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Concept's Coco Cabana!


Active member
Hey thanks a lot stc9357! glad that I could convince some folks to hop on the Coco trail... It really is a great growing medium... I highly doubt that Ill ever be switching back to soil. Its too easy to give the plants exactly what they need in Coco. Thanks for subscribing!

Well no pictures as of right now, but It turns out that ALL 3 OGK x DPDs are females, so there should be a nice lil variety of phenos from that cross!!! Im fuckin puuuumped!!

So here is my Female Line-up:
3 Godberry
2 Shiva
1 Blubonic

all are about 14-20 inches tall, and just under 2 months old (they have been in Solo cups there whole lives, so I assume they would be bigger had I transplanted)

Ive also kept the SWT#3 stud alive and well (and he is getting HUGE) as well as Blubonic C and D(B started to autoflower and actually drop empty pollen sacks, more than likely from being so rootbound) and Shiva B to be able to chuck some pollen...After I collect the pollen, I will most likely chuck the males, but Ive clones the SWT stud, and may keep 1 of the Blubonics if either are impressive in their flower production/density...

So there will be some pretty amazing smells, flavors and colors coming along very soon!! After another trip to Home Depot, everything should be set, and the 12/12 adventure starts.... Although I may still have to do some topping or supercropping on the OGK x DPD ladies, as Joesy was talking about how his 8inch ladies stretched to 3 feet.... All 3 of mine are anywhere from 14-18 inches, so the should turn into some monster OGK beasts!!!

Stop back by soon, cuz things are gonna get interesting fast now!!!

Be Well and Stay Safe!
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Active member
Hey thanks for stoping on in Aero! Glad to have ya enjoyin the show... I do have quite the lil collection goin especially since Ive only been buying beans online since May...:laughing: Speaking of which, I just got my 2nd pack of Bubba Bx1 that logic sent out.

Ive got too many strains to pick what to get going for the next run... I was gonna run the line-up thats in my sig (SWT3, DSD, Bubblelicious, and DPxSk1) but I am thinking that since the current run is gonna be going till late Oct/early november, I might take advantage of the cold winter weather here and run something truly and utterly dank... Maybe some of Grindhouse's Sour Bubble and a few of Kyrpto's Bubba or SFV instead of Bubblelicious and DurbanxSkunk. Oh what a dillema :muahaha:

Well either way, I (finally) got around to transplanting the ladies into their 3gal homes... They are all looking a lot happier and are really taking off now. Tmr is the final trip to HomeDepot for a starting collar, then installing the exhaust fan, the passive intake and then its off to the races:woohoo:

Oh I also decided that one of the Godberry's just wasn't up to snuff... I took 3 cuttings just incase some dont root, and tossed the original...It was getting a little root rot (most likely from being in that damn Solo cup for so long) and didnt wanna waste the precious space with something that might end up causing a lot of problems... That and it turns out I can only fit 8 girls in there without cramping things too severely...

So Its gonna be 3 (SFV)OG Kush x Double Purple Doja, 1 Blubonic, 2 Godberry, and 2 Shiva... The smells from the OGK x DPD is just amazing... I had them all alone while I was transplanting, and the stank from these ladies was like a punch to the face...I guess with all the fans in the cab atm, the smell was getting a lil lost. I saw Dogsnob put some pics of the OGKxDPD over at the farm and DAMN do they look impressive...I simply cannot wait to get these babes goin. Gonna be a nice mix of kushy, berry, and skunky smells commin outta the Cabana in the next few weeks!!!

Hope everyone continues to enjoy the show!

Be Well and Stay Safe!


Active member
Concept, i think i got as excited as you did when i read that you have 3 OGK x DPD girls! Immediately started to imagine (OGK x DPD) x SwT#3. Really though, i'm trying to imagine OGKush and Double Purple Doja. mmm, mmm.

Your plants look so healthy and strong. You are going to have an awful lot of buds in there.

So what's the story on the Shiva?

