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Cuffing Buds

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
i front but never more than 20 bucks an i do it with everyone i end up dealing with.its been a great way for me to weed out the scuzz.if they cant pay me back a 20 then i paid 20 bucks to know never to deal with them again.dang this policy works great.its fronting where i come from.cuffing is up the ass like when your in the hood buying dirt and you dont want the fuzz to find it you cuff it.they dont always like to look up there.

Damn good business practice, Gene.

Okay so I chose the LA Confidential and borrowed a fat 1/8th to last me until the 2nd. Woke up at 3 to piss and ended up packing the bong a few times. I'm pretty ripped and don't want to waste the buzz, may stay up for a bit.


Well-known member
WOAH!Hold on a sec.you text your weed man if he can front you?Genius buddy.real GENIUS.Good luck on your prison goals of 2015.


Well-known member
Well,I didn't mean to be a dick,but yeah,people do go to prison for ordering a bag.its either Kansas or Oklahoma where one fucking joint is a felony.sorry.I know my comment was harsh.no offense.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
How to front (cuff)

How to front (cuff)

I’ve never heard of “cuffing” until now but ok here’s how I did that years ago. I was stationed in Germany in 1980 and in the barracks a few guys sold hash. For $20 you got a “piece” that could be a gram or more, it was never weighed. We got green (Moroccan), blond & red (Lebanese) and black (Paki or Afghan) the black and red were always the best. Everyone in our company (the whole army for that matter) got paid in cash at the same place and time. We all stood in line at the first of the month and received our pay in cash (dollars or German marks). I got sick of paying so much for the hash I met some Germans and bought the hash from them at half the cost. But the best deal wasn’t buying “pieces” the best deal was buying “plates” that came in 200gr slabs. Anyway my buddy and I bought a plate of “choking red” for ourselves, but soon we had so many people asking for it we started selling pieces.
But really we didn’t make much money because we cut the pieces too big. The next pay day we bought another plate but didn’t sell at the first of the month when everybody had money. We cut the plate in half, one half for smoking the other half we cut into small pieces for sale. We waited until after the 15th and started fronting the very small $20 pieces that we called PDS (pay day sale). By the 20th everyone was broke and more than happy to pay the outrages price. We made a killing, every front (cuff) was paid in full on time because we all got paid at the same time and place. My last name ends in an “S” so I was near the end of the pay line catching every one before me that owed us. By the time I got to the pay table I had 20 times more money than my pay. We did this successfully for 4 months before getting busted by the German police and the MPs. Luckily they only caught us with a few grams (we had plate in the car that they never found even with a dog) so I just got out of the Army (with an honorable medical discharge) and returned to civilian life.

Fly by Night

Like a Wing

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I’ve never heard of “cuffing” until now but ok here’s how I did that years ago. I was stationed in Germany in 1980 and in the barracks a few guys sold hash. For $20 you got a “piece” that could be a gram or more, it was never weighed. We got green (Moroccan), blond & red (Lebanese) and black (Paki or Afghan) the black and red were always the best. Everyone in our company (the whole army for that matter) got paid in cash at the same place and time. We all stood in line at the first of the month and received our pay in cash (dollars or German marks). I got sick of paying so much for the hash I met some Germans and bought the hash from them at half the cost. But the best deal wasn’t buying “pieces” the best deal was buying “plates” that came in 200gr slabs. Anyway my buddy and I bought a plate of “choking red” for ourselves, but soon we had so many people asking for it we started selling pieces.
But really we didn’t make much money because we cut the pieces too big. The next pay day we bought another plate but didn’t sell at the first of the month when everybody had money. We cut the plate in half, one half for smoking the other half we cut into small pieces for sale. We waited until after the 15th and started fronting the very small $20 pieces that we called PDS (pay day sale). By the 20th everyone was broke and more than happy to pay the outrages price. We made a killing, every front (cuff) was paid in full on time because we all got paid at the same time and place. My last name ends in an “S” so I was near the end of the pay line catching every one before me that owed us. By the time I got to the pay table I had 20 times more money than my pay. We did this successfully for 4 months before getting busted by the German police and the MPs. Luckily they only caught us with a few grams (we had plate in the car that they never found even with a dog) so I just got out of the Army (with an honorable medical discharge) and returned to civilian life.

