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Elevator Man

Active member
I've got confirmation from folks I know or know of in Manchester, Macclesfield and London that it's popping up there. Luckily I'd already warned them, and...ta da...they turned it down! Also one or two of my less internet-savvy friends are getting messages via MySpace etc. and asking me what I know about it - had I heard about it...? :chin:

We're getting somewhere at last...


ICMag Donor
Sarcasm said:
Who would stoop so low? Is it foreigners or WTF?

No. That would be far too easy... The stuff comes from the chimps that normally grow out commercial crops of cannabis in Holland/Belgium and the UK!

*Please keep posting folks, as Elevator man illustrates, a little knowledge stretches a long way :yes:

Keep Struggling!

dL :joint:


alot of sandy/glass grass over here in herts/england.

alot of sandy/glass grass over here in herts/england.

im sad to say that now there is more of this sandy cannabis in hertfordshire than there is normal bud. every person i speak to that can get some weed i have to ask if its sandy, and they all say yeh. i got an 8th of it last week without knowing untill i got home.

its just so upsetting how much there is and its quite hard to tell its sandy unless under proper lighting or doing the teeth test(feel grit in the teeth)

the other sad thing is that its smells like pretty decent herb and gets my as stoned as any other nice herb. so i cant bring myself to throw it away. i have just been bonging it hoping the water will take away some of the nastyness.

adleast soon i wont have to worry about buying ever again because my perpetual harvest will be ready for the picking(6 weeks)

heres a pic of an 8th, as you can see on the second pic there is actualy a pile of sand where it so easily falls off the buds :(


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Active member
Here is some more info from UKCIA:
On January 5th we received another analysis - this time using a scanning electron microscope. This revealed some of the particles were 10 micron or less. This is very bad news, these particles are small enough to penetrate deep into the lungs where they could cause enormous damage.







Electron microscope image of the glass beads sprayed into the cananbis bud

The author of this analysis included these comments:

X-ray analysis confirm the presence of silica in the sample indicating that the samples are probably glass beads.

It would appear that the bulk of the beads are of a diameter of approximately 100 um (0.1mm), though round spheres between 10um and less are clearly visible in the samples.

The unwashed samples, not surprisingly, show the presence of matter on the surface of the spheres.

The only marked difference between the samples is the greater proportion of smaller beads in GW2, though this is not strong enough evidence to suggest two separate sources for the material. It is quite possible that these samples come from the same original source, the difference in particle size distribution being explained by the fact that this sample is only part of what was originally applied to the plant matter.

(Note 1000 um = 1 mm)

And in terms that the average Joe will understand, according to Rizla, the Silver Regular paper is 20 micrometers thin as opposed to the thickness of a human hair, which is 50-100 micrometers thick.

Government health warning?

This contamination is affecting a huge number of people - literally millions and yet the government has remained silent. The "Talk to Frank" anti drug advertising campaign, which costs millions to run - seems unable or unwilling to issue any warning.

This danger is a product of the government's policy of prohibition. It is not an inherent danger of using pure cannabis. This situation has come about because the police disrupted the commercial cannabis supply acting on the instruction of the Home Office. This should have been anticipated because it always happens when drug markets are disrupted - indeed a measure of "success" of prohibition is contaminated supplies believe it or not! The problem the government has of course is that if they draw attention to this, they draw attention to the fact that prohibition is a dangerous and destructive policy, so they keep quiet.

UKCIA is calling on the British government to run a high profile information campaign about the dangers of cannabis contaminated with glass beads

In the meantime, the advice is don't buy this "grit weed", if you have some don't smoke it, take it back or throw it away. If you're a dealer don't sell grit weed.

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TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
Gonna print some of these out to pass to friends, great idea.....would be a good idea to have that on the opening page of IC too.


did you make that flyer toka,if so very nice job,if not great find man,ill definately be doing the same,everyone needs to know about this,theres no way we can just let it ride out and hope that this stuff stops floating around,we Have to take action,and toka is in the right direction.ill be putting them up anywhere and everywhere i can.thanks for the flyers man,peace


ICMag Donor
page1 - please stop smoking it. compost it.