Bagging the males and even in a seperate cab sounds perfect. Have you collected pollen before? Bagging's cool because you can snip off the top under the bag and take that bad boy into another room to package up. Shit'll get everywhere like a little miniduststorm if you even open the bag too fast.

Very interested in how the NYCD x SWT turns out...Thats a cross I had in my mind using AnnaCs NYCD F2s...Hopefully some super grapefruit phenos in that cross as I think Buck was selecting for GF phenos

The NYCD I have is an F2 from annaC. It has a super sour lemony limey smell. It'll stink up the whole house if you open a jar. Maybe the best pot I have.

EDIT: I've chopped and I'm smoking the nycd x swt now. It's real good. :joint:
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Wow Great Job COS!! YOur doing it right man, keepin track and all that jazz. I hope you get some real keepers out of there........Im jealous on some of those good strains bro!! Good LUCK!! Sleep well. Time for an update!!


Active member
Hey Hazy and Purkle... And anyone else who is reading this...

Sorry for no updates, things hit a bit of a snag... I was not able to keep temps down enough to feel comfortable to start flowering when I thought I could... after some work and adjustments, I managed to get things where I could be satisfied for now, plus with winter weather on the horizon, I know it will get cooler.

However, last week when I went to get ready to flower these babes (which are getting enourmous by the way) had gotten attacked by the dreaded Spider Mites.....:bashhead: Well I immediately ran to my local store and stocked up on Organicide, however, they still have some mites on them, so I am re-applying at least once a week.

Some of these lady's seem fairly Mite-Proof however... The Godberry's look to havent gotten touched by them... The Shiva's have some signs or infestation, but no real signs of damage other than some leaf damage... The OGK x DPD's lower leaves look slightyly more damaged than the Shiva's, however they have considerably less Mites on them... However, the one I am really worried about is my single, lone Blubonic female.... She is getting attacked the worst, and seems to be the source of the mites, as it is one of the only ones that seems to have them at all times. Well Im hoping I will figure this all out, and be able to keep their heights down so I still have enough space to flower them...

I have contemplated taking several clones of each, keep hitting the clones with the Organicide, and start over fresh after the Cab gets a serious cleaning/possible Bug Bomb... What do people think about that? Is this my best option?

Now on a negative, and very sad note... the Mites did take some casualties... All of the Males I had... (1 SWT#3, 3 Blubonic, 1 Shiva....) were completely destroyed... My mom/dad area was hit pretty hard... The moms of a few rare bagseed finds (like Purple Fox, and a bagseed from some imported Paki from '02-'03) were hit fairly hard... I managed to keep the mom of the supposed Paki alive, but the Purple fox unfortunately met its end...(im talking webs and everything...seriously fucked up...)

But, I think I have that mostly under control for now... The Flower cab is what scares me now, as I dont want to start flowering till I know these lil fuckers are gone... Im gonna keep using Organicide, but may hit them a single time with some Flora-Mite or something like that. Any Ideas??

Be Safe and Be Well
get your self either some avid or floramite and mix it with some "stirrup M" and getting rid of them will be easy. the stirrupm is a phermone that attracts the mites right to the poison so even if the spray doesnt hit them they will travel to it and poison themselves. has worked great in the past for me. i prefer the floramite/stirrup m combo


Active member
bummer about the damn mites. Sorry for you loss of the purple fox. :fsu:
Good to know that Godberry is a mite resistant strain.
I don't know how to attack them, maybe neem oil?
I'd take cuts of each and flip them bitches if the mites are under control.
Seems like you need to have a bunch of godberry clones to run so your mite worries would be less. I'm glad they aren't attacking the ogk x dpd too bad. that's got to be good stuff.


Active member
Outlaw! Thanks so much... I heard of Stirrup-m, but had no idea what it actually was... Those are great tips, and Ill be on the hunt for FloraMite and the Stirrup M.

The OGK x DPD babe are actually doing well with the Mites...some lower leaves got eaten pretty bad, but there arent any visible mites on the leaves like there are on the Blubonic and the Shivas to a lesser extent. Here's hoping I can save all these lovely ladies!

