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Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

Covid 19 mrna Vaccines...Yes/No?

  • yes, gimme

    Votes: 29 31.9%
  • not yet

    Votes: 15 16.5%
  • no way

    Votes: 47 51.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Active member
Hello all,

Git my second jab today...no noticeable side effects...well, except this crazy desire to go and buy microsoft products....buahahahahaha

rim shot.



Hello all,

Git my second jab today...no noticeable side effects...well, except this crazy desire to go and buy microsoft products....buahahahahaha

rim shot.


good news, be horrible to be one of the unlucky few.

maybe you can make a shrine to bill gates in your community? funny how a guy who says we are overpopulated is busy trying to save lives though, no?


ICMag Donor
Will get second Pfzier vaccine this Saturday. After 2 weeks, I can meet in small groups INDOORS without masks with other that finished vaccination. Look forward to that. Will stay away from indoor or tent dining, wear masks outside and in grocery stores for months to come. Yet, PROGRESS!

no. i had a recent enough corona infection - i think Covid19 - so i'm covered and don't need no stinking vaccine. Good luck with that theory.


ICMag Donor
good news, be horrible to be one of the unlucky few.

maybe you can make a shrine to bill gates in your community? funny how a guy who says we are overpopulated is busy trying to save lives though, no?

Gates and wife have ALWAYS been philanthropists. Why are you knocking it? It's not coming out of your wallet or paycheck.

Millions of mosquitos nets donated in malaria/West Nile Virus area. India in 2010 for HIV reduction, TB reduction world with, mental health, better agriculture practices.

Gates has been instrumental in causes that provide solutions.


Gates and wife have ALWAYS been philanthropists. Why are you knocking it? It's not coming out of your wallet or paycheck.

Millions of mosquitos nets donated in malaria/West Nile Virus area. India in 2010 for HIV reduction, TB reduction world with, mental health, better agriculture practices.

Gates has been instrumental in causes that provide solutions.

your still living in a free country, you want to think Gates is your saviour go ahead. get that shrine built :D

if you only knew what he and his ilk have planned for humanity, you might not be so quick to believe his vast network of self promotion and propaganda about how he's the new Jesus Saviour of the human race, who wants to decrease population though, hm. if you know what kind of person it takes to be a self made billionaire you wouldn't trust him either. you do not amass billions by being a good person, it just doesn't work like that. millions maybe with a good idea, but billions are gained through exploitation of both people and natural resources, theft, fraud, insider trading and tax evasion and or sweetheart government deals you bribed people in power to give you.


Well-known member
The population is already projected to fall in the western world with no help- birth rate has dropped in recent years from just over two to around one.
that leads to population decline


The population is already projected to fall in the western world with no help- birth rate has dropped in recent years from just over two to around one.
that leads to population decline

im sure infertility increases and super low sperm counts are just 1 big coincidence, nothing to do with those that advocate for policies of population reduction, they were just very lucky i suppose.


Kiss My Ring

For nearly a year now, we've been monitoring the shift toward enabling digital "passports" that will allow at least some people - those wealthy and/or fortunate enough to get their hands on the vaccine - to continue traveling and going about their lives as normal, while others are forced to continue living with COVID-inspired restrictions, potentially for years.

Europe’s vaccine rollout is in tatters as a result of stupid politics and a desire to blame the UK, while the UK has just sent a very unsubtle message about Europe looking after itself. Its a silly playground squabble that needs to be resolved quickly, but at its heart is the usual European problem: Britain vs France.

As Europe's vaccine rollout lags, COVID cases are exploding in Europe right now, prompting several member-state leaders to warn of an imminent "third wave" of the virus. As Nate Silver pointed out on twitter earlier, the EU and UK had similar rates of COVID cases per capita a month ago, while the US rate was about 30% higher. Now, the EU (slow vaccine rollout) has about 2x as many cases per capita as the US and 3-4x more cases than the UK.

St. Phatty

Active member
Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic - Benefits versus Risks: Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche

Got a Big Compliment from Facebook today.