That's an awesome story man! My father was stationed in Germany with the army too, but in the 70s. Said there was hash and I guess meth too. Go Army!

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Yes Germany back then was all hash and really cheap. Two of my older brothers were stationed there in the 70s and one got addicted to meth. My oldest brother did two tours in Vietnam, came home with a glass eye and a big hole in his shoulder. He said the weed in the nam was the strongest in the world. About 20 years ago he disowned my mother & father but kept in touch with me up until last year when he killed himself at 68. He never really got over what happened to him there.

red rider

Well-known member
ICMag Donor
No I'm sorry for getting off topic. This new batch makes my mind wander a bit....

The Revolution

Active member
Here I am talking about how I don't front (cuff) anymore.. I just fronted $60 worth today, to a good friend. So I cant say I don't do it anymore, but I don't do it for just anyone. Only a cpl trustworthy friends.. There are givers and takers in this world. You'll quickly find out who the takers are, and they're not getting shit from me. These are the people that you lend a helping hand to when they're in need. These same people never return the favor, and when you call on them in your time of need, they either refuse to help you out, or they ignore you all together. Ive severed many ties with these kinds of people, and dont feel bad about for a minute.

Most ppl take my kindness as weakness, and Im too kind at times. I grew up trusting everyone, and I still find myself thinking this way at times, only to find out a hard lesson that you cannot trust everyone. I generally give everyone atleast one chance to fuck me over. Trust is earned. The old saying goes; "Screw me once, shame on you. Screw me twice, you fucking deserved it halfwit!" I can be the one of the nicest ppl you know, a giver, but if I sense for a second your taking advantage of me, we're going to part ways with a quickness.


Active member
with the amount of growing info on this site I can't imagine why you would still be worried about your mates cuffing you some buds, whatever the fuck that means :laughing:


anybody want to let me cuff some meds until harvest.. for every gram cuffed ill return a oz.. lol as long as i dont have to give you my harvest for the rest of my life.

seriously dont bust my balls just asking.. i have my med card but after 4 years of cultivating my own, going to a dispensary hurts my feelings..

Im moved to SoCal about a month ago from Texas. I now have a nice 1 bedroom spot being converted with a lot of extra space and potential.. So the right "FRIEND" would be very helpful, needed, and appreciated.. 1500 miles from home so every relationship must count.. lol

like minded people in a situation looking to swap knowledge and possibly make a beneficial lasting relationship feel free to hit me. i cant PM but will send you my email if its serious conversation.. im not looking for a hand out because i honestly can get my own meds. But if i can speed up the process and get back to lush foliages and the buzz of sweet artificial lighting i would love to do so. and if perhaps in doing this we come up with a greater plan thats again able to be beneficial and work for the both of us, WHY NOT..

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
Paid my dude back in full at the beginning of the month. Got 1/8th of hash, 1/8th of Bubba Kush, and 1/4 of LA Confidential and 1/4 of Blue Dream x Bubba Kush.
I've smoked everything except an 1/8th of the Blue Dream x Bubba Kush. It's a nighttime high, mellow, not very potent I must say.
So I'm out of money and need enough bud for the rest of the month and texted my guy if I could borrow some buds and he was cool enough to be like yeah sure no problem. That's so cool man. And I always pay the money back, so it works out. Thank God for a good dude and good weed.


Active member
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=51779&pictureid=1311324&thumb=1]View Image[/url] at this rate you will never have a kayak..you need to either start growing or up your income....yeehaw
or stop smoking so much weed. it's only the 16th and you've already smoked half of an ounce of weed and hash. this is a funny thread title and a funny thread to read in general. where i'm from cuff(ing) means to steal, to get arrested, or to get a mate (bf/gf) so to come and find out that you mean getting fronted made me lol.

no i don't borrow weed, or get fronted anything, i don't like to owe. i'm with most of the people here, if someone needs something and i have it to give then i'll give it. i never expect it back. you're gonna end up with broken kneecaps the way you're going.


if it smells like fish
cant say anything about his consumption I have clearly smoked more than him so far this month...the diff is I grew it myself so no one gets my money but the place I get supplies..yeeeeeehhhhawww

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