You worry too much They look fineThis corinto is the yellowing one. I’m concerned as I subscribe to the idea good green leaves produce best bud. I’m starting to think this is just low nitrogen. Maybe the corintos really need that N especially under LEDs. Put a few dollops of EWC on the top and gave a little water.
Measured ph runoff at about 6.7 . It started at 8.4 and dropped. It slowed about 7 and didn’t move much after 6.8 . I got sick of holding it and am calling it within good range. Does anyone else’s ph meter just keep dropping slowly?
Slurry test was 7.07 . As long as my testing is not that far off my PH should be good I think.
Here is the yellowing corinto in all its glory.
Mine went yellow but the buds look ok. I tried and failed to keep the rest green and just continued my feeding regime and they seemed to adapt