Come off it. Even if the CDC was fabricating anything (which they aren't), this has been pretty much replicated throughout the world. Also I thought you said you weren't from the US? Why your fixation on the CDC?No, they are not FROM Covid you liar!! We've been over this They are people that have been recorded as Covid deaths, not people who have died directly from Covid. Stop lying. Lol, Or do you not understand the difference?? Deaths directly from the disease are only about 10% of the official recoreded deaths. Prove thats not true. And prove its all deaths where Covid was the direct causing factor,. You cant, you dont have proof of anything at all, you only have a website, and some CDC figures which are as fabricated and manipulated as the last US election lmao Prove your figures are accurate first. You cant because they're not. In the first 6-9 months of the Pandemic, all deaths in carehomes and hospitaks were listed as Covid deaths wherever a test had bern returned as positive. Also, many deaths were registered as Covid in the first 6 months without any test at all. Prove thats not true.
There is a lot of lies and misinformation in these threads, but they aren't coming form Amynamous.