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Concept's Coco Cabana!


Active member
Hi everyone. Well this will be my very first grow log here at ICMag, and wanted to make it a nice start, So, I just went out and even got myself a new Digital camera... (8MP, 3x Optical zoom, nothin special)

Well for the first time in any of my grows, I am jumping on the Coco bandwagon. After seeing the success that many have had with this medium, I am very excited to see what results I have compared to soil. Honestly Soil was hit or miss with me. Id try a different soil mix everytime to try and dial things in, but Id never quite seem to get it. Hoping that using Rez and Head's feeding plans as a guidline for my grow will help out a lot of those problems.

Well here goes....The stuff you wanna know...

Here's what I have germinating:
4 MOD Godberry
4 SOL Blubonic
4 Outlaw Grower SFV OGK x Double Purple Doja (Thanks very much to Outlaw for the generosity for the tester beans!! Hope I do em up good for ya!)
3 Nirvana Shiva (Freebies)

GH CocoTek Mixed Bricks
GH Flora Bloom
GH Flora Micro
GH Liquid Kool Bloom
GH PH up and down
Hanna Ph Meter
Hanna PPM/TDS Meter

Veg Lighting:
64 Watts of T8 Flourescents for seedlings
400W CMH Conversion Bulb for 400W HPS Balast

Flowering Lighting:
400W HPS CoolTube

Well I gave all 12 beans a soak at around 4 PM Sunday, June 15th. Within 12 hrs, all 4 Blubonic and 1 of the OGK x DPD had nice white taproots. Within another 6 hrs all the bean had sunk and had crakced with several more sporting tails....This morning, all seeds had cracked and had mini-tails. So far so good :rasta:

So this evening I finally got around to potting the seeds that were ready. 4 Blubonic and 2 OGKxDPD began their journey in the Coco...Just waiting for the rest to develop larger taproots, then all will be joining the party.

Heres a shot of all the (potential) ladies in their Solo cup homes...

I guess its not much to see yet, but hopefully things will be picking up very shortly! So far all I can say is that I was shocked how fast the OGK and Blubonic popped...12/12 may be my best germ ratio yet, so Im pumped!!

Hope to have something to update soon guys!

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Active member
How about a few more random budshots of some bagseed ladies which got the chop a while ago... Hopefully there will be some actual progress on my Coco adventures to update!:headbange

Enjoy(Sorry for all the crispies...this lady got nearly a 3 week flush...:deadhorse

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Active member
Well, it doesnt look like anyone was exactly dying for updates:laughing:
Thats good though, because I had a major setback or 2....

The first group of seeds I germinated (4 Godberry, 4 Blubonic, 4 OGK x DPD) all popped above ground, but I unfortunately watered a bit too often...I took the rule of keeping the coco wet a little overboard, and all the little ones damped off and died :spank: :bashhead: :spank:

But, I didn't let it get the best of me, and immediately began germinating more seeds... This time, however, I decided to go with a little more variety...

So here's what I germed for the Cabana this go-round:
4 Blubonic
4 Godberry
3 Shiva
1 SweetTooth #3 (there was an 11th seed in a pack of 10, figured why not)

All of the seeds germed, except for 1 OGK x DPD...it was my fault however as it got a tad too hot during germ and died. :spank:

But things are moving along steadily...everything is looking healthy and are anywhere from 3-7 days old... So here are some pics...

Blubonic - Group Shot

Blubonic A

Blubonic B

Blubonic C

(didnt grab a pic of D... :spank:)

OGK x DPD - Group Shot




Godberry - Group Shot

Godberry A

Godberry B

Godberry C

Godberry D

Shiva - Group Shot

Shiva A

Shiva B

Shiva C

Well thats all for now...No pics of the Swt3 baby, as it's barely broken the soil....

Cant wait for these to progress further...Ill be sure to keep updating even if Im the only one looking :laughing:

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Shit bro I didn't know ya had a thread, I'll be checkin this out brotha.


Active member
Hey Zoo! Honored to have ya man!:wave:

Yeah this thread got pretty buried as I didnt have anything to update yet... Things are movin along real nice now, so Ill have more to update soon!

Thanks for stoppin by man!

Awesome ConceptofSleep those are some nice selections. What strain was that with the beautiful foxtails? :lurk:
edit: I read it again and saw you said it was a bagseed that was a cool find.

