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Cuffing Buds


Proud Cannadian Cannabist
my motto with anything in life is "dont lend what you can afford to give" anytime i lend someone money i dont expect to see it again and very few people disappoint.

grow nerd

Active member
I say "cuff" as much as he'll let you get away with, then come up with one final excuse to get one more "cuff", then grow your own once he cuts you off.


Active member
good advice



Active member
i front a few people still.. but anyone who fucked me. or even does anything sketchy. gets no front..

Sorry but i don't have a huge operation.. so if i can pik and choose who is going to SMOKE MY BUD.. i WILL.. id rather help good honest people.. i don't deal with anyone younger then me. and i don't deal with anyone i don't know well..

but trust is earned.. not given.. so everyone has a chance to prove there a decent person and understand that when i front you.. that bud is still MINE.. and the MONEY is MINE.. so when u get it . it should come back to me.. not be spent to have a good time.. then pay me on payday a week later..

and with selling in general.. if your going to start selling. you wana atleast try to get rid of it asap.. so by the time ur smoking.. its gone. say you grab a QP. 1000 bucks.. and u sell 8ths for 50... if u take 7 grams to smoke. and sell the rest.. u get the 1000 and 500 profit.. do that 2 times.. and you are done with the front.. and got a QP.. then every time u sell.. u grab more .. by the time ur at an LB . now u got a 3000-4800 bank that u made off of being FRONTED.. that's how i try to explain it. i tell my buddies that sell.. that's the way to do it if your going to get fronted.. don't work on the front forever.. cause then if anything happens the relationship is done.. atleast when u buy cash. u can still go back to him and get fronted if u get robbed or busted.. like a second chance to start over.. but if u get busted an owe him a few grand.. u don't get a second chance.

but a lot of people will get a front.. and then tell you o.. i fronted it to my boy cause he can rid it quicker.. can i grab another.. and ill pay you all next time.. and then u never see them again . so its tough to front.. but i see it like.. if u got collateral. or ur cool with me knowing were u live and work an shit... it makes it easier to think ok.. maybe he wont fuck me ....

but its tough because once u been fucked 1 time.. u never wana front again .. so if u don't have theh money or the bud to front.. just don't do it .

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
I've been cuffing a quarter every month towards the 20th for like 5 months now no problem, always pay him back on time when I get paid, and then I get more buds


Well-known member
high fambz!

screw that ish, unless you guys are bros for years/decades, and every front been repaid... still that kind of ish can hurt a guys cashflow REAL BAD, plus most of the fronters and recievers go separate ways after some time (always some "inconvinience" arises).

and if a long time friend/bro gets desperate like that, i gift it to them, and let them know, if things get better, don't forget it, shit stays fuqed, nevermind it...

sadly most of the time folks feel like they can leech on ya stash anyway they feel like, often it gets presented to you as if them foolz are "entiteled" to a piece of your action -> nunca jose... (immidiate severed ties)


D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
my dude is going to let me borrow a quarter until the end of the month later on today. I have to stretch this one. Hopefully there's NYC Diesel. Woohoo. My dude rocks.


if it smells like fish
haven't needed to even buy buds in so long ...when I have purchased weed it was cause I was sampling whats out there...I have always found a way to grow ...I almost ran out here but things are picking up and that's not happening...luckily I brought a bigass stash with me...

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
well on the 20th I borrowed a 1/4 zip...and a few days ago borrowed an eighth...im out of weed until the 2nd and was thinking of giving my dude a call and borrowing another 8th. So I'll owe him $200. I usually end up owing him $150. I'm scared to text him and get rejected.

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
yes!!!!!!! He texted back with "sure man i'll help you"
What a cool guy man. I'm so lucky. Folks won't give me loans anymore for weed...well they will but they make a big deal out of $50 and mom starts a crying routine oh no here we go again lol
My dude rocks! Can't wait to get paid and pay him back and then buy a zip of something nice for the month! Yes, a zip lasts me about 3 weeks, a little less. Rock on my man.


Well-known member
It's always been called 'on tick' round here.... Or 'on bail' more recently

But yes I do , when the need arises


if it smells like fish
almost had to buy some...the drought is over...yeehaw sour bubble for everyone...when I lived in mass we called it fronting it...I am a cash and carry guy..last time I fronted stuff I got burned by a so called friend for about 500 or so...no more..i do accept collateral tho..


Active member
Good for you doober

3,5 for 50' yowzers

Does he charge extra if it's loaned ?

I always refused to front clients herb, such a hassle to run after money

And if they don't pay up, then they will need to get knocked out, and surely, I don't want to go that route

One guy I bought from told me, he had to front cause if he didn't others would
Another told me that if you don't front, ppl can get mad and snitch you out

D. B. Doober

Boston, MA
yeah same here 50 an eighth.

No he doesn't charge me extra, he's a caregiver. I'm going to choose LA Confidential if there's any left. Should be, woohoo.

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