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construction stories. the good and the bad


Active member
Chainsaw day! Either im cutting brush away from the shorty fence im getting one of my guys to do it.

If someone else does the sawing ill do fence repairs. I dont mind chainsaw but preffer woodwork to cutting brush


Just Say Grow
isn't stihl's dealer days sale coming up? a chainsaw is still something I'm lacking...since I pinched/broke the tip off of the guide on a little pos electric poulin that I picked up for dirt cheap


Active member
What kind of chainsaw? Every one in the tree business know Stihls are the best!

You know what it is buddy.only the best for this guy!

I only use top quality tools. Always have, alwahs will. That cheap chinese shit dosent do fuck all and feels wack in your hands.

My father in law is a ryobi fan. He just got a lime green chainsaw from them. Couple weeks ago.

Thos is good i was with him when he bought it. He wanted a 40v battery (cause hes a idiot) and so he picks up the first ryobi box. Im like thats 2 stroke gas are you ok? So he goes fine ill take it. He hates looking dumb in front of me. So we get to the till and hes like what is 2 stroke? Really? So i explaimed it. So then he didnt want it. Fuck head its a chainsaw, too bad. You get 2 stroke.
He was pissed having to mix the oil nd gas, and madder when i wrote 2 stroke only on the jerry. Hes like whrt are you doing? I laughed and told him to try reading it for a change. It says 2 stroke only you cant just throw normal gas in there now. Fucking tool.

We were helping each other on jobs recently, but i got real mad at him for getting in my giys face. So i told him ill fucking fire him. He told me i cant. So we almost threw down he held his hand up and i told him if he swings hes going to the er. Strait up i would have fucked him up before any of my guys could have got close to us. Im so much faster than him, hes watched me catch shit out of midair i drop, i fell off the side of my truck once in the rain and landed on my feet after a flip. He wouldnt stand a chance. He knows its real, it will happen and if we were alone with no witnesses i probably would have handled it a little different. He knows though, i may seem timid at times (when im realy high) but im not, im just as scarry as he is but 20 years younger and in better shape and walk around with a attitude thats pretty much fuck you come at me and im going to try and beat you to death. Its a gamble because im trying to win so think twice.

Violence is a mid to last resort to me. I find it distasteful but i have no qualms deffending myself or anyone else. Ill admit i find fighting thrilling but ive never lost in my life so probably wouldnt be as much fun if i took a loss.

Ive walked away pretty hurt a couple times tho. Lost a molar to a suckerpunch. Never worse tho, which is lucky.


Active member
What kind of chainsaw? Every one in the tree business know Stihls are the best!

Mines a ms 201 i think. The high displacement arbours saw. I dont want to hurt the trees if i can help it, so i choose what they use to do tree surgery. I have a foresty one too for bigger trees.

Fell off a 6 foot retaining wall today while using my saw. Felll backwards, instinctively threw the saw away from me.

Tore up my hand pretty nice grabbing a fenceboard trying to stop my fall.

Fuck sakes nice...


Well-known member
Its just a flesh wound!! No but seriously the same thing happened to my buddy he almost cut his whole leg off.he was real lucky.ahh he was drunk though so.... but I'm glad your still alive to tell the tale buddy!!


Active member
Its just a flesh wound!! No but seriously the same thing happened to my buddy he almost cut his whole leg off.he was real lucky.ahh he was drunk though so.... but I'm glad your still alive to tell the tale buddy!!

Yeah but the big one i had to pull a big chunk of rotten wood out of it. That was fun.

Nasty cuts on hands, they suck. In this industry it happens but can be a crippler. We need our hands.

Ill have to take some time off. I twisted when i fell and it hurts alot.

I tossed the saw instantly. I felt weigtless and its all i could think of was throwing it away from myself.

Chainsaws are fucking serious. People dont think legs get cut off, ttey do. Ive met several chainsaw accident victims, on a forrest guy from bc. He was missing his left hand strait up. It mad me feel really sad when he told me what happened.

