we got in the game, we know the rules & supposedly the consequences. thats why there is such profit, because it is illegal... and grows like this are for profit, no doubt about it.
its our responsibility to leave the place as we found it, and if not, the expense to fix it is fully ours... certainly not the homeowners bad. they rented in good faith, and we are responsible for our end.
you should be held accountable, thats part of the game that you decided to play... same w the rest of us.
and yes, that doesnt mean the laws & pigs arent fucked up... yes they are. but so is the situation for an unsuspecting homeowner, unless they were in on the deal & taking a cut... then they assume some risk too.
Fully aware of what my responsibility is as a grower. But if you dont have a chance to leave it how you got it, this is an example of what CAN happen...
Have had multiple houses since this, and got my deposit back with every one...