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Corinto, ka5h and haze cross


Well-known member
This corinto is the yellowing one. I’m concerned as I subscribe to the idea good green leaves produce best bud. I’m starting to think this is just low nitrogen. Maybe the corintos really need that N especially under LEDs. Put a few dollops of EWC on the top and gave a little water.

Measured ph runoff at about 6.7 . It started at 8.4 and dropped. It slowed about 7 and didn’t move much after 6.8 . I got sick of holding it and am calling it within good range. Does anyone else’s ph meter just keep dropping slowly?

Slurry test was 7.07 . As long as my testing is not that far off my PH should be good I think.

Here is the yellowing corinto in all its glory.
You worry too much :p They look fine
Mine went yellow but the buds look ok. I tried and failed to keep the rest green and just continued my feeding regime and they seemed to adapt :)


Well-known member
I'd grab some cheap test strips to verify your meter is still working properly. I actually used some old UTI test strips we had once. They still work for pH even after the other test pads are no longer any good.

Or you can use the vinegar/baking soda test just to verify the range your soil is in. If you question your meters calibration. Here's a link to that test.


Well-known member
Measured ph runoff at about 6.7 . It started at 8.4 and dropped. It slowed about 7 and didn’t move much after 6.8 . I got sick of holding it and am calling it within good range. Does anyone else’s ph meter just keep dropping slowly?
It takes mine a while to stabilise, and I;ll often see it start high and slowly drop. I think this is because I always rinse the meter in tap water before replacing the cap (and my tap water is about pH 8+). I generally leave it a minute, and dont take a final reading until it has stayed consistent for 10 seconds. Much easier for me as I'm growing in coco in small pots. Very simple with coco to flush a pot completely and start fresh with clean nutrient mix at perfect EC and pH. Not possible to do this in soil as its a complex living system, and organic amendments take time to be incorporated. What you're seeing now could either be a deficiency or an excess, and might be related to an imbalance from weeks ago. "feed the soil, not the plants", is the organic wisdom. I hope the corinto pulls through. 🙏
Good luck!


Well-known member
Got my calcium nitrate and will see what it does. I opted for a clever marketing ploy on Amazon that who knows it’s accurate or not. The company is OZ garden organics (said US based) and it’s calcium nitrate 15.5.0-0 . Big reddish 5 lb bag. Their marketing says greenhouse grade and don’t be fooled by others contaminated stuff. After reading a review for a cheaper different brand that said there was a greasy oily film on use, I fell hook line and sinker. Any rate, I get rambly when I eat cooked raw bud. I measure out a tablespoon and summmer goes in the salad, winter it goes in the soup. A hellish week of pain, some relief after chowing down Tonight. Still hurts but I’m not concerned.

One yellowing corintos new name is puerco corinto. Closest I can come to guinea pig in Spanish. She will be the tester shortly. This may be painful to watch but I need to figure why my leaves are falling off and cal mag does nothing. Addition of EWC hasn’t done anything.. yet. Granted it’s not been long. But.. I’m only hitting the puerco. Yeh I’m hitting max orbit also feels like.

Note to self: About 7 grams calcium nitrate per level teaspoon . I’m going with only a quart for a test on one plant. Also calling a quart and a liter close enough. So... .5 gram per 32 fluid ounces of rainwater should get me damn close to sticky’s recipe and numbers I can deal with. It’s hard to measure a small amount of this stuff. I ended up with .6 per quart. This bag is enormous for the amount I just used.

Snapped a picture of my Ka5h. Loving her Snow White colored pistils and ever fattening bud structure. She’s moving along well and I can’t wait to harvest.


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Well-known member
Got my calcium nitrate and will see what it does. I opted for a clever marketing ploy on Amazon that who knows it’s accurate or not. The company is OZ garden organics (said US based) and it’s calcium nitrate 15.5.0-0 . Big reddish 5 lb bag. Their marketing says greenhouse grade and don’t be fooled by others contaminated stuff. After reading a review for a cheaper different brand that said there was a greasy oily film on use, I fell hook line and sinker. Any rate, I get rambly when I eat cooked raw bud. I measure out a tablespoon and summmer goes in the salad, winter it goes in the soup. A hellish week of pain, some relief after chowing down Tonight. Still hurts but I’m not concerned.

One yellowing corintos new name is puerco corinto. Closest I can come to guinea pig in Spanish. She will be the tester shortly. This may be painful to watch but I need to figure why my leaves are falling off and cal mag does nothing. Addition of EWC hasn’t done anything.. yet. Granted it’s not been long. But.. I’m only hitting the puerco. Yeh I’m hitting max orbit also feels like.

Note to self: About 7 grams calcium nitrate per level teaspoon . I’m going with only a quart for a test on one plant. Also calling a quart and a liter close enough. So... .5 gram per 32 fluid ounces of rainwater should get me damn close to sticky’s recipe and numbers I can deal with. It’s hard to measure a small amount of this stuff. I ended up with .6 and since a quart is a touch larger than a liter I should be spot on. This bag is enormous for the amount I just used.

Snapped a picture of my Ka5h. Loving her Snow White colored pistils and ever fattening bud structure. She’s moving along well and I can’t wait to harvest.
Hey man, I'll only take the blame if it goes well :p I went straight to 1.0gm on the KA5H if you look back at my grow. I assume the soil became depleted or I killed some roots, I may never know. Good luck :) (y)


Well-known member
My best corinto is crazy! Last night midnight I filled the water container a bit over a gallon. Full full full so water was going to overflow if I added anymore. Tonight 5 just after lights on I look and the meter shows nearly empty! It drank almost a gallon. Usually I can get three days. The other three plants I filled last night didn’t take anywhere near that amount of water.