Poor tool maintenance and lack of proper training. A deadly combonation. Never hand a rookie a chainsaw. He worked in the department of lands and forests or whatever its called, but after that he worked a desk. His boss told him cant have no one handed lumberjack... Then hes only got one hand to grab one eyed jack... Fuck sakes the man lost a hand and you tell him that?

Majour thunderstorm here. Nice means damage to property, amd more work. Ill be out quoting o thursday im sure. No work until monday at least


Well-known member
Truer words have never been spoken.NEVER HAND A ROOKIE A CHAINSAW!!! shit you should see the damage by me.we had micro bursts and trees just exploded


Well-known member
Sorry I didn't pm you CoCo but its hard to figure this Android shit out.cant aforrd a real computer.any way my roofing buddy died.alcohol and drugs we assume.don't know until the autopsy. but he was a great guy.could tear off a roof like nobody's bussiness.RIP Adam


Active member
Sorry I didn't pm you CoCo but its hard to figure this Android shit out.cant aforrd a real computer.any way my roofing buddy died.alcohol and drugs we assume.don't know until the autopsy. but he was a great guy.could tear off a roof like nobody's bussiness.RIP Adam

I figured something happened buddy. Its not a problem. Ill send you a pm in a bit here and ill talk to you about what we were talking about.

Sorry youe buddy passed man. Thats really fucking shitty news.


Active member
Truer words have never been spoken.NEVER HAND A ROOKIE A CHAINSAW!!! shit you should see the damage by me.we had micro bursts and trees just exploded

Yeah i wouldnt hand a rookie a chainsaw. Ive never witnessed arms or legs cutoff and dont want to see it. Seen fingers buzzed more than once, not thanks


Well-known member
My sentiments exactly CoCo.I don't wanna see that shit either.why anyone would handle a chainsaw drunk is beyond me.but I've seen it.they are just real lucky.it will kill them eventually. cest le vie


Active member
My sentiments exactly CoCo.I don't wanna see that shit either.why anyone would handle a chainsaw drunk is beyond me.but I've seen it.they are just real lucky.it will kill them eventually. cest le vie

Chainsaw and liquor.... Fuck sakes it makes me sick to think about


Well-known member
Heh I can see a trailer park boy episode with Ricky doing that with a chainsaw.hell he always shoots himself in the foot.but if I'm derailing your thread just let me know CoCo.


Active member
This is a thread for all of us man. Several members have vm, pm letting me know they fimd this thread either relaxing, theraputic or fun. So now thats what its here for. The first pages are lots of good stories, and more to come surely, so theres room for us to gab.

Im one of those who shoots off track regularly. You cant really derail my thread. I do it too, and honestly i enjoy it. I live to talk...

Far as im concerned, now the thread is here if any of us have something to say, want to seek advice, talk about being hurt recently. This is now just the construction thread, its here for all of us for whatever we need it for!

Hey buddy ive been busy too, but ill pm you here in a bit.


if it smells like fish
did my chainsaw days ... my buddy had a 2 person saw even ..big heavy bastard... he was in wood and tree business even had sawmill ,planer ect ect ect... I did some tree work arborist for a bit... I loved climbing the trees a whole lot..was way fun for me..yeehaw..only time I was worried was when I had to drop 4 trees beside my greenhouses...went fine tho like usual.. I sold my climbing gear a bit back...while not construction I had to hang a expensive framed/boxed oldass map bought for like 10k$$..4x6.... man the studs were all over the place ..had to keep going till I found a stud...was like a shitload of tiny holes to do it.. I don't know who built that place but they should be shot...patched holes and they were hidden behind anyhow...fast cash


New member
He asked me to respond to your question. I am his wife.

He was being a rude prick to someone on another thread. Its not permanent and hes learned his lesson. Hes got some anger problems and stuff.

I was supposed to do all the online stuff this grow but he kinda took over. I let him because works been stressful and alot of this growing stuff is over my head.