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Cosmicgiggles - best wishes for the flooding


Well-known member
i wouldn't place much (if ANY) stock in what "social media" :rolleyes: says is happening, myself. governors in both NC and TN are telling folks to stop posting conspiracy theories etc about alleged problems. bodies will end up where water put them, and clean-up must allow for that. the area affected is huge and largely remote, and relief workers are still having problems getting into some places. they cannot possibly be everywhere simultaneously... :dunno: unrealistic expectations abound.


Well-known member
One thing I can say is that I began to understand the severety of the situation when I heard the "new" sounds.
I couldn't see what was happening at the base of my hill, but that's right where the firehouse, ambulance and PoPo are located and it was 8 days of almost continuous sirens. And all headed in the same direction, towards the nearby Swannanoa River and I40.

Can't forget the steady sounds of Fema choppers and prop planes flying right over my house.

....... but, there is one thing no one wants to mention yet, and that's the large population of homeless people camping out along the banks of the Swannaoa and I40 bridges during this time of year. It's still warm enough for them to have still been there..

................ bodies are being 'recovered' in piles of mud, rubble and debri. :sick:
I didn´t even realize that you live in this current `danger zone´ but I had been wondering about you for some time as I hadn´t come across any of your posts for ages. But then I just assumed that you had been busy harvesting and enjoying the fruits of your labour :biggrin: OR, I guess I just didn´t see your posts ,lol.

But I´m really glad to hear that you´re safe and sound.

How is your personal and the overall local situation now - because this story has left our news channels ...