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Cormac McCarthy's, The Road - THE MOVIE!!!


Just got around to finishing Cormac McCarthy's, The Road. Then found out that filming has finished up on the movie and to be released in November. If you like "post-apocalypse" type stories then this is for you...or if you like McCarthy (No Country For Old Men)

The director and writer have supposedly kept the story true to the book which makes me wonder...there are a couple of scenes in the book that would be pretty full-on for movie audiences. Mainly a scene where a baby is being cooked on a spit. And a scene where a group of people have been locked in a basement and being slowly dismembered/cannibalised...can't wait to see how they handle this.



All the casting looks pretty good and John Hillcoat is an awesome director (not "hollywoodized")...Nick Cave doing the soundtrack/score...sounds promising.


i loved this book and will see the movie, hope they don't mess it up!


The book was excellent...but incredibly dismal and bleak. Considering the theme, it could only be that way, if it was to be done right. Its a world I hope to never see or experience.

No plants grow either...none whatsoever :(


cool; btw how was the book?

The book was great. But like Hal said; dismal and bleak. You have hope for the father and his boy, but it's utterly hopeless...I wont give away any spoilers.

No trailer has been released yet.


Well-known member
tuco said:
Just got around to finishing Cormac McCarthy's, The Road. Then found out that filming has finished up on the movie and to be released in November.

Sounds good! I'll have to buy a copy the next time I'm at the book store, then again, I may wait to see the movie first and then read the book.

Dont you just hate reading a great book only to be disappointed when the movie comes out? I can name many times this has happend to me. Regardless of how great the movie is it never seems to live-up to the book. After reading a good book you get your hopes, dreams, and expectations 10 feet off the ground for the movie, only to have the chair kicked-out from underneath you. The Original God Father is one of many examples of this, the movie was good, however, the book was great!

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^^^ Too true.

There are some exceptions. Where a film can be on par or better than the book; Fight Club and 2001: A Space Odyssey come to mind...oh, and I'd have to say The Shining film is better than the book...Stanley Kubrick was more visionary than Stephen King is. :D


stoned agin ...
id like to see "all the pretty horses" with matt damon, penelope cruz and sam elliot; the book was great.

anton chigurh, i had him pictured totally different, javier bardem looked lik prince valiant LOL (only seen pic tho, havent seen the movie)
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Not long to go now - November 26. But still no trailer yet, just a handful of screen shots.






livin my way the high way
screen shots look good. ive never heard of it but i now look forward to seeing and reading it.


WOW! This sounds/looks interesting for sure. I'm going to visit family outside the country and my timezone and always like to bring a good book to make the time difference a little more bearable. Last time I brought Mr. Nice (HIGHLY recommended Howard Marks- of Mr. Nice Seeds fame- autobiography) and read the whole thing in a couple days.

So a super-apropos movie for Thanksgiving weekend, huh? Thanks for the heads-up!




Picked up the book and I'm almost through in 2 days. Looking forward to the flick!
