InPotiTrust said:i just saw this real beauty by techattack over in the free your bud shots thread very lovely
Microbeman said:Hi BC,
This may not be the thread for that so how about in the very near future I'll start a thread in the Organic Soil forum and explain things from my perspective. In the interim, everyone struggles, tries and learns as they embark into natural growing so we can perhaps learn from each other.
TricksR4Kids said:I don't post here but lurk quite a bit. Maybe I'll put up a show but I had to put in my two cents after reading the first post.
Dude who the hell do u think u r. There are plenty of great growers here and I know you SAY you used to be a commercial grower but cant put up any proof but live in italy.....whatever.
First of all a good grower should know that there is more than one way to skin a cat and you can flush to varying degrees depending on the desired results, desired curing time, etc. There are several benefits to a short flush and also many way more experienced growers than you would say that a slight tip burn means you have your plants at optimum nute levels.
Second, why the hell do you care how much other people r flushing thier plants. Get a life troll. Come on here telling everyone they suck at growing. Your advice is basic at best.
PS: No need for pHing your water when flushing as nutrient availability is irrelevant.