Got an "inaccurate vaccine info" brand for posting a link to Dr. Bossche's video, where he shares his concerns about the experimental therapy that has been labelled a "Vaccine".

Dr. Bossche spent most of his career developing Vaccines.

Would like to see Zuckerberg bet his entire Facebook fortune on a Covid19 "Vaccine" debate with Dr. Bossche.


ICMag Donor
your still living in a free country, you want to think Gates is your saviour go ahead. get that shrine built :D

if you only knew what he and his ilk have planned for humanity, you might not be so quick to believe his vast network of self promotion and propaganda about how he's the new Jesus Saviour of the human race, who wants to decrease population though, hm. if you know what kind of person it takes to be a self made billionaire you wouldn't trust him either. you do not amass billions by being a good person, it just doesn't work like that. millions maybe with a good idea, but billions are gained through exploitation of both people and natural resources, theft, fraud, insider trading and tax evasion and or sweetheart government deals you bribed people in power to give you.

Sounds like sour grapes, eh?


Well-known member
im sure infertility increases and super low sperm counts are just 1 big coincidence, nothing to do with those that advocate for policies of population reduction, they were just very lucky i suppose.

More access to contraceptives and push for careers before motherhood would contribute greatly to that- these days women are discouraged from starting a family until later life, and fertility drops with age.
sometimes the trick has already happened.


Well-known member

Coronavirus and the money behind vaccines | FT Film

man, i have been tripping about this video all day ... it's all about "the platform", man. the vaccine is just a software app. the vaccination is like using cassette tape to load the program into the processor (ribosomes). i think this will progress quickly to nasal spray - kind of like WiFi - for downloading the various "gene enhancement" sw apps. this will be big. bigger than personal computers.

never waste a crisis - the pandemic is was the chance to test the lipid nanoparticle delivery system - and it WORKS! (i.e. not that many people died)

and to think ... moderna doesn't even have to make the vaccine - just download the code into the muscle cell and the customer makes it themselves. genius!!! the future of medicine is upon us.


Active member
Gates foundation on reducing population growth. If you only hear a 30 second clip of Bill Gates talking about population growth from a nefarious YouTuber you miss the point.


"A surprising but critical fact we learned was that reducing the number of deaths actually reduces population growth. Chart 3 shows the strong connection between infant mortality rates and fertility rates. Contrary to the Malthusian view that population will grow to the limit of however many kids can be fed, in fact parents choose to have enough kids to give them a high chance that several will survive to support them as they grow old. As the number of kids who survive to adulthood goes up, parents can achieve this goal without having as many children.

This means that improved health is critical to getting a country into the positive cycle of increasing education, stability, and wealth. When health improves, people have smaller families and the government has more resources per person, so improving nutrition and education becomes much easier. These investments also improve health, and a virtuous cycle begins that takes a country out of poverty. This was a huge revelation for Melinda and me. It is why we expanded our focus from reproductive health to all of the major infectious diseases. Today the foundation’s Global Health Program, which accounts for about 50 percent of our total spending, focuses on 20 diseases. The top five are: diarrheal diseases (including rotavirus), pneumonia, and malaria—which mostly kill kids—and AIDS and TB, which mostly kill adults."


See the world through a puff of smoke
Norwegian researchers: "Blood clots due to severe immune reaction after vaccination with AstraZeneca"

A team of Norwegian researchers say they have discovered the cause of the blood clots after vaccination with AstraZeneca. According to Pål Andre Holme and his team at the University Hospital of Oslo, the vaccine could trigger a severe immune response, which in turn could explain the blood clots. In a new opinion, the European Medicines Agency reiterated today that the AstraZeneca vaccine is “safe and effective”. The risks of rare side effects do not outweigh the benefits of the vaccination, says the EMA.


ICMag Donor
Or perhaps gates is a scumbag, we know you often align yourself with characters of ill repute... so it’s no suprise ur a fan of gates

“People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.” – Stephen Hawking

To each their own, MO. Yup, I'd help with hunger/food insufficiency, education scholarships, and address medical issues to resolve in the USA if I had his nest egg towards a better world.

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