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This really sets me off.

This really sets me off.

I just happened across this thread and cannot freaking believe any dealer would do something like this. How in the hell could a dealer expect repeat business selling this tainted crap?

I'll tell you what; if I bought anything like that I would consider it as a deliberate attempt on my life. Retribution would be calculated and permanent.


ICMag Donor
gaiusmarius said:
pathetic if you ask me. even if it's not harmful as such, it's dishonest to stretch your shit with anything.... selling that shit has opened Pandora's box, when it comes to stretching cannabis.

I agree.

To truly liberalize cannabis we gotta do away with the 'shop-pimps'. Many of which feed on the bio-mass and its insecurities. Those that take, take, take, without ever giving anything back to cannabis culture... Who needs them?

DocLeaf :joint:
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ICMag Donor
Any more sightings to report?

Hopefully, we can remove the warnings from our sigs soon... :yes:

stand strong
peace all
dLeaf :joint:
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brix or glass

brix or glass


What is the final verdict?

If it is Brix+ then does that mean its just a sugar (i read carbo load and "derived from natural carbohydrates") somewhere in the threads? or a salt (potassium-one of the ingredients of brix i think i also read) and how safe is it to inhale the burning fumes of this substance that is deposited on the weed. ?

If it is glass then a few posts ago there was a confirmation that the particle size was to large to enter the lungs. (sand and glass would remain in the mouth once you felt it between your teeth rather than dissolving after a few crunches) ?

I have to say the sample i have seen this time looks like the photos, doesn't give a headache, smells great and does the job in a bong. ( I suspect brix on this stuff ) It crackles a bit like burning sugar and leaves no grit in the ash. So apart from being gritty and crackling while burning all else is ok. The weed must have been ok quality before treatment with the "wet-cure" Perhaps whoever cured it used the brix sparingly or followed the instructions correctly. Hasn't affected the throat, chest or the quality of the hit.

How safe though, can dried brix (sugar?) crystals be when burnt and inhaled? What is in the smoke given off from these burning crystals?

I suspect that we may see grow for profit organisations unable to resist the additional income that "cutting" your product with a weight gaining substance brings. :badday:
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The commercial growers do it and care about money; If you have 20kg and can make it weight 23 kg. Then u have just gained alot of money.
Other idiots see this happening and start doing it also... It spreads... These people talk and everyone wants a piece of it.. Hey, this guy is making easy money, i"ll do it too...

The sad fact is the consumer keeps buying it. There are coffeeshops selling this stuff!!!
1 People don't know the difference about what they smoking
2 people want to smoke something, even if they know its nasty

The only way to stop this is that consumers stop buying this crap and say no. Or till someone gets sick and the government takes action....
Like someone in this thread said, hey, its dry here, there is no weed... I know its crap but i want to smoke...Sadly its so worse, that 90% of the stuff on the street is this stuff. There is no other weed to buy...Unless your friend is a grower or got good contacts.

People are forced to grow their own now, if they want to smoke something decent. If enough people grow, they could get supplies from their friends and there won't be any need for dealers..
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@ dmoc76

please edit your post, it's against the terms of use on this site to ask to buy, sell give or take anything in the forums.

it's a total security breach for anyone to give out private info to a complete stranger.


ICMag Donor
gaiusmarius said:
@ dmoc76

please edit your post, it's against the terms of use on this site to ask to buy, sell give or take anything in the forums.
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i live nearby to a hospital and as such many of my friends and neighbours work there, i hear alot about what goes on there.

this december there was 38 cases of poeple suffering from problems due to smoking gritty weed. id been smoking gritty bud for a while due to lack of choice but now i always reject it.



Presents the same problem as soap-bar. Feels like thc
but you just cant be sure what you are
getting high on and taking into your system.

Medicinal users need to know whats in their medicine.
So this aint medicine folks. If you are medical user
seeking advice -

dont risk smoking/eating contaminated weed.

cant be "cleaned" it seems with dry sifting so pass
it through water in the bong if you must

joints just dont seem right though - theres no filtering

and I cant ignore the sizzling crackling noise
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ICMag Donor
Don't smoke the stuff!!!

Yo want it in bold type -

Don't smoke the stuff!!!

The only way to break the circle... is to sow, learn, and grow!

keep struggling :canabis:
dLeaf :joint:

Elevator Man

Active member
Heard two reports today of it back around my area again - though folks are now refusing it, so we'll see what happens! One of my contacts, who I've mentioned before in this thread, and is often less than fussy about the sources of his product also phoned me to say that he'd turned some down. If he can resist it, things are looking up...:)

So soon in some shitty warehouse somewhere, some saddo crims are going to be wading through their piles of glass weed, wondering how the hell they are going to get rid of it - just like happened with soap bar. And they are going to get stuck with it. Let's just say they prepared another 100 kilos last month, anticipating another windfall - if that doesn't shift, they have to stop producing the next batch, or they will be up to their necks in it. Try throwing away 100 kilos of shitty weed and see how far you get. Where do you dump it? Landfill? I'd love to see that.