Tokabowl - great job dude. please keep up the good work. those electron microscope photos are solid evidence :yes: praise bless and respect you :canabis:

truecannabliss - we asked for a sticky on this thread (openly and via pm) about a month ago,,, the request fell on deaf ears :no: please do spread the word :D

I've said it once, and shall retort - Admin. please sort your heads out and flag this thread someplace people can read it. It's a health issue!

peace all
dLeaf :joint:
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Active member
i have had two differant grades of this unfortunately and also got hit with brix weed once it always happens when i go to peeps who aint trusted, there seems to be a grade that feels like flour when crumbling and hardly any visible hairs small bud's and it really doesnt burn and a grittier type that doesnt look overly crystalized but u get white bits at the bottom of bags this is not brix brix makes the weed look shiny and gives u a lil headache ! stick to dealers who smoke weed hard and i promise you will not get this shit !! if half the dealers/friends i know got sold this they would kidnap the supplier lol but no seriously though if someone knows there weed they always try a joint before buying. ps is everyone still dry? been fine here for long time now prices a lil higher though


Active member
i spread the word around, quite a few people got ripped off with that crap. There is a major sandweed callback at the moment :)

Thanks for spreading the information Doc Leaf!
Whats your plan about sharing this info with other sites? Were all in the same boat in that aspect.


Ps: Is this thread stickied yet?


Active member
Thanks for the sticky Admin :yes:
I didnt make the poster Dr, i just found it on the Legalise Cannabis Alliance website.
This stuff is still about everywhere around here, at least 8/10 dealers are still selling this shite :badday: ,
luckily harvest time has come so we wont have to worry about getting bud for the time being



ICMag Donor
Thanks for the sticky Admin. :yes:

mace_ecam said:
Whats your plan about sharing this info with other sites? Were all in the same boat in that aspect.

I'd urge everyone to spread knowledge, anyplace they can. :canabis:

Certain mainstream media outlets (in the UK) are circulating emails on the subject, asking them for information on the subject. So there is already some generated interest...

Despite rumours that a percentage of this 'bogus skunk' had been incinerated by certain wholesale UK dealers, it would appear the same gear is now being pushed into markets beyond its normal range. It's likely that the same product will therefore remain in circulation over the next couple of months, here and there, until supply runs short.

The brix thing is just a f*:(?!ng joke (and disgrace to us all)... Remember it's the twat at the shop that's selling this Brix stuff (not some unknown grow punk)! Next time I go visit they best hide it if they got it in stock, cause I'll trash the shop (or at least make some sound)... lol

peace all
dLeaf :joint:
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ICMag Donor
To start the ball rolling, people could contact this shop/online store and ask them to recall this product.

h g said:

Don't forget to post them a link to this thread and we can bash them in person... not really, I'm sure they'll understand that it's bad for business and withdraw the product of their own accord. If not then we'll all have to withdraw our custom :wink:

action makes change :dance:

dL :joint:
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Active member
Brix is not the only problem though, although more and more of that is appearing too :badday: , but other adulterants like the glass beads for blasting and reflective road marking :yoinks:
I have sent samples of this material back to The Netherlands from which it came. An associate at Leiden University has studied this material for me and came to the following conclusions:

1. Because of the current drought in the manufacture of cannabis in the UK, export from the NL has increased over 300% over the last few months.

2. Plants are sprayed with this forgin material approximatly 1 week before harvest. This increases the weight by approximatly 200%!

3. After drying, the cannabis is tumbled within a very fine filter which removes the active (Cannabis Crystals) and leaves the majority of this forgin material within the cannabis. This forgien material is used to shake
the required part off the plant material.

4. The adulterated plant material is then slightly compressed and imported to the UK - no where else will take it!

5. The extracted resin is heavily compressed and sold at a great premium (usually to the British! - polom!)

6. The adultirating material is available online - It is made from glass andis used to add reflectivity to road markings! See

Smoking glass cannot be good!

Eating this glass has already caused problems, I've chipped one of my teeth
testing it!