Hazy, thanks for the kind words my man...Im hit pretty hard about loosing the Fox as well, but it happens... Im gonna do what I can to make sure I flower these ladies out, but Im pretty sure if I clone them and grow em back out a bit, I wouldn't be too far behind... Also thanks for the suggestions

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Active member
Well folks....

A decision had to be made... Things were getting a lil out of control. The Organicide is keeping the Mites at bay for now, but never seems to deliver the KO to get rid of em for good... Floramite is no-where to be found in my area, and Stirrup-M seems even harder to find.

So, I managed to find branches to clone of just about every plant that were Mite/Egg free... all 3 OGK x DPD, Shiva A, Godberry A, and the lone Blubonic have been cloned and are now awaiting some roots...I am treating the clones every other day with Organicide. I took 2 clone of each, so I can still keep one of each for a mom if they turn out super... I know I will be keeping at least one OGK x DPD mom, but if any of the others are stand-out phenos, they will be kept as well.

In the end, only 1 Shiva and 1 Godberry seem to have lost the fight, as I couldn't even find one branch on either plant which was free of mites or their eggs... Not too bad really, still lets me to run a female of every variety I started. So its gonna be:
3 OGK x DPD (A-C)
1 Shiva (A)
1 Godberry (A)
1 Blubonic

I am still keeping the original seed plants alive until I know that the new clones have rooted and are healthy. Then everything is coming out of the cabinet. Light, fans, mylar, trays, watering can, grow bags, pots.... Even the watering can and other things I use frequently are getting a good thorough cleaning. The Mylar will just be tossed as its covered in Organicide residue as it is. The inside of the cab will get treated with some actual chemical mite insecticide I found in a local shop. Wouldn't feel same using it with the plants in there though. Once I am confident that things inside are nice and clean, the new clones will be given their chance to shine...

Its taken damn long enough... I popped these seeds around the end of June:no: :asskick: Im still confident that even with the delays and problems, these will turn out fantastic, and will leave me with a happy, heavy harvest.

I want to apologize to Outlaw for not getting these testers done sooner... these setbacks have shaken things up a bit, but I still promise to get these ladies the run they deserve. Im sure the plants will be fantastic, its just a factor of my abilities at this point :wink:

So once I am rid of these damn Mites, I just need to focus on keeping them away... Anyone have any tips on Mite prevention rather than eradication?

Be Well and Stay Safe
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Active member
Well just a lil update.... Things are going smoothly but there have been a few hang-ups... It looks like I may not be running Godberry or Blubonic this run unless I can manage to get the clones to perk up and root...

It looks like I've definitely gotten 1 clone of all 3 of the OGK x DPD to root up nicely, however the Godberry and Blubonic clones are giving me some trouble... The Godberrys all bit the dust and the Blubonics seem to be on their way out as well. No huge worries as I still have 15+ seeds of both those varieties so Ill just have to pop some more. The Shiva's are also doing ok, some yellowing on some of the lower leaves, but Im hoping thats because they are finally rooting...

Im just a bit stumped as to why they arent rooting... I use the DIY WalMart cloner that I found over at IC. I usually have 90%+ success rate after about 14 days and I havent changed any of my techniques but some of them just arent rooting... The Godberry started dropping and then just wilted away and died (no yellowing or anything) and the Blubonic is doing the same now. Perhaps its because of the colder temperatures, I have the cloner sitting in a small plastic tub with about an inch and 1/2 of water... Should I maybe put a heat mat under the tub to keep the water temps a bit warmer? The only thing I did differently was to give them a light nutrient solution instead of plain water that I usually give... 4ml of each Grow, Bloom, and Micro... Do you think this could be what is hurting the unrooted clones?

Any tips would help... I would really rather not have to start from scratch on all the beans, especially when I know I have those 3 OGK x DPD females.

Well Ill be trying everything I can think of to save these clones and get the rest to root, but It looks like the Godberry and Blubonic just might not make it for this run... That still leaves me with 3 phenos of OGK x DPD and 1 Shiva pheno.
