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Never heard of adulterated bud in Aus. before....but....recently I was offered an oz of 'primo purple buds' by a young muslim Leb with whom I'm aquainted. Straight away on inspection something didn't look right, strangest looking bud I've ever seen (Lebs explained this was proof of it's uniqueness) and it was damp. I was scoring for a mate so despite pressure from this Leb & several of his mates I insisted on checking it with a $7 hygrometer. Sealed in the bag for a few minutes the hygrometer read 73% (I store mine around 63%) & rising. Told the young Lebs to fuck off, they weren't very happy.
It wasn't till I read this thread that I realise that adulteration with God-knows-what probably explains the odd appearance of this bud.
In the past the only bud to steer clear was 'gook gear'. Growing bud is a home industry in the Vietnamese community where an over-use of chemicals is common, giving unpleasant effects.
Trust the Lebs to try adulterating herb,they have little respect. Anyone else in Aus. come across perverted herb?

It is all of Aus mate. OXO powger is what they are using as it allows more water to be contained and not allow rot.


New member
Hello, thanks for letting me join your forum here.. seems like a nice place.

I would just like to say that I wish the DEA would do something about this... these are the things they should be doing, DEA stands for Drug Enforcement Agency, doesn't it? It really should be like the USDA or FDA, and do something actually USEFUL like go after assholes that do these kind of things that are actually going to harm people... I dream of one day this happening... and then I would be proud to join them. Unlike the current state of affairs round here... which leaves me ashamed to be from this country.


Well-known member
Hello, thanks for letting me join your forum here.. seems like a nice place.

I would just like to say that I wish the DEA would do something about this... these are the things they should be doing, DEA stands for Drug Enforcement Agency, doesn't it? It really should be like the USDA or FDA, and do something actually USEFUL like go after assholes that do these kind of things that are actually going to harm people... I dream of one day this happening... and then I would be proud to join them. Unlike the current state of affairs round here... which leaves me ashamed to be from this country.
Welcome jerome187 :tiphat:
Unfortunately the DEA have no interest in helping us out with the quality of our herb. They´ll still bust you for shit weed :laughing:
Does anyone wonder why smoking is down, lung cancer is up???

I won't go to deep into detail but all mainstream cannabis genetics have been genetically modified of that i'm suspicious. What "they" spliced in there and for what reasons is anyones guess.

Preserve the sativa landraces before they are gone!!!!
so after 10+ years, did anyone ever posted proof of this tampering? ive been looking at weed tru a scope for over a decade and never seen it

having dry weed doesnt mean its contaminated:

glass or silica have a melting point of what, 1400 celcius? and a joint wont get hotter than 500-700c so silica wouldnt do shit even IF they added it, and IF they did, they should put it in the soil that would work


Well-known member
so after 10+ years, did anyone ever posted proof of this tampering? ive been looking at weed tru a scope for over a decade and never seen it

having dry weed doesnt mean its contaminated:
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glass or silica have a melting point of what, 1400 celcius? and a joint wont get hotter than 500-700c so silica wouldnt do shit even IF they added it, and IF they did, they should put it in the soil that would work

I would think the concern is inhaling these small glass/silica particles into the lungs, not necessarily smoking them.


Well-known member
It exists. Or it used to anyway. Sand, sugar , salt even oil and wax. Some of the pricks were using ground glass midway through flower so the buds closed around it... glass beads also embedded into the bud.
Saw this kind of shit doing the rounds in uk about 10-15 years ago... examined it through microscope so I have seen it close up too.
If we had to buy from an unknown source back then, you would chew a tiny bit to see if it crunched between your teeth or tasted salty.

So many people growing nowadays so it’s not around as far as I know... gone the way of the soapbar :puke:


Indicas make dreams happen
It exists. Or it used to anyway. Sand, sugar , salt even oil and wax. Some of the pricks were using ground glass midway through flower so the buds closed around it... glass beads also embedded into the bud.
Saw this kind of shit doing the rounds in uk about 10-15 years ago... examined it through microscope so I have seen it close up too.
If we had to buy from an unknown source back then, you would chew a tiny bit to see if it crunched between your teeth or tasted salty.

So many people growing nowadays so it’s not around as far as I know... gone the way of the soapbar :puke:

Man that's pretty messed up. If I had to worry about shit like that I would've grown my own or probably quit altogether. Just one more reason to legalize. The worst I have ever seen around here was people putting commercial grade in meat humidifiers to add water weight. A friend told me he got weed laced with Windex in Myrtle beach once but couldn't find anything else so he smoked it and tripped out.
I would think the concern is inhaling these small glass/silica particles into the lungs, not necessarily smoking them.

sure, inhaling anything isnt healthy but shit it doesnt "burning hot silica particles that burn holes in your lungs!" the shit you used to hear on the street, or read on forums

i was searching for proof, actual pictures or test results, and i could not find enough examples to count on ONE hand
maybe just maybe, its all not that bad


Well-known member
I wonder how much of the crystals/silica came from people trying to make a moisture absorber and it being too diy and/or close to fans, I put a damp rid canister outside the exhaust vent of my tent but the top of the canister is open and I would never put it inside the tent because it seems like fans could potentially blow some crystals out, god forbid one were to tip over or someone tried rigging it inside their ducting


cant re Member
na I know someone who was growing for a Russian gang. they sprayed it and didn't give the grower a choice in the matter since he didn't want his legs broken.

Lost in a SOG

Peeps are doing this again,, friend of mine picked up a q that looked like a 8 last week.. and it was 100% sprayed in the classic glass bead style :yummy:

Lost in a SOG

Nah its legit a thing im sorry to say. If anything its a shame the media didnt make a bigger deal because like Mr.B rightly says it might favour the legalised/decrim argument to stop these shady fuckers.

A new generation of kids have come through that dont know about this shit but i dont think it will get to the scale it did.. i really really hope not anyway..


Namekian resident/farmer
I read something similar on HIGH CRIMES and thought man people are greedy and worthless hope they got their karma they deserved for contaminating medicine

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