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Contra D - Chem D x C4DD - Info and grow-along.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Looking great @Wotcha - you folks should check out the full thread over at OG - search up 'chem hunt'..

i just harvested my Contra D plant after taking some nice pics.. but there was no sim in the camera! - doh!
so i went back and took some pics of my poorly trimmed nugs instead - luckily there is minimal trimming anyway with contra D lol.
at nine weeks or a shade over, smells like a more piney chem..



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I was cheating a little, that pic above was taken 9 days ago.
23/25 germination (one cell had 2 seeds in it and i moved the extra seedling into a vacant cell)
looks to be about 6 'little D'/streaky twisted plants and the rest look 'big D' so far.... close to 75% which makes sense.....


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi again, ive done some light pollination of all the girls and have pretty much all of them cloned.
Nice looking plants i will try and get some proper pics in a week or so. Looking forward to sampling these!
here are a couple of them this morning under the lights, about 4 weeks.




Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hi all, the 7 Contra D girls are at 6-7 weeks now and really starting to pong !

i'm going to pull 2-3 out each day and take pics... i think if i took them all out of the cab in one go then i might stink the area up to much. They all smell very Chem D like but there are subtle variations.
Plant 4, this has a Victory V / Piney edge to the chem funk

Plant 1 is very much at the sweaty/shitty end of Chem

more Pics tomorrow.
I still have the most potent of my original Contra D girls from the test grow and that will get flowered and pollinated too. I'm interested in how the new girls match up to it as it is a real favorite of mine but these original two are very similar and the only ones i have smoked to date.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Here's 3 more.

Plant 7 was short and the only one not to be topped.. so it will win the biggest cola competition against all the other topped plants. This one is Fuel, leather and a bit of pine alongside the Chem Funk

Plant 5 , this is chem funk and not much else atm,

and Plant 3, this has a sharp fruity edge to the Chem.

2 more to show tomorrow,
VG :tiphat:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
And the last two, these seem to have a more piney / leathery / musky edge that competes with the chem.
Plant 2 is one that i have my eye on as it seemed to frost up earlier and looks a good all rounder

Lastly plant 6

There is a lot of plants to get my head round here and they all smell quite a bit.. its easy to get overwhelmed after sniffing a few. perhaps one a day to evaluate the terps when they are nearly ready.
Ive kept one branch unpollinated as best i can on each plant to evaluate the smoke. Looking forward to that bit. Both of the Contra girls ive tried so far are a great tasty smoke, one is a bit more potent than the other so that one will also get seeded to add to this batch. If any of the new plants don't measure up smoke-wise then i'll not include that plant's seeds in the batch.
VG :tiphat:


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Whilst the new Contra D plants wait to be sampled (i'm pleased they smell similar to the couple of female plants ive been running for a while)
I saved a little nug of Chem D and a nug of Contra D 1 (the original female from the test grow) to compare . These have been in the Jar a few months
Chem D on left, Contra D on right

The smell is actually a lot more similar than i imagined, but not exactly the same.. The Contra D has slightly more pine and spicy terps and a little less of the shitty/sweaty nasty chem smells. (pine is there in Chem D but it is a background smell and quite subtle)
Taste-wise i have to say that this Contra D nug tastes similar to Chem D but a lot stronger and better taste - quite noticeable (my friend who helps me evaluate buds said that his wife commented on the taste of Contra D and she 'never' usually comments on the taste of weed)
Potency, i would say the Contra D hits harder and is a bit more potent in its euphoric onset, but also the high is shorter lived than the Chem D and both i find quite sleepy at the end.
VG :tiphat:


i'm really liking the looks of this, i'm thinking this contra d or the c4dd f2s you've got, once i get my shit together and scrape up some change... would you say the contra d is probably a better choice for an experienced grower? cause of the variation? i'll prolly go with the c4dd since i'm a newb to growing.

very potent, heavy tingly bodystone, couchy. head is sleepy but quite clear thinking and introspective..has a similar effect on visuals to the D .. kind of slight trippy background colours like you've just been rubbing your eyes.
yeah man, this is all what i seek in a good chem D heavy cross... there is a heaviness (that i can push through if needed), with a stellar body buzz that compels me to wanna lay down... and then this nice dissociative, introspective (but not crazy) head high and that extra visual layer of hazy irridescense and waviness that actually has really good legs. hitting another strain even hours later tends to keep the D fx going.

my favorite dense and recreational hybrid high for a good evening, and tends toward the medicinal (joint pain, g.i. stuff) to boot.