread for me for sure. Love seeing fish by the bucket. Good work. What happens if you go out realll deep on a flat day and drop some of those macks down 200 feet on a 32 circle? Only sharks?
Gotta get out there no matter what the other guys get hehe and see. Hopin for full coolers and a great story. Saw a tiger shark real close recently
Hi sneezydog nice to see you around and thanks for looking in at the thread much appreciated as for seeing a lot of fish today all i caught to fetch home for the table was the 3 in the photos 2 cod 1 whiting fished 3 hours but better than blanking should of known it was not going to be a good day but had to try,,.. set off at 2.30 and bumped into a drunk driver or junkie driver probablys a little smackrat i cannot bide them,, pure oxygen thiefs,, car was all over the road nearly wrapped it twice he or she did,, rather them dead than an innocent person on route to work or whatever, then through red lights sideways drifting but out of control glad i went straight on hope they crashed it and hospitalised themselves 🙏🙏 lesson maybes learned then,, anyhow i do fish in waters up to 300ft but where im from its rare to see a shark waters to cold im assuming and today it was real calm a lazy swell now and again but calm i do see the odd whales now and again and a lot of dolphins which follow the mackerel but none today a lot of seabirds today gannets kittiwakes guillemots and lots of different gulls and a few jellyfish about 6 miles out but not many fish the water inshore was very dirty could not see 2 foot under boat bait used was squid prawns mackerel and feathers one of them days it happens anyhow enough for now must shower,. once again thanks to whoever looks in stay safe guys T.B.C.
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Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Yeah Mitsuharu and sneezydog water was nice and calm not much fish about at the moment, but they will come 🙏🙏 and in the meantime im prepping the boat for another trip this week maybes tomorrow weather permitting and thanks for looking in guys as always appreciated plenty more to come T.B.C.:thank you::good:

29-05-2024. todays trip..

Well started early again today weather wasnt the best actually a little hard to stand up straight and a little wind but all in all caught 16 between 2 of us actually 8 each and i hate to admit it but my pal caught the biggest 2 ha ha lucky bugger i fetched 4 back for the table and he kept 2, all over legal size on a good note, also another boat which was fishing about a mile from us caught a few mackerel, so it shouldnt be to long before they arrive in numbers im glad as freezer is nearly empty on mackerel from last year actually it may even have no mackerel left inside will check later anyhow used prawns and dirty squid for bait and a few strips of mackerel so not too bad for a few hours out well thats it for todays trip but will be out again next week as weather is starting to turn for the worse so fishing will be on the back burner till then thanks for looking in guys stay safe as usual T.B.C.
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Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Well its that time of year to get my rod and reel out, and tommorrow will be an early start 3.30am weather permitting of course, and it will be roughly about 6 hours offshore im guessing then turn towards home to pick up a few Mackerel thats if they are about, either way im looking forward to it should be a good day out and will find out soon enough as my season is about to start properly onwards and upwards so to speak heres to a little luck and a little bit skill and who knows what else hopefully,,.:good:


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Thanks guys for looking in always appreciated back from todays fishing and im more than happy to be back left the house today for around 3.15am rain started about 3.30am and never gave up till around 9am soaked through to the skin but was an ok trip after that had some company in the forms of local wildlife a fulmar,a herring gull and a great black backed gull as well as the seal which was not at all welcome it followed me for 2 hours and when a seal is near you most times the fish are not imho, apart from the seal wind and rain and cold ha ha it was ok ish., no mackerel at all not even showing inshore or out today strange but true had a fisheries vessel approach me today but never borded or asked questions im glad as cannot be bothered with them to be honest was hard work today dropped 2 pots off on the way out collected when on way back to port paid off they did, 3 in each pot but threw one back in too small to keep, so guess im having either cod and chips tomorrow or lobster and chips but today its mince and dumplings and im starving so looking forward to that any minute also heres todays catch 5 lobsters 4 cod and todays wildlife shots too, bait used for cod and lobster was prawns, squid, and mackerel ,. Well thats it for this trip till the next one stay safe guys and thanks for looking in TBC,.


Well-known member
Awesome mate. I was out last night too. This am almost ran out of gas hahaha had to stop fishing and go straight for home. Next time more gas. Those lobsters are sweeeeet. Try 6 or 8 pots! Only a half a night too must be a lot around. The tails are so blue, more colorful than where i used to live i think.


Official Seed Tester
ICMag Donor
Cheers guys yes it was an ok trip could of been better but it put fresh food on the table and was interesting for sure a fisheries vessel coming a bit to close for my liking but all good in the end especially when nearing land have put a link in this so you can see the finished results on table super tasty so to speak :yummy::yummy: for those interested and many thanks for looking in guys the season has started now so hopefully more catches soon enough


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