On the flipside, I wouldn't like to be someone who just bought a shitload with the expectation of selling it on - there may be a significant loss ahead, so if you're an unscrupulous dealer, I'd start thinking a little more about quality control from now on - or you could end up as 'that loser with all the glass weed'...:)


one must remember, this was all after a big drought.....

(apologies if someone already said this, long night)


ICMag Donor
Have the bogus erb dealers flooded back to 'basement lighting' for more bottles of Brix yet???

does anyone care???
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Elevator Man

Active member
Well, news in my area is that it's receding - at least in my circles, though if I have to buy (like currently) I usually buy locally-grown, so there's no problems. Some of my less well-conected friends have still been offered it, but it seems to be slowing. There's another 'drought' on right here, though like the last one, it's hasn't affected me yet. But this one I'm sure is as a result of folks sending it back or just not buying it. I told a few folks the other day - it really is better not smoking for a while than smoking this. Seems to be getting through.

The biggest problem is getting my lazier friends to sort themselves out and start growing - I mean, we're middle-aged for god's sake! Are we going to be buying eights of weed down the pub till we're pensioners? (I'm trying to appeal to their embarrassment/social conscienses!).

So to that end, I'm hoping to produce a few thousand seeds over the next few weeks from all my strains, and I'm going to be giving them out in ten-packs of each cross to all my lazy-ass friends who can't get weed, with full instructions on what to do next. I've offered to help anyone who needs advice, and I'll even go to the grow-shop with them to get the equipment. And I'll supervise their first grow and make sure it works.

Anything to stop them ringing me up going "Have you heard of anything recently?" If they still don't get round it, then they really are on their own - with their glass weed and shitty hash...whilst I'll have a mountain of personal to choose from, in ten different varieties...:)


Active member
Hiya - have people here considered contacting their local MPs about this?

The plus side of the glass weed issue is that it is a very clear demonstration of precisely how prohibition of cannabis maximises the potential for harm to society - you can write to your MP and make sure they are aware.

If you don't know who your MP is you can find out here.


From the Transform UK website:

General tips for contacting policy makers:

Don't be confrontational

Whether in a letter or in a face to face meeting it is probably not useful to get embroiled in a heated moral debate over the merits or otherwise of legalisation. Find common ground by making it clear that you share the same goals, namely to reduce the harm drugs cause to individuals and society. The debate is over how best to achieve this. You can begin with a critique of current failings and then discuss ways forward.

Talk about effectiveness

In our experience it is best to adopt the language of policy makers and talk about effectiveness of existing policy (or lack of it) relative to the alternatives. Talk about effectiveness in terms of: reducing drug related ill health, reducing drug related crime, the provision of effective drug treatment and education, effective regulation of the drugs trade, and the protection of civil rights (for users and non users).

Offer solutions not just critiques.

Critiquing existing policy is not much use unless you can offer better alternatives so…..

Know your stuff.

Make sure you are well informed with accurate facts and coherent arguments.



Elevator Man

Active member
Ngakpa - excellent stuff, and good points.

I wrote this article ages ago, and posted it here as a starting-point a possible compromise solution - namely that of licensed home cultivation for personal use, whilst still retaining (and possibly increasing) penalties for unlicensed commercial growing, sale, and illegal importation/smuggling, both on public health and economic principles.

It's a long one, but I think most of the arguments stand up to scrutiny, but I'd love to hear more opinions on it, and possible modifications/improvements to the arguments within:



Its scary where the situacion has gone since i left UK..

when i was around ppl smoked crappy soap bar and bad imported Schwag from south africa - not relly good either.

atleast they get a new flavour. ;)

grow ur own. - that makes the dealers out of business.. the answer to everything :D

but the truth is the reason something like this can happen is ppl dont know their marijuana. the fact it is quite well done (the scam with the glass beads i mean) is no excuse to buy it and smoke it.

the deal in UK is extreme - cheap african weed is going for big money and called outdoor skunk or african skunk. good hash is imported and destroyed making it into soap bar.

the UK activist need to educate their crowds.
how do u expect the masses to change if they even dont know what is the real thing.

i remember really well people turning down 00 pollen from Ketama - because they thought it was Class A or something - the fact is - ppl had never seen hash that bubles!

hope it changes for the better - if not better start growing you all.



New member
Not that it applies to much of ICMags users, but just for info:
Reports are coming in from Oslo, Norway, and other cities here about glass weed. Scratches CD´s like hell.
Stay safe!


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