Thank You ...Guys/Gals
I'm still around..
I'm just over @
alot more
alot of My friends IRL R over there
I still check - in
over here
and I am still MORE than willing to help ANYONE grow their own personal meds
$$$$ is fer Billz...Not fer Medz
not sure if the dr. still hangs around here or not anymore, so to anyone that might know..earlier on in the thread he stated that he would reveg some plants 3 and 4 times, but he also said he took 3 cuttings a week..which one is it? and if the dr. is still around, thanks for this thread..i will be converting a cabinet myself to apply your style in..thank you
p.s. Dr. budgreengenes, how do i pm you? thnx
anyone know if this can be done from seed????
Some of the strains I have grown SOG like this needed different start heights to finish just under the lights....some flower well at 1" some 3" some 6" you get the idea
anyone know if this can be done from seed????