Good news is looks like if I get the dose right the calcium nitrate is going to do the trick. I burnt some leaf tips not surprisingly. Also a small amount of curling here and there. But.. next run if I can get this dialed in should be really good. Good tip sticky! I am looking for an organic nitrogen source though.

Corintos are coming along. Starting to bulk up and get fatish. I thought buds should be wispy, airy, fox tails. Still time for fox tails I guess.

Here is the beast. The hps side and led side. You can also see that crazy bad soil mix corinto with clawed leaves on the right in the led image. Nothing but rain water since flower and still clawed.



This image is a decent all led corinto that yellowed pretty good. I think it’s starting to green up an RCH .


This is also all led corinto but with one branch of the beast in the front.


Last we have the clawed corinto and a different view of the beast.

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Well-known member
Good to see them bouncing back. From personal grows of long flowering equatorial, haze .etc types, they like a short veg (if you're in a limited tent), slow and steady feeding in nutrient rich soil.

I started growing with salts and all that until I realized I'm a basic bitch, lol. Ever since following Coots 3 part mix and testing out different ratios...it's living soil for life. The soil feeds the plants as @aliceklar mentioned, feed the soil and the rest is straight forward.

Looking forward to your harvest, those PCB will be epic. Colombiana. #jungletent


Well-known member
All good stuff. I’m feeling good with the tent at last. I changed up lots of stuff a while ago and I’m nearly dialed in with all the new items.

It’s day 49 of flip and my ka5h are doing excellent. The fast girl is just bulking up nice and steady. Can’t wait for her to be done. This hps only plant is in perfect health. I haven’t had to screw with her soil at all. Nothing needed so far but water. I had hoped the side colas would stay the same size as the main, but they didn’t stretch like the main.

The other ka5h is in nearly perfect health. She is next to the led and has gotten some led light. As a result this plant had a small amount of yellowing so I messed a little with her soil. Not bad but enough to cook some tips. Whups. She’s is clearly a different pheno. Smaller buds, thinner, doesn’t look sativa but not a fat indica dom either. Hopefully she will be fire.

You can also see the corintos in the background. I swear that one is still stretching to the light. I had to raise it.


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Well-known member
This is my TMH cross update. Both fine ladies are growing along under the leds. Some yellowing happening but other than that, growing well. Bulking up and looks like sending out some new pistils. I like the top cola starting to bend with weight. Two different phenos. For a while the fatter one smelled like ka5h mother but that has faded. The other has a smell closer to the father. winter green spearmint type. That also faded though.


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Well-known member
Week 8 of flower in the tent. The calcium nitrate has stopped any further progression of yellowing. I’m going to be adding blood meal to my soil next grows for nitrogen.

I must have picked up @aliceklar ’s cold. Been almost a week and can’t shake this thing. It’s making my arthritis/neuralgia/mystery illness kick into high gear which just plain sucks.

I’m getting a bit concerned with my tent temps and humidity. I don’t know what’s up this winter but humidity is remaining high. With lights off temps are from 65-70 and humidity is about 60-65, usually about five degrees apart. Air flow is good and so far nothing hinting of rot or mold. @StickyBandit what is your humidity?? I don’t want to see my corintos rot.

Corintos are doing their sativa thing. Slow and steady and holding their own with a few shots of calcium nitrate. I have three plants and three phenos. My favorite expression is the curled leaved plant. The bud structure looks Similar to my thin pheno ka5h. Columbian/haze pheno has to be. Another pheno tall thin and somewhat fat buds. Three good sized spires . Bending this plant worked perfectly vs topping. The last pheno is the giant beast of a plant. Branches everywhere no rhyme or reason . This one is wild.

This one is the clawed pheno and is somewhat leaning on the tall thin pheno.



This is the tall thin pheno. Not a bad pheno and in quite good shape.




And finally the beast.


Edit: this one belowis actually my thin pheno ka5h in the foreground and the corinto behind left and right.



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Well-known member
Hey blondie, looking good there bud (y)
I think yours are much bushier than mine at that age, we're in the 60s for humidity although it gets higher. Just waiting for it to cool down a little and I'll go out and chop, probably later so no visitors turn up
Keep up the good work, and hope you feel better


Well-known member
My fast fat ka5h with the large corinto to the side. This plants pistils are starting to brown ever so slightly. I’m looking at the phenos for ka5h and thinking maybe this one is NL leaner. The other seems haze/columbian leaner. @bunika check it out...

I’m going to get the dehumidifier going in a few days. No need to chance it.

@X15 thanks! I’m so looking forward to harvest. Just a race to the finish line now.


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Well-known member
Note to self: ka5h clone went into flower three days ago.

The grow is steadily moving along. The fast ka5h continues to put on girth and pistils are increasingly brown. One TMH looks close to me at 9 weeks. The other still has a ways to go. On another note, I’m going to add another light to the tent and am looking for ballast recommendations if anyone has a good quality one they trust.

Both TMH here at 9 weeks. First the pistils are mostly browned though I see a hint of reflowering. The other can be seen still very white and needs more time. Anyone think the first plant is about ready?


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