We wanna see some pics tonight
Isn't it hard to make the circle holes for the cooltube when that wall is already in the cabinet?
I can see myself sitting in the cabinet cursing that my powertools are too big to be used so close to the top of the cabinet.
I'm not that handy
Nice work, can't wait for the next set of pics.
(oh and where did you find black silicone to seal the edges ??)
Just a suggestion, but I think you should run a brace bewteen the right side of your cabinet, where the doors match up. It will help you with having a better seal in between the doors. It doesn't have to be a full 2x2, you could probably rip one in half and that would work. The whole setup looks awesome, but my carpenter eye keeps looking at that....
Actually, two steps ahead of you. I have a beam cut that will fit.. Can't install it until the lights come in, you know?
One question. In the original cad pic it shows the cool tube to have its own ventilation. Just wondering how you will make a light trap for the inlet of the cool tube?
6" duct coller with black pantyhose stretched over the end or cut a piece of filter to fit inside for better light proofing.