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Yeah dude, it took me some hard lessons to learn about over-watering when they're young. Just hydrate them, dont pour water through their container. As they begin to grow (quickly I might add) start to give them some more. In full bloom, you could pretty much water everyday, twice if you like (2x per day depends alot on container size too tho). In my situation, growing pure stout indy's in 2g container's of pure coco, I like watering every other day, thru full bloom.


Active member
Outlaw my friend! Glad you could make it! Im hoping to do these ladies proud for ya! I still have a half a pack left for another run, after a few casaulties to damping off. Thanks once again for the great genetics!

Hey OldPath :wave: Thanks for stopping by. I thoght the selections were nice myself, bt Ive still gotta thank Outlaw for the generosity on the testers! Yup they were bagseeds found by an old friend I lost touch with. I never smoked the buds, but he told me it was purple and dank, so I gave em a run... Havent smoked it yet as its still curing...It didnt have much odor at all during flower, but it certainly has bag appeal :rasta:

Eijneb, thanks for the tips on the watering. I was initially watering with a watering can and having a little run-off. I tried to keep the soil moist, so I never let it dry out, like I should have when they were young. Now I use a spray bottle to keep the coco moist until they start taking off, then Im using a normal watering can and will probabaly allow a bit to drain, as I have heard that can help prevent salt buildup in the coco.

Thanks so much for stopping in guys, Ill be updating fairly regularly, and will probably post up some of the pics of my building of my new flowering cab!

Stay safe and Stay High!
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Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hey Concept - If you grow them, they will come.... :biglaugh:

You've certainly got your thumb in a lot of pies just like my man Zoo there, the master of the multi-strain. I'll be looking forward to seeing your grow mate, you've got a very nice selection of beans.

Catch you around :wave:
ConceptOfSleep said:
Outlaw my friend! Glad you could make it! Im hoping to do these ladies proud for ya! I still have a half a pack left for another run, after a few casaulties to damping off. Thanks once again for the great genetics!

good testers are hard to come by, if you test em they will come lol


:woohoo: Nice lineup there bro. Imma tag this one as well :woohoo: That's what I like, fall off the horse, just brush it off, and get right back on. Were here for ya too. Well.....I don't have any experience with coco yet, but perhaps you can help sway me.



Active member
Well, some quick updates...though no new pics of the children...

I waited a bit too long to feed them...and noticed yellowing on the cotelydons so I gave them all a feeding... 2mlGrow & 2mlMicro per gallon...Ph'd to 5.9, PPM of 335. They seem to be picking up quite nicely now! I saw them perk up and get darker green in about 2 hrs!:woohoo:

One little bit of bad news:badday: When I was inspecting the babies after the feed, I noticed some very tiny, yello bugs on the leaves. Not many, but then I noticed there were what looked like trails in some of the leaves (I assume where they ate)... They dont move like caterpillars, and are very very tiny... NOT Spider Mites, and I dont think Thrips... They were mostly on the Shiva and Godberry...They seemed to have left the Blubonic and OGK x DPD alone completely.

Anyway, I hit em all with some Organicide (which I hear works great, and has done amazing in my vegetable garden), and I havent seen a single bug yet...Only some dead ones :dueling: I have noticed a bit of weird purple tiny dots since I sprayed them with Organicide however... I also saw this on my tomatoes outside. It said on the bottle that this might happen to certain tomato varieties if overapplied, so I guess I will be sure to dilute the Organicide if I need to apply again. I think I may give them another application before they go into flower, just to make sure they are healthy and bug free before they go anywhere near the brand new flower cab.

Well anyway...I figred I would fill the empty space between updates with some bud porn... Here are some more shots of what I call "Purple Fox"... Some of you may have seen some other pics of this lady in the "Free your Budshots" thread...and I posted a few hear...However I found many pics I thought I had lost which are right from before harvest...
I think all of these pics are from around 90 days but I can only be sure about a few...

Hope you enjoy!

I really cannot wait to smoke this lady.... She has the most bag appeal out of anything I have grown so far...(Which may not be saying much since its all been bagseed or nameless gifted beans like the "Purple Fox")

Updates coming soon!



Active member
Cmon, now Sammett, you're gonna make me blush over here, gettin compared to Zoo! I can only hope for that one day! I just like a lil variety! I can tell you do too!...Its the Spice of Life, so they say! (Bad pun TOTALLY intended)...lol

Outlaw...Thanks man! Im gonna be the best damn tester I can be... I can definitely say that right now, OGK x DPD A is the healthiest of all the plants I have goin now... They are all still small, but since the feeding yesterday, It has grown signifigantly!