ICMag Donor
I'm aware that this Brix stuff is the lesser of many evils.

However since it's openly available at certain hydroponic outlets, this is the first logical line of defence (attack).

Clean up the industry and we'll clean up the plant.

We know that Brix is a source of this type of adulteration, hence more people should be making efforts to withdraw its sale IMO.

Brix is NOT 100% organic (it comes in a plastic bottle)... :chin:

peace dL :joint:
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Active member
Yea i second that Doc, it wont be easy tho, a quick google search reveals it is being sold in several places already:






As you said, we need to contact these retailers for them to withdraw the product, linking them to as much info about the contamination (and this thread) and why not attach a copy of the LCA poster aswell so they can hang it up in their shops... :2cents:


Active member
well i not been about for a bit, hya again folks. This glass weed is shockin to me, not only did the uk go from a good selection of resins to mainly being only able to find crap soap bar(it is crap its full of crap) over the last 20years, the weed has gone from good quality to this glass shite.. and of course weed that is of low quality at high prices.. no wonder more n more are growin their own. Now some people can get hold of good resins still, tho its not really a norm, and some people deal with really good weed, but more n more thats becomming rare too, its a wake up call thats been coming i feel..
Take back the power!!! i sound like wolfy i know but its true, one of the few ways to get rid of the adulteration is to grow ya own, and in time u will be growin good quality weed, no glass , and if its not the most amazing weed at least its safe eh, this adulteration just for money is what is giving smokers and growers a bad name, (some do grow to sell on, and i am not sayin that all those people are to blame in fact the oppositie) Its simple down to a few people most likely, who are in it for the money not for the real reason most of are, and thats THE WEED.

There are so many great people who breed , make new flavours for us to taste , new lookin plants to grow and admire(yeah i like my plants when growing, like to see differences etc ) they enable us to buy seeds that have so many diff names n characteristics there is easily more than a few plants for everyones tastes, a thing to be celebrated, but not all grow their own, and still some like a smoke n rely on finding it with dealers.. and on the street level, its most likely these dealers are not the cause of adulteration, they just picked up from somewhere else, and in one point they should be sending it back, for their own rep.

I grow a little, sometimes shit happens in life n u have to go out n get some weed, i have come across this weed, fine powder that just drops off it all the time, crumbles down to dust almost when u crush, and when u do a teeth test its so gritty u wonder whats in it, i was given it by a friend(who incidently bought it from elsewhere, without really looking at it, and isnt really who i blame, as it was a shared deal..) and u can rightly say that person hasnt been back to that source.. the weed itself has some taste but it was overshadowed by the wierd taste that went along with it, dunno what to liken it too as i dont think i have tried smokin glass or sand or anyhting like that before but it aint weed taste..and this stuff crackles often.. almost like it has seeds in it, but u know there isnt.
luckily i only had a quarter, and after smokin a few n thinking this isnt right i put it aside, till i read this thread the other day.. i looked at it again and i instantly cld say its the glass/sand/whatever they puttin in it weed... it just wasnt right when i first saw n smoke it, and readin this thread confirmed it to me. i was waiting on some drying, and fancied a smoke, i shldve just waited :) i know mine doesnt have glass or this Brix stuff( dunno if thats the same thing or not, but i think it sounds like similar..)

The fact is most on these boards grow a little or maybe are thinking of doing.. let me tell those who are thinking of doing it..
Do it.. be safe take your precautions but do it.. put the weed in your own hands, u know where n what it is then, and u only pay for the equipment initially then every grow just for whatever u use plant foods soils etc.. lots lots lots cheaper in the long run i assure u, with no adulteration.
For those who do grow u dont need converting :)..
Im sure most on these boards who read this thread have warned friends , thats a great thing, and should be done, i was thinking the weed was odd before i read the thread but once i had read it i told mates all over.

this is just the same as the crap soap bar full of adulterants. just the same ...low quality in some cases damaging to health, and most of all a rip off, a money makin ripp off.

Thanks guys for highlighting this issue to everyone its something we should take seriously

Kooki(sometimes not so kooki eh)

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