Brother Monk! Thanks for stopping by! And thanks for the words or encouragement! Im definitely not one to let little failures get to me...Thats the best way to learn what I need! And if I have questions, I definitely will send some your way... I know you have your shit dialed in tight!

Ill see what I can do bout convincin ya to hop on the Coco train! Im lovin the growth so far, even when I messed up and waited too long to feed:spank:

Thanks for stoppin by everybody!

Stay High and Be Well

Man, I'm such a fan of the 'Purple Fox', did you find a male out of that batch of bagseeds? You could make a cross and see how the line segregates in the offspring. It'd be nice to work on stabilizing that line, or making a hybrid out of it and then working to stabilize. I think it would be a nice cross to something from the blueberry fam that expresses the Highland Oaxaca Gold influence. It's just a beautiful plant!! :D


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Nice thread you got here. Those are some really nice buds, I like the last one how the tops are all seperated and twirly, cool shit. Ive got bagseeds growing and I can only hope it looks something like that.

Smoke on :joint:


Active member
Hey OldPath... No males...I only germed 3 seeds, and this was the only one that made it the whole way through my abuse...:spank: I have definitely thought of making some crosses with it though... As soon as I noticed the crazy foxtails and the purpling, I immediatley thought of some of DJs work that I have seen do some crazy foxtailing as well... I dont have any of DJs gear to get pollen from, but I have lots of ideas... There are a lot of crosses goin on in my brain, and hopefully some can make it to the Bay as freebies.

Hey Prof Sublime! Thanks for stopping by and for the compliment on the pics. The plant really is something beautiful to look at...Hopefully she smokes as good as she looks. The foxtails are VERY thick and dense...Any other foxtails Ive seen have just been thin and whispy...Not the case with the Purple Fox... The foxtails are something I just love to see...Its so pretty to see the stack of calyxes shoot to the sky:smoke:

I hope you get some good turnouts from your seeds as well...Athough Im not sure if these are "technically" bagseed...I was gifted them from a friend...He used to grow as well, so they may have been made by him, whether accidental or on purpose, I have no idea...

This lady just reinforces my beleif that bagseed can be great...I have found many special moms from some bagseed grows... I had one which looked super Kushy to me...Even had the crystal coated fan leaves with the curls on the edges like the Bubba... It had a very strong chemical cleaner smell...Made your nose sting when you broke open a nug... tried to re-veg her with no luck.... That taught me never to forget to clone all the plants I run... I never wanna lose that killer mom or dad ever agian..

Thanks for stopping by guys! Things are running smooth...Think I got rid of 90% of the mystery bugs, and they have picked up and are growing exponentially since I gave them the feeding.

Ill have an update w/ pics by thursday

Be Well everyone!


Cozy Amnesia

Hey Concept, what brand of coco do you use and how do you prepare it?

Those were so really fucking bomb looking flowers you posted! bud of the month?


Active member
Hey Cozy... I use General Hydroponics CocoTek Bricks. Each brick breaks out to about 2.5 gallons of medium. I use Fine bricks for seedlings, and every transplant after that I use Mixed bricks. The Mixed bricks have large chunks of coconut husk, which I think makes a better medium once the plants establish a nice rootball in the Fine Coco. I mix up the Coco with about 25-30% Perlite. Nothing else. Just remember to flush the coco well with plain water Ph'ed to 5.8-6.0 The growth in coco is explosive, but its pretty sensitive to Ph problems. Once you figure that out, its smooth sailing.

Prof., yeah foxtails...I really love the way they look. Any other plants I grew that foxtailed werent very dense or nearly as thick as these are... You cant tell from the pics I guess, but each foxtail is thicker than one of my fingers...

Thanks to you both for the pic compliments...Bud of the month sounds like a nice title..lol

Well I only stopped by to post a few more pics I had taken of the Purple Fox...There are some Macros too, since I finally figured out how to get some decent ones. This is just a little bud porn to hold ya over for a lil while... Ill have pics and updates on the lil babies after lunch :D
Its been a good day so far...Got a pack of H3ead's Casey Jones and HTC's Powerhouse (DeepChunk x C99) so Im pretty pumped...decided to post up some more shots...

see you guys after lunch!

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